• btb300

    A valósághoz való viszonya alapján hasonlította Jézust a buddhistákhoz, igazából máshogy értelmezi az evangéliumokban írtakat, mint a Biblia többi része, pl. Pál levelei, stb. Jézust egy, a valósággal gyakorlatilag betegesen szembesülni képtelen, ezért azt tagadó személynek látja, aki emiatt má-már nihilista hozzáállás jellemzi. Egy angol idézetet találtam, ami nálam jobban ki tudja fejteni a témát:
    This idea is vital, in that it relates directly with Nietzsche's conception of the historical Jesus. Nietzsche paints a picture of the Jesus of history as being a true evangel, which means that he did not subscribe to the concepts of guilt, punishment, and reward. He did not engage in faith, but only in actions, and these actions prescribed a way of life which Nietzsche sees as rather Buddhistic. The evangel does not get angry, does not pass judgment, and neither does he feel any hatred or resentment for his enemies. He rejected the whole idea of sin and repentance, and believed that this evangelical way of life was divine in itself, closing the gap between man and God so much that it is God, according to Nietzsche. Therefore, he saw prayer, faith, and redemption as farcical, instead believing that the "kingdom of heaven" is a state of mind that can be experienced on earth by living this type of peaceful, judgment-suspending existence, free from worry, guilt, and anger.