A teljesen értelmetlen és felesleges, de ennek ellenére igen tetszetős marhaságok topikja
  • Lacc
    Hát ez meg... hmm... van ennek magyar megfelelője? :D Ez végülis guminő, csak bárányban :PP

    If you can't drive past a field without drooling, you've got two options. One - seek professional help. Two - get your hands on Dolly, the sexiest inflatable sheep you'll ever see, (Okay, probably the only inflatable sheep you'll ever see.) She'll satisfy all your "animal" desires, without even a telltale "baa" to warn the farmer. Much more fun than an inflatable woman; after all, we've all been there and done that, haven't we? Or maybe that's just us. On second thoughts, maybe professional help is the only option...

    Ez meg egy komment egy váráslótól:
    It's great, the hole's too big though!
    Jeff Westwood, Surrey

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