Shadow Vault
  • davos80

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    ßÜܲ²ß Þ²Ý þß In Their 5th Year PHXiSO Brings You ßþ Þ²Ý ß²²ÜÜß
    ßŰ²Ü ß²Ü Ü²ß Ü²Űß
    ßÜ ß²²Ü ß² Shadow Vault (c) STRATEGY FIRST ²ß ܲ²ß Üß
    ÞÝ°Þ²²Ý ± ± Þ²²Ý°ÞÝ
    Ü ß Ü²²ß ° HAPPY FUCKEN NEW YEAR! ° ß²²Ü ß Ü
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    Ü²ß RELEASE SIZE: 1CD 55@15 ß²Ü
    Þ²Ý RELEASE DATE: 12-30-2004 Þ²Ý
    ßßþ PROTECTION : - þßß
    GENRE : Strategy
    DEVELOPER : Mayhem Studios
    RATING : 9/10
    Üܲ²²ÜÜ Üܲ²²ÜÜ
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    ßß ° þÜܲßß ÜÜß RELEASE NOTES ßÜÜ ßß²ÜÜþ ° ßß
    Ü²ß ß²Ü
    Þ²Ý Shadow Vault Þ²Ý
    ßßþ þßß

    The sky is blackened by dark clouds and planet Earth is
    nearing its sad end. Human, a creature so inventive, has
    already tried all the possibilities to avoid his doom.
    Unsuccessfully. Only one way still remains - a time tunnel
    leading back to the year 1958. Contingent, the new world's
    government, didn't hesitate and jumps into the tunnel with
    a great army to fight against their own ancestors. Gain the
    planet at any cost. The primacy of the contingent's modern
    units is extensive but the situation changes rapidly and
    the red sun rises above the planet. Nuclear war is in the
    air, a war that no-one expected. There is no way back and
    both sides are forced to continue fighting.

    Shadow Vault is a Strategy RPG set during a violent time in
    Earth’s alternate history. Battle the forces of the Contingent
    government through 20 different levels featuring over 30 unique
    characters and units or go against human opponents in 10
    multiplayer levels over LAN or internet. Designed for both
    casual and hard-core strategy players, the games provides
    countless hours of strategic gameplay without the need of
    studying a huge manual, but still delivering lots of action
    and strategic possibilities.

    Features of Shadow Vault:

    Stylish nuclear war ravaged environment, where buildings and
    structures can be destroyed or used for cover

    Unique unit classes, each with its own special sets of abilities,
    such as medics, engineers, snipers…

    Units improve abilities and acquire new ones as they gain combat

    Over 30 unique abilities and 40 different actions to enhance and
    update your units

    Hours of strategic gameplay through 20 game levels

    30 units and characters to choose from or battle against

    Epic story and dynamic storyline that immerses the player into
    the game

    High level Artificial Intelligence that reacts to as player’s

    Intuitive game rules and interface placing emphasis on the
    strategical experience rather than a steep learning curve

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    ßßþ þßß

    To the people that would think of ripping this without permission,
    or a thank you. Eat A BrownEYE and LEARN THE MEANING OF RESPECT!
    Groups That have 0 Respect and should DIE are..

    -MYTH Who most recently ripped 1216/Drop.Deluxe.Suite-MYTH/ and
    prior to that 1027/Mall.Tycoon.Deluxe.2-MYTH (Without permission)

    *To Quote the Fucksticks at Myth's own NFo*

    "In fact, we BUY all our own games with our own hard earned and worked
    for efforts. Which is from our own real life non-scene boring jobs.
    As we love game originals. Nothing beats a quality original."

    (cha right.. Not only do you not buy yer own titles you rip other
    Groups titles and claim to have supplied them yourself)

    And my personal Favorite wich is at the bottom of all myth nfos
    "If you like this game, BUY it. We did!" (cha sure, you mean we
    stole it and whored it for our own gain? And forgot to give Props?)

    -Then there is the shity group of fags with instinct Who also have
    0 respect who ripped 1127/Bugdom.2-INSTINCT Whats funny about
    Instink is at the bottom of their shity nfos they Have a greetings
    section where they send regards to their "Friends" in groups Like
    RZR-FLT-DVN as if they even know People in these groups.
    Instead of giving these formaly great groups virtual blowjobs to
    make your shity group look better. Why not thank the groups you
    are stealing your supplys from. And Pay a little god damn RESPECT!

    We would appreciate the repsect due from the groups That use our
    source files for there own gain. Its fucken simple. A good ole'
    thank you goes a long way!
    -PHXISO, "OUT"

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    Þ²²² °Þ²ß ÜÜÜÜ contact us via email: ÜÜÜÜ ß²Ý° ²²²Ý
    ßŰ²²Ü ÜÜŰ²²²ßßßßßßÜ [email protected] Üßßßßßß²²²ŰÜÜ Ü²²Űß
    ßß²²Ű²²ßß ° no more contacts available! ° ßß²²Ű²²ßß
    Þ²²Ý°²ÜÜ ascii: PHXiSO Üܲ°Þ²²Ý
    ß²²Ü ßß±Ü Ü±ßß Ü²²ß
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