• Borg
    Mert? A Balanced AI vagy Tech, vagy Horde AI-ként jön rád, szerintem eléggé erősen. Persze kivéve, ha olyan mapról van szó...
  • Braveheart
    Jó, Balanced géptől ne várjunk többet...
  • Borg
    De most ez nem azt jelenti, hogy neked volt 35, az AI-nak meg csak 1?
  • SötétBarom
    Volt olyan, hogy egyszerre vagy 10 colossus meg 3 czar futkosott a mapon :D
  • Cobra.
    Uhh, jól belelendült az AI.
  • SötétBarom
  • Cobra.
    Ha felmentek GPGnet-re, akkor automatikusan letölti ls installálja a patch-et.
  • Borg
    Van incremental patch is, ami 3223-ról patcheli tovább. Azt kell letölteni.
  • vidu01
    Megpróbálom először az exe filet kicserélni a régire, hátha arra felpakolja...
  • Braveheart
    Nekem is ez volt, reinstall majd az alap retial verzióra próbáld meg felrakni...
  • vidu01
    Elindítom a peccset, kiírja hogy nem találja a 3189es verziót, jóhogy nem találja mert 3223as, de ilyenkor mi van, erre fel sem tudja tenni?
  • Braveheart
    Ez a patch elég szimpatikus eddig :) amúgy nektek is 20 percig telepítette? Na megyek le is tesztelem
  • sickb
    szeva elvileg igen!
  • FLeT
    A gigabyte 8800GTS 320MB-os karihoz télleg ajándék ez a gém?
  • Borg
    Csemege. Egyszerűen fenomenális.
    Eddig minden benne van javításként, ami kifogásom volt.
  • Borg
    Patch Notes for build 325X
    * New cartographic view for both main view and strategic map.
    * Multiplayer/Skirmish maps now have a "no rush" timer option.
    * Map props have been altered to balance player start positions.
    * Overall performance enhancements in regards to memory management and AI.
    * Saltrock Colony's civilian defenses altered for balance.
    * Assist Icon now properly shows when mousing over a Quantum Gateway.
    * Starting Mass Extractor locations adjusted for all ranked maps.
    * Weapons that do splash damage no longer destroy other projectiles.
    * Improved pathing and unit formation behavior, especially for naval and experimental units.
    * Fixed issue where game would lock up if you were at unit capacity in campaign mode and captured an enemy unit.
    * Ferry Beacon now has a Strategic Icon.
    * Weapons now perform a terrain blocking test when choosing the best target to engage. !!! Kurvaidegesítő volt eddig, mikor a hegyet lőtték a védelmi turretek, mert mögötte volt valami cél...
    * Improved behavior for Engineers that are patroling and reclaiming resources.
    * Attack Ground is now equivalent of Attack Move to Position.
    * New Hold Ground stance lets units attack the ground instead of performing an attack move to a position.
    * Fixed double Mass Extractor exploit.

    * Scorcher now deals its damage faster.
    * Build cost of Tier 3 spy planes reduced by roughly half, and they now have limited-range Omni.
    * Transports will no longer chase planes.
    * Gemini has been retuned to address a bug with its missiles.
    * Tier 1 bombers now drop their bombs using a physics-based model. Végre talán nem dobálják mellé amikor lejtőn/emelkedőn megy a célpont
    * Zeus's health increased.
    * Revenant's damage increased.
    * Anti-air guns now prioritize bombers, gunships and transports over Interceptors and scouts.
    * Gunships with AA do not chase planes.
    * Multiple transports now use one Ferry Waypoint, as opposed to one per transport.
    * New Dock Button orders planes to auto-land and refuel at nearest Air Staging Platform or carrier.

