Sunbelt CounterSpy, az egyik legjobb Antispyware
  • dotkom
    * Changes in Memory Footprint
    * V2 now uses 75% less memory!
    * Re-designed/re-coded scan & removal engine
    * Faster full scan times
    * Better remediation capabilities
    * New heuristics engine for improved detections
    * Better removal of polymorphic threats
    * Improved remove-on-boot capability
    * Remove locked processes at boot time before Windows boots
    * New scan-on-boot technology
    * Scans known locations at boot time to remove Rootkits in our definitions
    * More aggressive Active Protection
    * Kernel based file filter stops the install before it happens
    * Kernel based Registry filter stops modifications by potential security risks
    * Improved look for GUI
    * Minor changes for usability especially in Active Protection
    * Incremental definition updates
    * Smaller downloads when new definitions are available
    * Windows Vista
    * CounterSpy V2 now also supports the upgrade from WinXP to Vista 32.