• defiant9
    "meg a penzbuntetes is csak akkor ha a konkurencia lobbizta azt ki"
    Újabb valótlan kvp féle konteózás, nem ezeknél lobbizás, pl. környezeti kárt okoztak, kaptak rá büntetést.
    - Tepco, which stands for Tokyo Electric Power Co, was ordered to pay a whopping £330 billion in compensation to victims of 2011's Fukushima disaster.
    - Oil giant British Petroleum (BP) was also charged with an initial criminal fine of £2.8 billion in 2012 for its central role in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico but its costly compensation process later lifted the bill to roughly £47 billion.
    - The Bank of America, which has paid out an estimated $82.7 billion since 2000
    - While the criminal fine of £1.7 billion ($2.3 billion) levied against Pfizer in 2009 was considerably less than the large fines handed out to companies like Tepco, BP and Bank of America, the fine still set a new record at the time as the largest healthcare fraud settlement and criminal fine to date.
    De persze nyugodtan prezentálhatod a dokumentumokat amire alapozod hogy lobbi tevékenység eredményei ezen bírósági döntések, de vélhetően ismét csak nem fogunk ilyet látni, a 'tudományod' addig tart ameddig szubjektíven be kell mondani valamit.