    * Aurora: Acceleration increased slightly and top speed lowered.
    * Cybran ACU damage reduced; rate of fire increased; overall DPS reduced.
    * Mech Marine can now fire correctly from a transport; health increased.
    * Omni Sensors no longer have sonar capabilities.
    * Flare: Damage increased.
    * Energy Storage economy reduced; explosion radius increased.
    * Cybran TML defenses improved and now have a charge time before launch.
    * Aeon ACU Advanced Resource Allocation System cost reduced.
    * T3 land factories upgrade cost increased.
    * UEF ACU nuke now behaves like other nukes.
    * T3 Cybran Siege Assault Bots will no detonate into an EMP if they are destroyed while under construction.
    * Cybran ACU and sACU now have a general cloaking button that handles both cloak and stealth.
    * Fixed an issue where factories stopped responding if the unit being built was killed during the "factory lower" animation.
    * Shields will no longer fully recover shield health while in an Energy-negative economy. Ezekszerint nem kibe kapcsolnak majd, hanem alacsony energián működnek folyamatosan. Jobb.
    * Shields no longer prevent nuke damage.
    * Commanders now display warp-in effect during online ranked games.
    * All Supreme AI now begin building at the proper time in skirmish rather than waiting for 13 seconds.
    * Engineers can now assist Shield Generators and will repair and recharge shields while shield is taking damage. Na ez is hasznos!!

    * Tier 1 Tanks
    - Striker has increased movement speed and has been retuned.

    * Tier 2 Tanks
    - Retuned to perform better vs. Tier 1 units.
    - Increased movement speed.
    - Obsidian Energy drain decreased.

    * Tier 2 Artillery:
    - Miasma: Damage reduced.
    - Klinkhammer: More accurate.
    - Gunther: More accurate, damage increased.

    * Tier 2 Point Defenses
    - Now lead their targets.
    - Oblivion and Triad no longer deal damage to friendly targets.

    * Tier 3 Siege Assault Bots
    - Firing-range reduced.
    - Vision-range reduced.
    - Acceleration reduced.
    - Harbinger and Titan build cost increased.
    - Titan turret speed increased.
    - Loyalist build cost decreased and DPS increased.

    * Can no longer build Strategic Missile Defenses on water. Mit szoptam sokszor emiatt is.. T2 artyval bazi nehéz eltalálni a vizi ojjektumokat.. a missilet meg lelőtték mindig emiatt.
    * Salem now moves similar to Aeon and UEF Destroyers; its speed on land has been increased and only goes on land if it has been given a land-based waypoint.
    * UEF and Cybran Naval factories are now more susceptible to torpedoes.
    * T3 submarines are now significantly cheaper to build, their TML damage has been reduced and their nuke cost increased.
    * Amphibious units (that move along the sea floor) now have water vision equal to their normal vision. They can also now detect submarines.
    * Carriers (including the CZAR) can now build Tier 1 through Tier 3 air units.
    * Cybran carrier anti-air guns DPS decreased and accuracy increased.
    * T3 Sonar Buoy�s cost reduced, health changed and sonar range increased.
    * T1 and T2 Sonar Buoy�s health increased.
    * T3 Aeon Sonar Buoy anti-torpedo rate of fire decreased. Ez ilyet is tudott, hogy anti torpedo?:DD
    * T1 Torpedo Launchers now have sonar.
    * T3 Aeon Strategic Missile Submarine's tactical missiles can now be targeted by TMD's. Ez volt az überszopás. Tech AI úgy küldte be őket a TMD-k ellenére, hogy csak lestem

    * Frigates:
    - Health increased
    - Build cost decreased
    - DPS increased
    - Beacon range decreased
    - Anti-torpedo system retuned.

    * Submarines:
    - Sylph build cost increased and DPS decreased.
    - Sliver DPS decreased, build cost decreased and health increased.

    * Destroyers
    - Build cost retuned.

    * Battleships
    - Summit and Galaxy build cost decreased.

    * Galactic Colossus and Monkeylord now always respond to attacks from Siege Assault Bots.

    * Atlantis:
    - Health reduced.
    - Torpedo system retuned.

