Black Mesa: Source
  • kjhun
    Kijött, az első patch (v1.01-es számozással)

    Patch Notes:
    SPOILER! Kattints ide a szöveg elolvasásához!


    Resolved, in some cases, rendering issues related to HDR & Full Brightness.
    Fixed a bug causing animation issues when swimming in Multiplayer.
    Set “English” as the default language for all in-game UI until translations are complete.
    Fixed player spawning deaths in cases where another player has spawned on top of one another.
    Fixed cases where multiplayer spectators spawn killing in-game players.
    Fixed save / load keys not appearing in the keyboard bindings list
    Fixed quicksave / quickload key bindings not appearing in the keyboard bindings list.
    Fixed choose team key binding not appearing in the keyboard bindings list.