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A Hurtworld egy többjátékos hardcore túlélő FPS játék, ahol a kőkemény túlélés van a fókuszban,
miközben fejlődsz, gyűjtögetsz, építkezel és harcolsz gyalogosan vagy különböző járművekkel.

Magyar szerverek:

club27 Team: Honlap Térkép
  • Ironman2

    Sleeper objects have been added to the game. After disconnecting a fesh cube will be spawned into the world to represent your sleeping player. These cubes can be shot, hit, exploded and ran over like a regular player. When they die they will drop the same loot as the player would have if they were killed. Killing a sleeper will apply infamy to you as if you had killed a player
    If your sleeper is killed you will be treated as dead when you next login, which will spawn you at either the beach or your selected spawn point if you have one
    Due to sleepers holding your items while you're offline they will continue to simulate (meaning food will go mouldy)
    Sleepers will block construction where they are placed to prevent people glitching through walls
    Sleepers can be enabled and disabled with the server command, 'enablesleepers <1/0>'
    Sleeper names can be shown on sleepers using sleepernames <0/1>, this is disabled by default due to old saves with thousands of sleepers on the beach causing perf issues. Fresh wipes should have no issues with this enabled as the public sleeper population should cull itself.
    Sleepers are enabled on all official servers by default
    CombatLogTimeout has been reduced to 5 seconds by default
    GiveItemTrigger has been fixed, deathmatch servers should hand out guns again
    Shacks can no longer be constructed partially inside of rocks and other terrain
    Fixed bug in how rigidbodies sleep, spear items should affect vehicles more consistently now
    Extra validation added to all construction items to check against players more consistently
    Constructions dependent on attachment points will now decay if no attachment points are found (ie. doors). Constructions destroyed in this way will drop their refund amount as loot
    Fixes to mitigate physics drift over long periods of time, this should reduce vehicles tendency to move on their own when parked