• EnxTheOne
    egyébént ezt irnám.
    Mielött megjegyezné valaki,
    igen, tudom hogy nagyon töröm az angolt. :D

    SPOILER! Kattints ide a szöveg elolvasásához!
    Hi, sorry for my bad english :D

    What do you think about that if in the bridge there will be 4-6 controll panel for players?

    One can controll the spaceship, use the warpdrives, manuvers etc (pilot)

    Someone else can contoroll the cannons, torpedos (weapons officer)

    Someone else can manipulate the shield. If there will be an inpact in front of the ship, he can convert X % energy from back shield to front shield to make it stronger. The shield bubble would be build up from 20-30 small shield panels, and all of them can controll of their energy


    etc etc

    And i liked to be a gunner in battlefront 2, and shooting with the cannons from a star destroyer. There will be arround 20 players controlled cannons. (This fun not for only 1 high rank member (weapons officer) in a clan) :D

    So on the bridge there will be 4-6 players, +20 gunners somewhere in the ship, x small spacecraft pilots

    And 200 marines if they are boarding <3