Fatal Shadows
  • ffxi
    Ha senki sem foglalkozott vele komolyan, akkor legalább adjon tippet ezekre a mozgásokra. Nem értem mit írnak Köszi.

    1.) press the guard button just before an enemy strikes you.

    2.) SPIDER'S NEST: press and hold R1 button when touching the ceiling. When using the grappling hook to reach the ceiling, do so while holding down the R1 button.

    3.) CRIMSON FINAL: during the neck break portion of crimson. Press the attack button at a specific time to increase the amount of damage done.

    4.) DEATH DROP: after the second attack in a combo. Pull away from the enemy with the left analog stick. Then press the attack button. then, press the attack button again.

    5.) CRIMSON: during a throw, rotate the left analog stick and press the guard button. During the arm break, move the left analog stick and up and press the guard button again.

    6.) NUMBING STRIKE: sneak up behind a guard that is not in a heightened alert status. Once within stealth kill range, press the guard button. This will not work on a suspicious guard.

    7.) LONG CLAW: rotate the left analog stick, then press the attack button. After the enemy is launched into the air, press the item button to grab the enemy with the hook.
