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Játékos lista
Ha felakarsz kerülni a listára, vagy változtatni akarsz valamit a listán, akkor írj a témaindítónak privát üzenetet..
Blacus27 #192 Hali valaki még játsza a PAYBACK-et? Originen Blacus71 vagyok
Humble Store-ba feltünt pár EA game.
Payback most €4,62 (Humble havi kedvezménnyel. Nélküle 4.99)
+ Más racing game akciók
Asetto Corsa €6,79
WRC 5 €6,79
WRC 6 €6,79
BAJA: Edge of Control HD €6,37
WRC 7 €8,49
Gravel €8,49
Ride 2 €8,49
Aki tolt ebből párat mik azok amik billel is tökéletesek lehet nyerni a gép ellen nem "simszerű" (Nekem pl a Dirt Rally billel esélytelen)
sgteam #189 Hali... nem tudjátok hogy hogyan lehet beállítani a kormányokat a játékhoz? két kormányom is van de egyikkel sem működik rendesen például a kormányváltóm nem vált hanem dudál..... -
Sziasztok! Az elhagyott autók (abandoned cars) offline is elérhetők, érdemes keresnem őket? (virágbolti verzió!)
Akkor mákod van mivel most originen publisher sale van és az alap verzió 4.99euro a deluxe meg 9.99euro
De van ott még NFS Rivals Complete is 9.99-ért
stalker001 #186 Szeretnék játszani multiba haverokkal, csak nekem 3k-nál többet nem ér a játék. :D -
N3mus #185 Ha nem akarsz vele multit játszani csak végig játszani szerintem 14 dollért egy origin prime elég lesz hozzá 1 hónapra de kb annyi idő alatt még a többit is kipróbálhatod. -
stalker001 #184 Sziasztok.
Esetleg ha valakinek csak ez van origin-en és megválna tőle akkor megvenném szívesen. -
JonasSandor #183 Nálatok is az eleje kurva nehéz? -
Szerezd meg ingyen a 3 új DLC-s autót!!! (Info & Help)
15euro most az alapjáték :D -
A 399-es levelcap már elérhető volt egy ideje, pár extra is volt a csomagban! :D -
na végre 399-es lehet már mindegyik autó és megkapjuk a "hiányzó" felniket :D
Június 19.én jön a frissítés
Utoljára szerkesztette: Szabi, 2018.05.29. 14:03:55 -
Unatkozó PC játékosoknak egy kis ajándék! Feltéve persze, hogy az eredeti játék van meg és nem crack-elt - mert azzal nem működik!
Need For Speed Payback Mods
- Az összes verseny engedélyezése (a rejtett, meg nem jelentetett versenyek is)
- Az összes autó engedélyezése (csak aDLC-s autók, a rendőr/civil és egyéb autók még nem)
- Extra tartalmak feloldása
- Az összes csaliláda (BaitCrates) feloldható.
- Teleport versenyekre, eseményekre (amit hivatalosan nem engedélyeztek)
- Megnövelt távolság és zoom lehetőség a PhotoMod alkalmazásban
- A boltban megvásárolhatóak a stock (szürke) 6/9/12/16/18-as kártya csomagok
- Ugratásoknál nincs több videó
- És ha kedved szottyan, akkor fogd a kedvenc autódat és ugorj be vele akármelyik versenyre! Azaz a kedvenc drift verdáddal csúszkálhatsz pár kört akármelyik race, offroad esetleg speedx versenyen! Nincs többé korlátozva...
További információk és letöltés ITT!
Utoljára szerkesztette: goregrind, 2018.05.14. 13:43:09 -
Miért lehet, hogy egy matrica sem elérhető számomra? A decals menüpont alatt a vizualis tuningon belül teljesen üres a lista. -
King298 #175 Ez a Castrol reklám nem kellett volna bele. Az autók irányítása még mindig borzalmas. -
Márciusi patch :
New feature: AllDrive: Activities
New Events: Castrol Edge Titanium Trials
New Car: Pontiac Firebird
New Car: Aston Martin DB5
New Car: Eddies Skyline at level 399
Feature Improvement: Checkpoints removed from Bait Crates
Feature Improvement: Increased spawn rate of Bait Crates
Fixed an issue that would cause players to experience an infinite loading screen when trying to go back to Single Player from Multiplayer.
