  • Szabi #99
    Version released

    Added NodeBeamEditor by masa: We are working together with him to integrate it better. You can find it in the 'editor' subfolder.

    Many stability fixes in the physics core
    Fixed cache file loading: prefer non-cached version
    Fixed bug where vehicles could not be dragged around in the editor
    Pressure wheels support hubcaps again
    Disabled action menu for now until it is completely working
    Fixed cache file loading: prefer non-cached version
    Better deflation behavior for pressure wheels

    Vehicle Content:
    New cubemaps for car reflections
    Thumbnails for all vehicles
    Minor changes to sunburst body kit and rally lights mesh

    Terrain Content:
    Overhauled skybox cubemaps for better reflections
    Minor improvements to ECA
    Updated palm trees and textures on DRI