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[Légi Harcászati / Légvédelmi FAQ]
  • JanáJ
    "Ha van a britteknek egy század Buccaneerjük, mit raktak volna rá? Buta bombákkal mentek volna az Argi hajók ellen?"
    Ez annyi "ha" amire már nem lehet válaszolni.

    "Volt a britt hordozós F-4-eknek bombázási kiképzésük meg valami komolyabb fegyverük, vagy azok is csak buta bombákkal operálthattak volna a légvédelmi feladatok mellett?"
    Lövésem sincs. A wiki csak buta bombákat ír. lézeresről nem tudok, meg nem is lett volna célravezető.

    Shrikera pl ezt írja a wiki. Tudom ez radar elleni és nem F-4, de ennyi erővel bármit feltehettek volna rá ami az amiknak van.

    Although the Shrike missile did not enter regular service with the United Kingdom, it was covertly supplied by the United States to the RAF for use in the Falklands War of 1982. RAF Shrikes were fitted to modified Vulcan bombers in order to attack Argentine radar installations during Operation Black Buck. The main target was a Westinghouse AN/TPS-43 long range 3D radar that the Argentine Air Force deployed during April to guard Falklands' airspace. The Argentine operators were aware of the anti-radiation missiles and would simply turn it off during the Vulcan's approaches. This radar remained intact during the whole conflict. However, air defences remained operational during the attacks and the Shrikes hit two of the less valuable and rapidly replaced secondary fire control radars. After one Vulcan made an emergency landing at Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian authorities confiscated a Shrike which was not returned.[7]