4x űrstartégia
  • Renegade
    masszív patch jön, amia prewarp éra és a II. vh-s anyahajó csaták szerelmeseinek kedvez :)

    Changes / Fixes
    Fixed a race condition crash
    Nerfed planet richness across the board by half. An ultrarich planet is now in the 2.5 richness range; starting planets are 1.0 richness. This should help forestall or eliminate reaching the “singularity” point where you have a post-scarcity economy
    Reduced the amount of military strength generated by platforms and stations for the purposes of the AI determining your strength
    Rotated modules will now save properly for ships that are Works in Progress
    Added the display of weapon tags to the active module panel in the shipyard
    Added appropriate tags to all weapon files
    Added Guided to Quantum Torpedo Cannon; Added interceptable to QT cannon
    Changed readouts on Ship Design screen so that large numbers display in a truncated format for easier reading
    Added the “Space Bomb” class of weapons. These are momentum-based weapons that have virtually no propellant whatsoever, mostly relying on the velocity of the firing ship to guide it to the target
    Fixed an issue with AI aiming becoming worse the faster the firing ship moved. The issue was an omission in the formula for estimating the projectile’s time to target (the firing ship’s velocity was not properly added to the projectile’s velocity)
    Fixed a similar issue in collision detection algorithms for estimating projectile positions, which could cause misses for fast projectiles fired from fast moving ships
    Added “Prewarp” ruleset, with a reworked tech tree. see below

    “Prewarp” Changes
    This patch introduces some (optional) major changes to the way faster than light travel occurs in the game. The original system requires the attachment of engines to ship module slots, and you had to choose between warp speeds and sublight speeds when choosing your engines. The new system is radically different.
    In the new system, warp engines are removed entirely and are replaced with Warp Core modules. Warp Cores provide an amount of “Warpable Mass”.
    “Warpable Mass” means that a ship will be Warp Capable so long as its Warpable Mass Capacity is greater than the ship’s mass. So a Warp Core might have a 500 Warp Mass Capacity. Ships with mass up to 500 can warp with a single core. Ships with 525 mass would require 2 warp cores.
    FTL speeds under this ruleset are equalized across all ships based on your tech level. You can tech up your FTL speed and every warp capable ship will have that speed regardless of its size.
    The previous mechanic where ship modules would drain power at an increased rate across the board while warping is now removed. Instead, ship modules will have a secondary PowerDrainAtWarp statistic. This will largely apply only to Warp Core modules and other subspace-related technologies like Inertial Dampers.

    Added 2x3 “Small Warp Core”, a miniaturized core suitable for deeper in the tech tree
    Added 6x6 Warp Core deeper in tree; larger, more efficient. Removed main engineering.

    Modding Notes

    Technology Tags
    I changed the way technologies unlock empire bonuses. The bonus unlocked is now unlocked through a new <BonusType> tag that is independent of the name of the unlock; I have made sure that this change won’t affect existing mods (the legacy system still works). For instance, The Xeno Compilers bonus now has a “BonusType” of “Research Bonus” which is more generic and can be used in multiple techs. Check out the tech XMLs to see the new tags.

    Weapon Tags
    Weapons are now tagged with their weapon types, e.g. Guided, Missile, Kinetic, Energy, Explosive, etc. Technology bonuses are tag-specific, and will modify the projectile accordingly. For example, anything with the Guided tag will now track their targets. Anything with the Kinetic tag will receive bonuses unlocked specifically for Kinetic type weapons. Untagged weapons receive no bonuses
    Complete List of Tags
    - Kinetic (fires a physical projectile)
    - Energy (fires an energy projectile)
    - Beam (duh)
    - Hybrid (fires a hybrid energy / physical - does not receive either bonus. Only ‘hybrid’ bonuses)
    - Railgun
    - Explosive (anything that explodes on impact)
    - Guided (will seek targets)
    - Drone
    - Intercept (can hit other projectiles)
    - Missile (not necessarily guided, but receives missile bonuses like ECM, etc)
    - BioWeapon
    - Bomb
    - Subspace - (reserved for modders / expansion)
    - Warp (reserved for modders / expansion)
    - Torpedo

    Weapon Bonuses (See tags below) - all are % bonuses to base weapon data unless otherwise noted
    Weapon_TurnSpeed (for guided)
    Weapon_ShieldPenetration (adds a % chance to miss shields to base %)
    Weapon_HitPoints (this only applies to missile weapons which have HP)

    Putting it Together
    To use these tags in a technology, you would add an unlocked bonus like so:
    <Name>Magnetic Accelerators</Name> (Display name)
    <string>Railgun</string> (tag name...can be more than one e.g.)
    </Tags> (tag the weapon type you want affected)
    <Bonus>0.25</Bonus> (Speed boost of 25% for all railgun and missile weapons)
    <BonusIndex>5005</BonusIndex> (description index in localization file)

    Note that you can tag more than one weapon category. Also note that weapon bonuses stack. If a weapon gets a speed bonus from being a kinetic weapon it can get another from being a missile. So be careful about what tags you slap on a weapon.

    Coming Still
    I am still reworking the tech tree for the pre-warp mode. We'll have a more robust set of sublight options. I also have to rework a lot of the power costs for engine and warp modules.
    I have also an Astrometrics lab module that I'm figuring out how to fit in, a Food Growing module that can go on a ship, and a news Robot to implement.

    I think the thing I'm most excited about is the pre-warp mode because it really changes the rules up for the game. Fighters are basically not capable of warping because they can't fit a warp core. Early troop rushes are not possible anymore. You also get to have fighters that are way more maneuverable and feel more fighter-y, and they have to be deployed from a carrier to make it happen. With the new spacebombs, fighter swarms can be deadly even to the biggest capitals.

    However, and it's a big however, none of the current ship designs will work in pre-warp mode, which is a bummer. We need a whole new set of ships to follow the new warp rules. This will take a lot of time unless I can get a couple of volunteers to help out. Anyone want to design some ships for the new rule set?

    I'll post this up on the test branch before the week is out, and I'll keep adding fixes and some new modules and so on.