Microsoft Hololens
  • Inquisitor
    Microsoft HoloLens Could Detect Your Stress Levels
    The nature of HoloLens is to rely on tracking the head movement, eye movements, voice and motion of the wearers to ensure that the right content is generated by the device. As per Microsoft, by adding a biometric sensor to it, the device could find out when users require assistance, without their asking it.

    Ööö, szóval lassan leviszi helyetted a kutyát sétálni és megfőzi a kávét?

    Ha ennyi nem elég:
    A pulse oximeter which will measure the oxygen saturation of the blood
    A heart rate monitor
    A perspiration sensor which will detect sweat levels
    An electrodermal response sensor which will monitor changes in the electrical resistance your skin provides
    An EEG (electroencephalographic) monitor which will find out changes in the brainwave action