• defiant9
    A Model S sales kapcsán írják hogy elsősorban ugyan a Lexus tulajdonosoknál van átfedés, de a német luxusautó tulajdonosok a 2. célcsoport. Ezután jön a többi sport/luxus autó.
    About 25 % of the Model S buyers owned a Toyota-brand or a vehicle of Toyotas luxury division Lexus at the time of the purchase (fig 1). It is not clear from the numbers whether they were trading their car for the new vehicle or whether they were adding the electric sports sedan to their car pool.
    It is not surprising that behind the Toyota drivers there are owners of the upper class brands Mercedes and BWM vehicles among the tesla buyers with 10 % respectively.
    It is even more interesting to look at the statistics by considering the total number of company sales and relating them to the Tesla Model S acquires: It can be seen that McLaren super car owners are most likely to buy a Tesla when they buy a new or an additional car. In this ranking Lotus is followed by Maybach, Lotus, Ferrari, Aston Martin, Maserati, Bentley and Lamborghini.

    Az hogy nincs 'gyakorlatilag' átfedés ezen vásárlók közt az nem logikus következtetés. Ugyanabból a tortából harapott ki a Tesla egy darabot amiből a német luxus autó gyártók is falatoztak.