Görögöknek annyi?!
  • KreeztalCODE
    LAW NUMBER 3037 - 30 July 2002


    The President of Greek Republic
    We issue the following law which was voted by the Greek Parliament

    Article 1
    Game categories
    According to notion of the commands of the current law:
    a. Mechanical games are those, that depend on one's muscle force.
    b. Electrical games are those, that depend on electrical mechanisms.
    c. Electromechanical games are those that depend on electrical mechanisms and the use of one's muscle force.
    d. Electronic games are those, that depend on both electrical-electronic mechanisms and software.
    e. Entertainment technical games are those, whose result depends exclusively on the ability and skill of the
    player, and are used solely for entertainment.

    The category (e) also includes all card games which had been characterised as
    "technical" games, according to the statement of law F.E.K A21.

    Article 2
    Game prohibition
    1. Operation and installation of any game of type (b), (c) and (d) of Article 1, including computer games,
    placed in public places such as hotels, cafeterias, organization halls and in any other public or private
    place, is prohibited.
    2. Operation of games of type (e) is allowed in devices of type (a). Regarding these games, it is prohibited to place bets.
    Such bets will attract penalties described in Articles 4 and 5.

    Article 3
    Internet cafes
    The prohibition of using computers described in Article 2 does not affect internet cafes, as long as the computers
    are not used for any gaming activities.

    To be able to run an Internet cafe, a special permit is required from the municipal or the state where the
    company is based) and from its starting point (port) if it is a boat based company. According to the first
    application of this measure, the company should be equipped with this permit in three months
    from the issue date of this law.

    az allitolagos torveny.

    amugy egyelore en is szkeptikus vagyok a temaban ...
    azert ilyenrol mar beszamoltak volna ... az info radioban is pl.

    na majd este a hirado ^.^