• cateran
    Max az NHS-nel...na jo, meg a magan fogorvosoknal :D Bar meg az NHS-nel sem rettenetes a fizetes, gondolhatod mi lehet maganpraxisban, korhazakban, etc. (Hospital doctor - As a junior hospital trainee, the basic starting salary is £22,636. This increases in the second year of foundation training to £28,076. For a doctor in specialist training the basic starting salary is £30,002.

    Doctors in training are paid extra if they work more than 40 hours or they work outside the hours of 7am to 7pm, Monday to Friday. This is usually between 20% and 50% of the basic salary.

    Doctors in the specialty doctor grade earn between £37,176 and £69,325.

    Consultants can earn a basic salary of between £75,249 and £101,451 per year, dependent on length of service.

    Consultants working in private sector hospitals may receive higher fees.

    Figures are intended as a guideline only.)