Infiltration 2.9 - the best realmod!
    HL2 Progress
    Posted by: anonymous on Sunday, June 19, 2005
    Even though things seem somewhat quiet around here, progress has been made on our next project. Current features include free aim, vectorized aiming, leaning, and a unique gametype. What is vectorized aiming you ask? Instead of a simple cone fire that many games employ, the player's movements visibly affect their weapon, which always shoots exactly where it is pointed. We are also experimenting with ways to rest weapons upon objects, in a manner other games do not. The leaning has been implemented so you have full posture control, allowing the player to not only lean left and right but up and down as well.

    ugy nez ki jon HL2 engine ala az uj INF.. es a fentieket olvasva azt kell mondnanom uber dolog is lehet ujra ebbol az INF bol...

    /atnevezne valaki a topikot: Infiltration realmod ra?/