• cateran
    Ennyi? Ez az ellenerv? :D Egyreszt ordit rolad, hogy max kirakatban lattal mind high-end Androidos telefont, mind iPhonet...Masreszt tetszik, ahogy alatamasztod a kijelenteseidet..ja, nem...
    Amugy "Apple apologises for slowing down older iPhones with ageing batteries
    US firm admits it introduced feature, that affects the iPhone 6, 6S, 7 and SE, without users’ consent to cope with ageing batteries
    The apology comes after Apple admitted to slowing down the iPhone 6, 6S, 7 and SE – when their batteries are either old, cold or have a low charge – to prevent abrupt shutdowns."

    A 7-es 2016 ev vegen jelent meg...a 6s 2015 ev vegen....MOST 2-3 evesek azok, amik az egesz elejen jelentek meg...mikor is jott ki a lassitas? 2017 ev vegen? max 1-2 eves telokra is? Ohh well.....