    * CZAR:
    - Health increased.
    - Beam damage reduced.
    - Flak damage radius increased.
    - Crash damage reduced.
    Eddig elég felesleges unit volt szvsz...

    * Fatboy
    - Build cost decreased.
    Viszont hogyan kell építeni belőle bármit is? Én hiába kattintottam az engineerekre, nem csinált semmit.
    - Can no longer build Engineers while underwater.

    * Galactic Colossus
    - Build cost decreased.
    - Movement improved.
    Ez viszont szerintem nem kellett volna. Igy is bazi ütős volt már

    * Mavor:
    - Accuracy decreased.
    - Turret speeds increased.
    - Build cost reduced.

    * Monkeylord
    - Turret ranges increased.

    * Scathis:
    - Energy drain per shot reduced.
    - Health increased.
    - Max firing radius decreased.

    * Soul Ripper:
    - Ground-damage doubled and splash damage added.
    - Air-to-air damage reduced.
    - Crash damage and radius increased.
    - Build cost retuned.

    * Tempest:
    - Acceleration increased.
    - Turn rate increased.
    - Main cannon radius increased.
    - Build cost decreased.

    General Game UI
    - Game no longer pauses when you minimize or press Alt-Tab. Ez mire volt jó, mé kellett elbaszni?!
    - Messages are broadcast to every player when alliances are formed or broken.
    - There is now a confirmation dialog for self-destructing units. (You can turn the self-destruct confirmation off in the Options Menu under the Interface Tab.)
    - Removed auto-pausing from all dialogs except the Main Escape Menu in single player.
    - Allied victory and share resources are now active by default.
    - Construction/Queue Bars now shrink and grow according to how many options are available.
    - Save, Load and Replay dialogs can now be sorted by name or date created/modified.
    - A dialog similar to the victory dialog is now displayed when a replay has finished playing.
    - Fixed duplicate weather effects showing up in right-hand corner of the world.

    Map Control
    - There is a new window that controls several things:
    - Toggle Resource Icons on/off.
    - Toggle Cartographic mode on/off.
    - Toggle Minimap on/off (even in the minimal view).
    - This dialog can be accessed by either pressing 'Y' or by clicking on the former 'Minimap' button.

    Quick Select Groups / Avatars
    - Units are automatically assigned to the same Quick Select Group that the constructing factory is assigned to.
    - To support this, factories are now filtered out of Quick Select Groups when recalling them for selection.
    - Shift + Control Group # will now add that control group's units to your current selection.
    - Shift + Clicking on any Quick Select button (Commanders, Idle Engineers, Control Groups) will add an idle Engineer to your current selection.
    -Shift + Control + Control Group number now selects only factories in the Control Group.
    - Support Commanders now have their own idle tab.
    - Fixed a bug with Avatar Icons that would play the "Commander is under attack" voice for any non-commander units modded to show up as an Avatar.
    - Avatars should now refresh properly when the focus army is changed.

    Strategic Markers
    - You can send markers to your allies by pressing the following keys:
    - F5 - Sends a "General Alert" marker.
    - F6 - Sends a "Move" marker.
    - F7 - Sends an "Attack" marker.
    - F8 - Creates a custom marker.
    - General Alert, Move and Attack markers disappear after 10 seconds.
    - Custom markers are permanent until the user deletes them (Shift+Ctrl+Right Click) or their army is defeated.
    - Custom markers may be moved by any ally. Hold Shift and drag the circle to where you want the marker to be located.

    - Added an option to lock the cursor to one screen when in full-screen mode. This is useful when you are playing full-screen on a dual-monitor systems and you're only using one monitor.
    - Added options that control both keyboard scroll and keyboard rotate speeds.
    - Moved keyboard pan accelerate key from Shift to Control.
    - Added option to toggle bloom rendering. (Toggling this off may increase performance. This has also been set to off for the low configuration.)
    - Separated render background option into render skycube and render background.

