• Torzonborz
    Hidden feat lista és a leírás arról hogy lehet a feat bar-ba betenni :

    Kill 10 Varmints - 4.786 Prowess [Code: 1001154]
    Kill 100 Varmints - 47.86 Prowess [Code: 1001155]
    Kill 1000 Varmints - 478.6 Prowess [Code: 1001156]
    Kill 9 Creeps - 9.1521 Prowess [Code: 1001157]
    Kill 90 Creeps - 91.521 Prowess [Code: 1001158]
    Kill 900 Creeps - 915.21 Prowess [Code: 1001159]
    Kill 8 Freaks - 17.0376 Prowess [Code: 1001160]
    Kill 80 Freaks - 170.376 Prowess [Code: 1001161]
    Kill 800 Freaks - 1703.76 Prowess [Code: 1001162]
    Kill 7 Beasts - 30.87 Prowess [Code: 1001163]
    Kill 70 Beasts - 308.7 Prowess [Code: 1001164]
    Kill 700 Beasts - 3087 Prowess [Code: 1001165]
    Kill 6 Fiends - 54.309 Prowess [Code: 1001166]
    Kill 60 Fiends - 543.09 Prowess [Code: 1001167]
    Kill 600 Fiends - 5430.9 Prowess [Code: 1001168]
    Kill 5 Villains - 92.1705 Prowess [Code: 1001169]
    Kill 50 Villains - 921.705 Prowess [Code: 1001170]
    Kill 500 Villains - 9217.05 Prowess [Code: 1001171]
    Kill 4 Terrors - 149.2264 Prowess [Code: 1001172]
    Kill 40 Terrors - 1492.264 Prowess [Code: 1001173]
    Kill 400 Terrors - 14922.64 Prowess [Code: 1001174]
    Kill 3 Scourges - 225.2508 Prowess [Code: 1001175]
    Kill 30 Scourges - 2252.508 Prowess [Code: 1001176]
    Kill 300 Scourges - 22525.08 Prowess [Code: 1001177]
    Kill 2 Monstrosities - 300.7958 Prowess [Code: 1001178]
    Kill 20 Monstrosities - 3007.958 Prowess [Code: 1001179]
    Kill 200 Monstrosities - 30079.58 Prowess [Code: 1001180]
    Kill 1 Horror - 300 Prowess [Code: 1001181]
    Kill 10 Horrors - 3000 Prowess [Code: 1001182]
    Kill 100 Horrors - 30000 Prowess [Code: 1001183]

    How to add these to your feat bar:
    Exit your game. Go to your Windows Explorer, go to directory %appdata%\Darkfall\Character\2\2\. You will now see 1+ numeric directories. If there is a 0 directory, ignore it. If there are multiple directories besides 0, that means you've logged into multiple characters. You can discern which character is which by date modified of the files. Go into the folder and open FeatsBar.cfg

    Mine looks like this (I have 2 feets on my bar currently, these are unrelated to hidden feats):

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <TrackedFeat0 Type="INTEGER" Value="1001018"/>
    <TrackedFeat1 Type="INTEGER" Value="1001110"/>

    To add one of the hidden feats, simply add a new TrackedFeat entry, making sure you increment the number next to TrackedFeet, and set the Value to the code of the hidden feat you want (this adds the 800 freaks hidden feat):

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <TrackedFeat0 Type="INTEGER" Value="1001018"/>
    <TrackedFeat1 Type="INTEGER" Value="1001110"/>
    <TrackedFeat2 Type="INTEGER" Value="1001162"/>

    You can of course add more if you want.