Champ Car World Series
de azt vágod hogy rf játék CC moddal amikor még ki sem adták? :) -
Markolja is rendesen a kormányt -
a babám ott ül bal oldalt :D -
jólenne 1 ilyen itthonra :) -
Ime a szimulátorok..
a gond azzal van, h a CC versenyeken már tavaly is cipeltek 2 db szimulátort amibe VIP vendégek, versenyzők és más meghivottak ülhettek..
és már panozzal mentek..ami 2007-től hivatalos kasztni a szériában. Ezt természetesen idén is viszik mindenhova.
szóval van már nekik valami sim ami elkészült, de valamiért pöcsölnek vele..lehet hülyeség amit írok de átnyergeltek dx10-re azért húzódik a dolog? -
Valszeg az rFactor engine-re csinaljak azt a szimulatort is, vagyis ugyanaz;) -
Igaz nem az a szimulátor amit bereklámoztak, de egy új rfactoros mod:
2006 Champ Car World Series 1.0 -
Azert van vele munka boven;) Ha 2008 eleje, akkor mar nincs sok hatra, eleg szukos a dolog. Plusz:
“The game will be released with the Champ Car’s first then we will extensions for sell with the Champ Car Atlantics, Historic Champ Car’s with there original tracks, and Formula BMW.”
spect16 #22 Hm, csak 2008-ban jön? bejelentés -
LeePí17 #21 zsír..csak a vista kell a bajnak..így marad az ikszpé... -
Will the new CC game run well under Vista or would XP still be the preferred OS to run it on?
it will depend on the drivers of your video card, not the game. The game will be made for DX9 and Vista runs DX10 so if the drivers are good, the game should run fine. Video drivers always take several months to stabilize after a new windows release.
http://www.champcargame.com/f/viewtopic.php?t=261 -
Azt én is remélem:)))
http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/rfactor/761630p1.html -
LeePí17 #17 remélem normális fizikája lesz..és akkor ezen is tolhatjuk a kmeket :D -
16 January, 2007
For Immediate Release
iDT Simulations, LLC., Costa Mesa, CA
Formula BMW has proven itself as the premier open wheel entry level professional series on the planet. The Formula BMW program is so much more than just a race series. BMW has seen the need for training both on and off the track and stepped in to forge future champions. Alumni have gone on to race in Atlantics, Champ Car, F3, GP2, A1GP and the list goes on and on.
Team iDT is very pleased to give the community the opportunity to campaign these identically prepared machines. You have cars from every country at your finger tips. We have strapped these cars to the chassis dyno, flogged them around countless circuits from all over the planet and given former FBMW drivers the opportunity to tell us what we have done wrong all in the quest to perfect these momentum hungry machines .
IDT would also like to take a moment to welcome the Speedwerx team into the family. Without these guys the Formula BMW project would NEVER have come together.
From all of us at Team iDT, See you on track!
Oh yeah, if you happen to see a black car with a Kangaroo on the side pods behind you or a PTG car in your mirror, MOVE! These guys are extremely dangerous and can not be trusted to pass cleanly under any circumstances!
iDT Simulations is pleased to announce the release of its long awaited Formula BMW and Lamborghini Gallardo mods for rFactor.
Auto-Art Designs, in conjunction with iDT Racing Simulations, is proud to announce the Lamborghini Gallardo Challenge.
After creating the Gallardo GT3, about 30 people propped their feet up on their respective desks, sat back and looked at it. We were happy, but not even close to finished! Here’s the check list that was used to finish things off.
1. Model tweaked to the point of madness.
2. Physics were done, then refined, then refined at least 73 more times. Obsessive Compulsiveness is a good thing in this situation.
3. Testing was carried out on 27ish different circuits to make sure the handling was superb under all conditions. This testing was not done because we were having so much fun driving the car. We did this purely to make sure it was perfect. Yeah, that’s why we did it.
This is the culmination of hundreds of hours poured into modeling, physics and painting. The car has gone through weeks of R&D at the hands of professional race drivers. Yes folks, we had actual real life guys that get paid to drive cars shake this thing down before handing it off to you. Amazingly enough, all of them REALLY liked it!
