Az Univerzum - néhány tény, amelynek ismerete megkönnyíti benne az életet:
  • Dzsini
    a számítógépes játékra vagy a törülközőre nehezebben ismernél rá...

    ja, a móka kedvéért: egy fórumos kollega kivonatolta a rádiójátékok történetét (négyszer is)
    (spoileres mint a fene de aki meg hallgatta meg a 3-4-5. sorozatot az meg is érdemli)
    "I was a little bored. This document is what came out of it.

    Here's a fun idea. Print this out and force a non-fan to read it and see if they ever speak to you again.

    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy radio show, condensed version

    ARTHUR's house is demolished. ARTHUR then is rescued by FORD because the EARTH is being destroyed by VOGONS. ARTHUR is fitted with a BABEL FISH which translates for him. They go on adventures with ZAPHOD, TRILLIAN, and MARVIN in the starship HEART OF GOLD. They then discover from SLARTIBARTFAST that the EARTH was run by MICE and that the ultimate answer is FORTY-TWO. They are shot at by some police and end up at MILLIWAYS, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe where they steal a ship. ARTHUR and FORD teleport and meet the GOLGAFRINCHAMS, who then crash in EARTH's prehistoric era, stranding ARTHUR and FORD. MARVIN, TRILLIAN, and ZAPHOD are apparently eaten by a HAGGUNENON which evolves into a BUGBLATTER BEAST. It then turns into an escape pod and ZAPHOD takes it, realizing he must go see someone named ZARNIWHOOP.

    ZAPHOD goes to the HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE OFFICE BUILDING where he finds MARVIN who also survived (so did TRILLIAN, but she does not appear until later). ZAHPOD enters ZARNIWHOOP'S office, which is the entryway to an ARTIFICIAL UNIVERSE. ZAPHOD is taken to the FROGSTAR and thrown into the TOTAL PERSPECTIVE VORTEX where he learns he is the most important guy in the ARTIFICIAL UNIVERSE. The then picks up that universe's versions of ARTHUR and FORD and they go to BRONTITALL where they meet LINTILLA and are shot at for a bit. ZAPHOD meets ZARNIWHOOP and they all go meet the MAN IN THE SHACK who rules the universe and reveals that Earth's destruction is ZAPHOD'S Fault. ARTHUR, LINTILLA and MARVIN steal the HEART OF GOLD and fly off but ZARNIWHOOP turns off the ARTIFICIAL UNIVERSE and he and ZAPHOD return to the real one. ZAPHOD wanders the HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE OFFICE BUILDING, confused.

    The real ARTHUR and FORD, still stuck on prehistoric EARTH, are saved by a SOFA that appears due to a glitch in the WHOLE SORT OF GENERAL MISH MASH and they are taken to LORD'S CRICKET GROUND. They meet SLARTIBARTFAST and go off to save the UNIVERSE when LORD'S is destroyed by evil KRIKKIT ROBOTS. ARTHUR meets AGRAJAG, a reincarnated spirit who seems to be killed by ARTHUR in all his past lives, inluding one on STAVROMULA BETA, where Arthur has not yet been. Therefore, ARTHUR can never die until he goes there. ARTHUR, FORD, SLARTIBARTFAST, MARVIN, TRILLIAN and ZAPHOD prevent the UNIVERSE'S destruction by HACTAR and the KRIKKIT ELDERS. They meet PRAK who tells them about GOD'S LAST MESSAGE TO HIS CREATION and dies. ARTHUR returns back in time to LORD'S where he almost fulfils HACTAR'S plan and destroys the UNIVERSE but doesn't. He then goes and lives on KRIKKIT.

    FORD and ARTHUR, seperated, both learn from their copies of THE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY that the EARTH has been restored and they each hitchhike back there. ARTHUR arrives there first and finds it is an ALTERNATE EARTH. He meets FENCHURCH, who he falls in love with. They meet WONKO THE SANE who tells them what happened to the DOLPHINS. FORD then arrives on ALTERNATE EARTH with a GIANT ROBOT. FORD, ARTHUR and FENCHURCH leave the planet to find GOD'S LAST MESSAGE which is "We apologize for the inconvenience." MARVIN is there as well, and he dies. ARTHUR and FENCHURCH go on a trip to ALLOSIMANIUS SYNECA but FENCHURCH diappears on the hyperspace jump.

    ARTHUR wanders the GALAXY looking for FENCHURCH and the ALTERNATE EARTH but can find neither. On the ALTERNATE EARTH, an alternate TRILLIAN named TRICIA is a reporter who is abducted by GREBULONS to help calculate their horoscopes from the tenth planet RUPERT. FORD goes to the HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE OFFICE BUILDING where he learns from ZAPHOD that ZARNIWHOOP is a VOGON and the HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY is being replaced by the all-powerful GUIDE MARK II PRO, also known as the BIRD. The VOGONS are using the BIRD to destroy INFINITE EARTHS. FORD steals the BIRD and sends it to ARTHUR for safekeeping. ARTHUR meets TRILLIAN and finds she used his DNA to have his daughter, RANDOM. RANDOM steals the BIRD and it helps her go to ALTERNATE EARTH, where she meets TRICIA and thinks she is her mother. ARTHUR, FORD and TRILLIAN all arrive on ALTERNATE EARTH where they go to the club STAVRO MUELLER BETA, which is the STAVROMULA BETA that AGRAJAG had mentioned. RANDOM accidentally shoots ARTHUR but he ducks and it hits AGRAJAG'S REINCARNATION. The GREBULONS destory INFINITE EARTHS because EARTH was astrologically making them have a bad month. The BABEL FISH turns out to have the same powers as the DOLPHINS and everone is saved and transported to MILLIAWAYS, where FENCHURH and ARTHUR are reunited, MARVIN is still under warranty and ZAPHOD is present. TRICIA and TRILLIAN merge into one being. We see different outcomes elsewhere in the WHOLE SORT OF GENERAL MISH-MASH. Everyone is HAPPY except MARVIN.

    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy radio show, double-condensed version

    ARTHUR and FORD leave EARTH. They go on ZANY ADVENTURES with the CREW OF THE HEART OF GOLD and learn that the ultimate answer is FORTY-TWO. ARTHUR and FORD meet the GOLGAFRINCHAMS, and crash in the prehistoric era of EARTH.

    ZAPHOD goes into the ARTIFICIAL UNIVERSE and has ZANY ADVENTURES with the identical ARTIFICIAL UNIVERSE versions of the regular characters. He meets the MAN IN THE SHACK and is utterly confused when he returns to the real UNIVERSE.

    The real ARTHUR and FORD save the UNIVERSE from HACTAR and the people of KRIKKIT.

    ARTHUR goes to ALTERNATE EARTH and falls in love with FENCHURCH who then disappears.

    Incomprehensible stuff happens in the WHOLE SORT OF GENERAL MISH MASH and INFINITE EARTHS are destroyed by the GREBULONS but everyone is saved by their BABEL FISHES and everyone is bursting with FLUFFY PINK BUNNY LOVE.

    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy radio show, triple-condensed version

    ARTHUR and FORD leave EARTH. They learn that the answer is FORTY-TWO. ZAPHOD does STUFF in an ARTIFICIAL UNIVERSE. Everyone saves the UNIVERSE from HACTAR. ARTHUR falls in love with FENCHURCH who disappears. INFINITE EARTHS are destroyed. Everyone is happy.

    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy radio show, quadruple-condensed version

    ARTHUR is bewildered. EARTH is destroyed. They sing AULD LANG SYNE.