    - Changed tomato color to purple.
    - Added a No Rush option for custom games. Does not apply to ranked games.
    - During the specified No Rush time limit, you cannot issue orders to your units outside of your initial area. In addition, you will see a ring around your base that shows the area that you are limited to, along with a timer in the Score Display that shows the amount of time remaining. - Revamped the way map selection and options are displayed.
    - All players now see a "display panel" where the option list used to be.
    - The host can access a secondary configuration screen to change the map and game options.
    - Rollover feedback shows which slot correlates with which spawn slot on the map. nem kell barkóbázni

    Build Mode
    - The B key now toggles build mode on and off. (Esc. still toggles it off, as well.)
    - As a consequence, some keys needed to be remapped in order to accommodate the new functionality for the B key.

    Mod Manager
    - It is EXTREMELY likely that pre-patch mods will not be compatible with the new mod system.
    - Mods now key from a GUID rather than by name.
    - Exclusive flag works
    - Before and after tables work.
    - Conflicts table works.
    - Example mods were removed from the main game data files as they were confusing players. The resource rich mod is still included since many players use that mod.
    - Mod hooking now concatenates so local variables will be accessible.
    - Added a new lua scd that moves generic engine files to their own scd.

    Mod Support
    - SupcomDataPath.lua has been changed so that directories are mounted instead of defined as a search path.
    - OpenURL function is exposed to Lua scripts. It is simple to use:
    Usage: OpenURL("http://forums.gaspowered.com")
    - OpenURL will only open approved protocols. These protocols can be found in SupComDataPath.lua (in the same directory as the game binary).
    - Please post in the mod developer support forums if you would like a new protocol supported.
    - PrintText can now be used on the sim or user side to display text on the screen during a session.
    Usage: PrintText(text, fontSize, fontColor [format: aarrggbb], duration [seconds], location [leftcenter|center|rightcenter])
    - You no longer need to rename .zip to .scd
    - For additional changes to mod structure, see this post:

    File Structure
    - There is now an option to save replays, screenshots and saved games in your My Documents folder.
    - With this option enabled, you'll only be able to see files in the My Documents folder.
    - If you have files saved in the App Data location, they won't appear in your file picker unless you turn the option off or manually move the files to the new locations.
    - Files stored in the My Documents folder will not be removed if you uninstall Supreme Commander.
    - You'll find the files in My Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander\
    - For convenience, game mods may now be placed in My Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander\mods
    - Game maps may now be placed in My Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander\maps
  • sickb
    ittvan pár trükk meg javaslat
  • sickb
    The SupCom 3251 Full All-In-One Patch:
  • vidu01
    Honnan lehet leszedni az új peccset? A supcomsource.net-en nem találtam, pedig néztem mndenhol (a latest filesba is).
  • Borg
    Minek az?
  • sb1
    Honnan tudnék törést leszedni a 3223-as patch-ez?
  • sickb
    Kinnt van az új patch és állítólag sokat javult a teljesítmény is.
  • Zsoltika 007
    Pont ezért béta hogy ezek kiderüljenek.
  • vidu01
    Leszedtem, telepítettem, szerintem is egész jó lett! Tetszenek ezek a magyarított egységnevek, van köztük egy-két poénos (mavor -> mocsadék, t2 légvédelem -> légfrissítő). Így első blikkre egy-két hibát azért találtam benn. UEF t3 mérnöknél ha a mobilgyár ikonjára rámegyek azt írja ki hogy előállít egy egész repülő századot,de ez nem igaz mert földi egységeket gyárt max ellátni tudja őket (javítás-utántöltés). Másik: t3 cybran mérnöknél a t3 tüzérségnél azt írtad hogy nagyobb a lőtávja a stratégiai raksikilövőnél is, de ez sem igaz. De ezek csak apróságok, összességében nagyon jól sikerült.
  • sickb
    egész jó...
  • Rapid81
    Lehet szedni...
  • Rapid81
    Kb egy óra múlva kikerül a Hungarian Language Team (http://hlteam.try.hu) lapjára a Supreme Commander honosításának publikus béta változata! :)
    Az oldal is átalakul, jelenleg azért nem található.
  • JTBM
    Az én gépem nem bírja az on-line-t...

