Darksiders PS3/X360
  • Totti5
    9.0 Presentation
    It's an incredibly polished game that's of consistently high-quality in virtually every area.
    9.0 Graphics
    Vigil has crafted a stunning world that's brought to life with colour, imagination and minute attention to detail from character design to animation.
    8.0 Sound
    Music is suitably bombastic in battle, atmospheric elsewhere and voice work is rock solid, if largely unspectacular.
    8.5 Gameplay
    Huge variety means that while some aspect aren't as strong as others, the core components of fighting and puzzling are masterfully handled.
    8.5 Lasting Appeal
    On average difficulty there's a 15+ hour adventure here and plenty more if you want to hunt out Darksiders' myriad secrets.
    Great OVERALL
    (out of 10 / not an average)