Players can now collect a poker chip that is located near to the "Danza Macabra" event when driving the McLaren P1.
Autolog recommendations now display the car type and rating used on repeatable events.
We found a rare issue that would cause the game to sometimes hang indefinitely when selecting "swap with warehouse" in AllDrive. It no longer does this.
Fixed an in-game money exploit. We're not angry in you, just disappointed.
The Tune-up shop now displays the correct button prompt for the help option.
Players can no longer navigate through the pause menu after pressing the 'Back' prompt in the multiplayer lobby.
Fixed an issue that would cause some irregular behavior when a player would close the Live Tuning menu near a non-owned garage.
Removed some development text strings from the "Showman Intro" event. These weren't top secret.
There is a rock formation near the "Throwing Skids" drift zone. Previously it had no collision applied to it, it now does. Don't crash.
Players will no longer receive an infinite loading screen when failing to join a full AllDrive: Hangout.
Tune-up shops would sometimes, on rare occasions, display ineligible button prompts. These prompts are now legible.
Brake calipers were present on Ford Mustang, Nissan Fairlady and Chevrolet C10 derelicts even though the stock build already has Drum Brakes. The stock versions now only have drum brakes.
Cycling through a dealership will no longer cause issues when looking at the downloadable cars UI.
Wheelie bars no longer clip through the ground when accelerating in the Chevrolet C10 Drag super build.
Wheelie bars no longer clip through the ground when accelerating in the Chevrolet Bel Air Drag super build.
Wheelie bars no longer float above the ground when accelerating in the Volkswagen Beetle Drag super build.
Wheelie bars no longer float above the ground when accelerating in the Nissan Fairlady Drag super build.
Wheelie bars no longer float above the ground when accelerating in the Ford Mustang Drag super build.
In case you missed it, we fixed some issues with wheelie bars.
Rewards from activities are now displayed correctly within the UI.
Activity Speedwalls now update faster for players in the same server.
Players can no longer get stuck under a trailer near the "Boomville Pursuit" event. As a general rule of thumb, we don't advise driving under trailers.
A White glow used to be present in brake lights on the Lamborghini Huracan.
Equipping Mansory Fenders, Bumpers, or Sideskirts no longer results in players being locked to the Mansory part set on the Lamborghini Huracan.
The progress bar for "next shipment" from the "Challenges" screen now updates after a player completes any daily challenge.
Fixed an issue where players couldn't access Shipments. Side note, this was done via a server fix a week or so ago.
Players are no longer prompted to "Try again later" when accessing the "Challenges" menu.
Speedlist games sometimes enter a state where they are in post-game and matchmaking players to new servers, but also still open to new players joining the decommissioning server. It no longer does this.
Spamming the A button will no longer cause the game to hang when opening shipments. Patience please, nobody likes a button masher.
Players are now reset as expected if they go out of bounds when reaching the area near the fence, to the right side of the ramp near one of the Ford Mustang Derelict parts.
Diffusers on the Nissan GT-R are now using the correct geometry.
You used to be able to change difficulty mid-mission from (for example Hard to Easy) and gain more time per checkpoint without restarting the mission in the Runner time trial "Elysium Dash". Not anymore.
If you started to play the Drag time trial "Safety Last" on Hard and then change the difficulty to Easy without restarting the mission, players would still gain more time per checkpoint than if you'd played on Hard the entire time. Also, not anymore.
The game would sometimes crash when opening the map right before starting an AllDrive: Activity. We fixed this before you even got to experience it.
Watanabe rims on the Honda S2000 no longer clip.
The Rocket Bunny spoiler is now visible on the Honda NSX Type-R
An Invisible wall was present near the rocks in the mountains on the route of the "Pedal to the Metal" speed run activity, stopping players from completing the activity with 3 stars. This invisible wall has been removed.
Frame rate is now more stable the first time you enter the garage.
Players will no longer get stuck on the ramp approximately 2.3miles into the "Praise the sun desert" event.
Fixed some issues with the rear bumper and fender of the Mercury Cougar.
During a "Bait Crate" event a player is now shown the "Escaping" message when the pursuit stops and there are no police cars are near the him.