The creation of this car has been an absolute labor of love and we hope that you enjoy racing it as much as we have enjoyed making it.
http://www.champcargame.com/f/ -
2007 április 8-án lesz a rajt. -
Mint írtam a champ car 2007-es rajtjára tervezték kiadni az pedig 2007 április 5-án lesz Las Vegasban egy utcai verseny keretében. -
spect16 #13 Lesz ebből a játékból valami, vagy kiadják r-factorra? -
LeePí17 #12 szombati nap első Hsz-e! -
Az év első hozzászólása!
jeee -
miután 2007 szezon nyitóra igérték a megjelenését van még idő bőven persze hogys nem pörög. Április közepe odébb van még. -
LeePí17 #9 pörög a totyik :D
olyan szimulátor kéne nekemis :D -
virtualgt oldalán van ez a király cucc szimulátorokhoz.. -
Ha megnézitek ezt a linket kik a partnerek szerintem lehet szűkíteni a kört.
vagy ott van az oldal fóruma.
Én a champ car modhoz onnan szedtem elég sok infót korábban. -
remelem az rFactoret,bar azert a gtr2 is jo -
Nah az IDT is profitorientalt lesz mint a SimBin?!:)
Kivancsi leszek milyen engine-t hasznalnak majd. Gondolom ok is az ISI-t, de hogy abbol melyiket "kapjak" meg, azt amit a SimBin (GTR, GTL, GTR2, Race) hasznal, vagy mar az ujabbat, ami az rFactor alatt mukodik?!:))
Amugy ChampCar kiralysag! -
Majd csinalunk remelhetoleg egy vb-t HRC-s tagok, s en leszek a bajnok . Jol jon egy ilyen jatek a GTR2 melle.
Végre Champ Car szimulátor PC-re!
Remélem szimulátor is lesz! :)))
Akik ismerik ezt a szériát (tévesen amerikai F1-nek szokták hívni)régen Indycar majd CART végül Champ Car néven zajlik ez az open wheel bajnokság. Champ Car FAQ
Most végre elkészül egy - remélhetőleg valóban szimulátoros játék - 2007-es szezonnyitóra. A 2006-os adatokat, csapatokat, versenyzőket fogja tartalmazni, az év során később jön majd a kiegészítés, a 2007-es tuning. Miután a F1-es játékok (újak)nem jelenhetnek meg PC-n csak konzolon végre nem csak stock car szerelmeseinek lesz egy játék hanem az open wheelnek is.
A széria hivatalos web oldala
Champ Carról magyarul minden infót itt megtalálsz!
iDT Simulations, LLC. and Virtual-E Corporation , are proud to announce the signing of an exclusive 3-year license agreement with the Champ Car World Series to develop a PC-based Champ Car racing simulation.
iDT Simulations LLC is a worldwide team of racing software developers, drivers and enthusiasts dedicated to making the most realistic racing simulations possible. Over the past six years iDT has established itself as the premier developer of Champ Car software in the sim-racing community. Now, working alongside Virtual-E Corp., iDT will focus its international team on creating the most authentic Champ Car racing experience.
Designed for both race training and home entertainment, Virtual-E Corp.’s VirtualGT Personal Racing Simulator is a premium product offering precision controls, high resolution graphics, and an astounding sound system that delivers the most complete virtual racing experience possible. “It’s the perfect combination of hardware and software to make the racing experience as realistic as possible.” says iDT CEO Pierre Pelonero. “We received an outstanding reception to both the VirtualGT and our simulation software at the recent 2006 SEMA Show in Las Vegas. Our team was founded by Champ Car World Series fans so we want to represent the experience of driving a Champ Car as accurately as possible and we are proud to be a part of the finest racing series in the world.”
The simulation is slated for an April 2007 release to coincide with the opening month of the 2007 Champ Car season and will incorporate all the drivers, teams and circuits of the 2006 season. An add-on is scheduled for later in the year which will update the simulation to 2007 specifications, including the new Panoz DP01. Both the VirtualGT Personal Racing Simulator and iDT’s simulation software can be experienced first hand at Champ Car events throughout the 2007 season.
For more information on the Champ Car World Series simulation, see TeamiDT.net