• Plata
    TOS-t már rég láttam,de nekem nem rémlik.

    Ugyanakkor ma peccs nap és belenyúlnak az új craft alap drop-ba.
    We have altered the connections between which Elite TFOs drop and which kinds of advanced R&D Console fragments, to better spread out availability.
    Resolved an issue where the Starship Trait - Trauma Response was deciding which bonus to give by looking at what target you had locked instead of what target you healed.
    Resolved an issue where the Starship Trait - Thunder Run was applying Increased Damage instead of Bonus Damage.
    Resolved an issue where the Console - Advanced Science - Energy Field Gradient Projector wasn't applying from Shield Drains.
    The Constitution III has received additional visual polish to make it even more accurate to the ship's appearance in Star Trek Picard!
    New animated warp grills.
    Color adjustments for the nacelles' bussard collectors.
    New "Constitution III" material that with more accurate paneling and impulse engines.
    Other various small updates to the model to improve quality.
    NOTE: In order for the Warp Grills to be animated, changes to the Nacelles were necessary, and you may notice that the nacelle warp grills are missing. Visit the ship tailor and apply the Constitution III Preset to see all of these updates.
    Resolved an issue with the Constitution III ship that caused some shield visuals to appear inside the ship.
    Improved visuals for long names and registry numbers on the Odyssey remaster.
    Added the Odyssey material to the Constitution III, Added the Odyssey and Constitution III Materials to the Sagan and Excelsior II.

    Known Issues:
    Some ships do not appear properly positioned on the character select screen.

    UI:A lekvár boosterrel kapott hajó azt hiszem bugos.Szemtől szembe harcolva az ellenséggel elég érdekes lesz,töménytelen crit-je lesz még hozzá nem sima hanem critical flank dmg.
    Napi endeavor polaron sebzés volt és úgyis rég játszottam vele,hát elmentem,azzal eventre.De valami nem klappol a critjével,elméletileg 41% critje van,mivel boosteres kari nem nagyon lett neki adva semmi még.
    Utoljára szerkesztette: Plata, 2023.06.15. 09:10:01