The rock formation near the "Blitzkrieg" Speed Run activity now has collision applied to it.
The characters head no longer clips through the right window of the Mazda RX-7 when turning left.
The sound before getting busted in a "Bait Crate" event is no longer looped in the reputation, money and speed card selection after completing the event.
Watanabe rims on the Chevrolet Bel Air no longer have clipping issues.
Players no longer receive multiple resets after falling off the ramp and failing the jump on "Solar Project" event.
The Derelict sonar sound is now muted when the game is paused.
During the Speedcross tutorial, "$IDA_Axis0xNeg" no longer appears instead of "Drifting" and "Good drift".
Adjusted several Runner events to now have balanced rewards.
Previously, if a player enters the "Tune-Up-Shop" with the Subaru Impreza WRX STI off-road build for the first time, the parts available were level 13. This is no longer the case and the cards are set to an appropriate level.
Players will receive a "Speed Card" consistent with those currently equipped after completion of the "I smell a rat" event.
Tune-up shops now have parts available to purchase after buying the Porsche Carrera 911 RSR 2.8 and teleporting to any Tune-up-Shop.
A patch of rocks located between the "Smuggler's Trail" and "Over the Hill" events now has the correct collision applied to it.
Players are now notified when another player leaves the AllDrive server.
Fixed an issue where the game would sometimes crash when players entered a Tune-up shop in AllDrive.
Entering an even number of characters on the license plate of the Plymouth Barracuda no longer causes an error. Odd bug this.
Spoilers for the Buick GNX are now able to be customized via the wrap editor.
The jump cinematic camera will only trigger for the player that performs the jump, and not for anyone else near it during AllDrive.
The welcome to AllDrive: Hangout message will now only trigger once, on a player's first time in the game mode.
Rainbow Nitrous will no longer clip through the stock exhaust and rear bumper of the Lamborghini Murciélago.
Players are now able to apply a primary and a secondary paint on the Ford Mustang GT stock rims.
Front bumpers on the Nissan Fairlady can now have decals applied to them correctly.
Front bumpers on the Subaru BRZ can now have decals applied to them correctly.
The default tail lights of the Volkswagen Golf GTI are now available in the part list.
Autolog now updates correctly after beating the recommended score on the "Udo Roth: Wild Streak" event.
Increased the intensity of the third brake light of the Audi S5, as it was too dim previously.
Crowds are no longer floating at the start area of the Free Ember Militia event. Spooky.
Snapshot Pro has been disabled during jump cinematics.
Players will no longer lose points to Roaming Racers if they are in-front of them. This affected the following Roaming Racers in particular; Lindsay, De'Aaron, Cassandra and LeAnne.
Fixed multiple #ClippingIssues.
Numerous other world and geometry fixes.
Multiple other tweaks, fixes and improvements. -
stalker001 #173 Sziasztok.
Olyan kérdésem lenne, hogy megoldható valahogy hogy offline legyen air suspension-om? mert ugye nekem tört van és a shipment menü online műxik csak. :/ -
Üdv , csatlakoznék én is ehhez a szériához aki gondolja felvehet .... SunnyHUN néven megtalál :) -
Februári patch :
Introducing Alldrive: Hangouts, which will allow you to explore Fortune Valley alongside your friends and other members of the Need for Speed Community.
A new item is being added to the Tune-up shop, in the form of Catch-up packs.
New variations of Underglow.
New variations of Tire Smoke.
To help improve inventory management we are adding the ability to sell or trade-in all currently unequipped Speed Cards.
We've made some tweaks and improvements to Snapshot Pro.
New filters have been added to Snapshot Pro.
We've made some quality of life improvements to the front menu
Decals will no longer find themselves flipped vertically when copying from one side of a car to another.
Traffic cars have taken the 'Ghost' name to heart, but no longer do they possess the ability to drive through roadblocks in the event Alley Escape.
On rare occasions the textures on the Porsche 911 Carrera RSR 2.8 would sometimes flicker, this no longer happens.
A fade is now in place after the airfield cinematic within the Outlaw's Rush event.
Corrected an issue where players within multiplayer would broadcast background audio to other players.