    Kipróbáltam ugyanazt Cybran-nal.
    A legjobb PD-ik nekik vannak, a pajzsok is jók, ha az ember szépek upgradelgeti T4-ig.

    A Monkeylord nagyon ütős experimental, hatalmas kárt tud csinálni, de nem húzza sokáig. De 2 már le tud gyalulni egy teljes főbázist is...
  • Hedgehunter #2433
    Az elmult 4 napban online probalkozom de 20 percnel egyik meccs sem tartott tovabb...!!!! Allatok vannak ott.... Pedig nyomtam hardon a gep ellen skirmisht egy parat....!!!!!
  • Rapid81
    A honosítás elkészült, és át lett adva korrektúrázásra, a bétatesztje pedig már folyik. Napokon belül kézhez fogjátok kapni. :)
  • JTBM
    Újrajátszottam ugyanazt a felállást, csak most megnyertem.
    Galactic Colossus-szal igen jól lehet bázist írtani. ;-)))

    Először láttam 5 csillagos egységet a játékban, az egyik T1 PD lett 5 csillagos, 350 körüli kill-lel.

    28 egységet vesztettem és 3000-t lőttem ki, az arány engem is meglepett.

    Nem használtam egyáltalán T3 tüzérséget.

    Az AEON pajzsok valami eszméletlen jók, már nem is törődök az ellen T2-es tüzérségével, mert az AEON pajzsot aztán lőhetik...

    Legközelebb megnézem, mit tudok Cybran-nal. ;-)))
  • vidu01
    Tuti hogy nem fog elmenni a 9250-esen, régebben volt nekem is, asszem még megvan valahol a padláson. Jó kis karesz volt az anno, de hát haladni kell a korral. Én lecseréltem egy 9600XT-re, aztán meg vettem egy nvidia 7600GS-t. Nem egy nagy szám, de ezen már elszalad a legtöbb gém.
  • Cobra.
    A 9250-es DX8-as kártya, azon eleve szerintem el se indul, nemcsak a teljesítménye kevés. Ezen a gépen szerintem egy játék se fog élvezhetően futni, ami idén jön/jött ki, főleg a videókártya kevés.
  • Borg
    A 9250-es radeon nagyon gyér ehhez a játékhoz. Meg a proci is, meg a ram is.
  • SötétBarom
    Radeon 9250 kártya

    Irány a legközelebbi PC shop..
    Sajnálom =(
  • FrozenLord
    hát nem vagyok egy nagy IQ ilyen téren de amit tudok róla azt leírom:
    Pentium IV.
    Oprendszer: XP
    2 GHz
    768 MB RAM
    Radeon 9250 kártya

    egy patchet felraktam, pontosan nem tom melyiket, annyit tudok hogy 3-mal kezdődött és miután elindítottam még szarabb lett mert totál fehér volt a kép és csak vonalakat láttam mindenhol... :(
  • Cobra.
    Ha nem árulod el milyen géped van, milyen oprendszered és hogy felraktad-e a legutolsó patch-et, akkor nem tudunk segíteni.
  • FrozenLord
    sziasztok! Kéne egy kis (kurva nagy) segítség... nem tom elindítani rendesen a játékot, mert amikor betölt egy pályát akkor vagy automatikusan kilép, vagy a betöltés képe marad ott (kék örvény izé) és nem tudok semmit csinálni. Help valaki, légyszi!!
  • Rapid81
    Thx to Borg!
  • Borg
    Szerintem kvantum nyomokat, vagy zavarokat. Ez lenne a két legértelmesebb fordítása.
    A kapuk megsemmisülése olyan kvantum nyomokat hagy hátra, ami néhány évig lehetetlenné teszi a kvantum utazásokat.