    Leirta az USA torvenyhozas.

    Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google had exercised and abused their monopoly power and called for the most sweeping changes to antitrust laws in half a century.

    In a 449-page report that was presented by the House Judiciary Committee’s Democratic leadership, lawmakers said the four companies had turned from “scrappy” start-ups into “the kinds of monopolies we last saw in the era of oil barons and railroad tycoons.” The lawmakers said the companies had abused their dominant positions, setting and often dictating prices and rules for commerce, search, advertising, social networking and publishing.

    Persze ez csak szerinted demokrata formedveny. Meg szerencse, hogy nem te dontesz ez ugyben es vegre helyre fog allni a rend es a kicsit tisztabb agazati versenyhelyzet es nem maga az Apple fogja diktalni a szabalyokat, amirol egyertelmuen kimondta a torvenyhozas, hogy monopolium es annak helyzetevel visszaeles. Sot a regi olajmagnasok es vasuttarsasagok peldajat emlitettek meg, amiket utana teljesen jogosan megszuntettek..Nem fogja az Apple se elkerulni hala istennek ezt a sorsot.
    Utoljára szerkesztette: UUUU, 2021.02.22. 12:08:55