When restarting the Graveyard Shift event, the camera will now behave properly and as expected.
Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur after finishing the Shift Lock event.
Fixed a problem that would sometimes stop players from accessing Speedwalls.
On very rare occasions players would be shown a static image of Tyler's Skyline if the race to the airfield intro cinematic was skipped. It's no longer static.
Top secret development text strings are no longer present within the subtitles that appear after you defeat Gallo Riviera. You didn't see anything.
The number of Pursuers Wrecked in the Journal tab now displays the correct number.
Subtitles are no longer incorrectly displayed after the end of the Kill Switch event.
Fixed a problem that would sometimes cause the game to crash at the start of the Double or Nothing event.
Drifting for 8 seconds straight with the Nissan Fairlady ZG will now unlock the Front Bumpers for all cars.
Players should no longer receive a duplicate ECU part when sometimes doing a targeted roll for the Ford Mustang Derelict.
The event Residential Drag had a car that had found a way to park itself within the ground. The car is now parked above ground.
Setting the Snapshot Pro option to Bodywork Damage off will now close the damaged hood of the Ford Mustang Derelict Superbuild.
Fixed an issue where a segment of road, west of the Drag dealership had the incorrect collision set to it. You can now drive over it with the expected behaviour.
Obtaining 50 stars from activities now awards a Shipment as expected.
Mac will now correctly get the Off-road version of the Subaru Impreza WRX STI as opposed to the race version.
Modified the color of the Rhino on the minimap to make it more easily noticeable. Still, good luck.
Wrap smoothness will now match the car smoothness when it is set to 0.
Flickering textures on the Race Superbuild of the Ford Mustang Derelict have been fixed.
Players would sometimes experience low framerate during the third leg of the Failed Heist event. The framerate is now smooth.
Swapping between controller and keyboard will no longer cause the controller to continue to vibrate.
Fixed an issue that prevented the Nissan Skyline 2000 from being released as an Abandoned car.
Zooming in and out of the map after selecting a Speedwall will no longer leave the respective Speedwall selected.
The Porsche Panamera can now have decals placed on the right side of the trunk.
Nitrous flame is now aligned to exhaust parts when the Honda Civic Type-R 1992 is equipped with the Rocket Bunny trunk.
The 5th checkpoint within The Drift Life Drift Zone will no longer prompt players with a 'checkpoint missed' message.
The licence plate text on the Chevrolet Grand Sport will no longer change if a player inputs an even number of letters and then modifies the diffuser.
The Traffic Pinball challenge will no longer work on parked cars.
Pressing L1 or R1 while the credits is playing used to play random sounds, it no longer does.
Crowds will no longer float during the Knife's Edge event.
Fixed an issue where players would sometimes find themselves disconnected while in Speedlists.
The Abandoned car VO will now include subtitles.
The Speedlist final result screen will now stay visible for a little bit longer, previously it passed too quickly.
Repositioned some of the smashables within Speedcross events that were clipping with the ground.
Corrected the camera placement which was in an incorrect position when customizing the rear canards on the Infiniti Q60S.
Applying a wrap to the Volvo 242 that covered the front bumper will no longer cover the Ghost branded headlights if they are equipped.
The Plymouth Barracuda can now reach level 399, previously it was stuck at 398.
Once a player has collected an Abandoned Car, the VO telling them to go collect it will no longer keep playing.
Fixed an issue on the Plymouth Barracuda that would cause inconstancies with wrap creation.
Decals will now display on the Need for Speed branded Hood of the Mazda RX-7 as expected.
Fixed an issue with the Volvo Amazon where the vents on the roof now match the car body color.
Fixed an issue on the BMW M3 Evolution II which caused corrupted textures on the windows when applying decals.
The Nissan Skyline 2000 has had a texture bug fixed that caused issues around its windows.
Players can no longer drive under the drift ramp in the Speedcross event Valley Scrambler.
Improved visibility on the chevrons in some Speedcross events.
Trees can no longer grow through a drift ramp in the Valley Scrambler Speedcross event. All offending trees have been relocated.
A concrete barrier and drift ramp are no longer floating above the ground in the Valley Scrambler Speedcross event.
Improved camera movement when moving from the Sound System to Roof interaction point on the Volvo 242.
Driving the Volvo 242 with headlights that have lids on the grill will now produce no light.
The Nissan Skyline 2000 now has the correct default location applied when applying decals to the side and rear.
You can now apply decals over the side skirts of the Dodger Charger as expected.
Decals will now apply to all areas of the Need for Speed front fender on the Plymouth Barracuda.
Decals will now apply correctly to Ghost branded splitters on the Plymouth Barracuda.
Corrected an issue where some jumps during Speedcross would send a player 'out of bounds'.
Bolts on the Pandem rear fender now get covered by decals on the BMW M3 Evolution.
Players will no longer be randomly reset when driving up a certain hill in the desert.
The Coca Cola trucks had a corrupted texture on their brake discs, this has been uncorrupted.
The Holtzman achievement and trophy will now unlock correctly.
Cars would sometimes float during the cinematic of the event, The Boss. The correct gravity has been applied.
If a player drove at high speed after jumping the ramp in the Holtzman: The Coming Storm event they would sometimes fall through the game world. The world has now been made stronger and cars should no longer fall through the world after this jump.
The exhaust on the Nissan Fairlady 240ZG will no longer overlap with the Alchemist diffuser.
Fixed multiple visual customization issues across numerous cars.
Multiple other tweaks, fixes and improvements.
V o l v o 2 4 2
Utoljára szerkesztette: goregrind, 2018.01.16. 15:47:51 -
V o l v o A m a z o n P 1 3 0
Utoljára szerkesztette: goregrind, 2018.01.10. 12:25:29 -
SPOILER! Kattints ide a szöveg elolvasásához! -
Billentyűzettel a "C" gombbal, kontrollerrel meg a felfelé nyíl. -
Motorhaztetos nezetre hogyan kell atvaltani? -
Remélhetőleg nem 8 fős lobby-k lesznek csak, mint az NFS'15-ben! -
"@NeedforSpeed 21 perccel ezelőtt
Online Free Roam coming 2018, Happy New Year from everyone at Need for Speed!"
Utoljára szerkesztette: SZABl, 2018.01.01. 15:21:24 -
Egész jól teker a panamera ebben az nfs epizódban!
Most muszáj volt videón is megmutatni a csiter tudományodat, te kis huncut? :D
Utoljára szerkesztette: goregrind, 2017.12.24. 23:27:52 -
hajaj, ez most kihívás akart lenni ? :D
mentem egy kört én is, hagytam benne még némi pontot, nem használtam a nitrót :)
Utoljára szerkesztette: SZABl, 2017.12.24. 16:37:01 -
Kilinccsel előre!
A rendőrök csak azért kerültek be a játékba (és csak verseny közben), hogy bosszantsák a játékost - de semmi egyéb értelme nincs a jelenlétüknek! -
Lawless #157 A rendörök viccessek amikor egy lambóval vagyok,nitrózok és kergetnek és valami szarral ugyan olyan gyórsak akor kérdemén mire az upgradelés lehetösége csk hogy adjanak valami logikát neki vagy hogy épp elvegyék azt! -
Egy kissé azzal is átestek a ló túlsó oldalára, néha már túl érzékeny!
Utoljára szerkesztette: goregrind, 2017.12.23. 19:22:05 -
legalább az irányítás sokat javult.. :D -
Nem sikerült csalódni (ismét) az EA-ben! 31 órányi játékidő után már hihetetlen unalmas az egész...
Az egyetlen előnye a Payback-nek az NFS'15-ös kiadásával szemben a versenyek száma - minden más az előző "remekmű" javára írható! Értem ez alatt a rendőrök jelenlétét szabad kóborlás közben illetve verseny közben is becsusszannak, az autók beállítása is jobb volt - több volt a lehetőség, a multi része pedig egyértelműen jobban sikeredett!
Kérdem én: ezért hagyták ott az NFS'15-ös kiadást 3 hónappal a PC-s megjelenés után?!? Képesek voltak egy ilyen fércmunkát ismét a képünkbe tolni??? Évről évre egyre lejjebb süllyed a játék színvonala....
azt még nem tudni, hogy dlc-k vagy csak ez.. vagy hogy egyáltalán lesz-e még dlc :D