Lords of the Realms, Conqueror AD. 1086 és az ősöreg C64-es Medieval Lords RTS/KOS keveréke ...
    Csak, hogy a játék finomságait érzékeltessem:

    "To enhance the depth of the gameworld, Knights of Honor features a day / night -cycle which will be visually represented in the game. As night approaches the villagers and peasants go into their houses, light the lamps and cease working. Some even start a fire in the fireplace to warm themselves, tell tales and stories or sing songs. In the castle the guards start to light torches along the walls and around the gates."
    "Night also offers tactical advantages. It is harder for enemies to recognise soldiers at night than during the day. Under the cloak of night an assault can be more effective than by day. On the other hand, night has also an affect on the soldiers’ morale. Inasmuch as soldiers do not like to fight or march by night, even strong armies can become very vulnerable if marched long distances before the assault without stopping to camp, or after a night of combat. Assaulting a fully rested army can also be a very dangerous task."
    "The player has built up a siege army with a lot of siege equipment to conquer a realm. He knows that marching with siege equipment makes the army very slow and vulnerable and therefore decides to add more units for protection, sending a large invading army to the Realm he wants to conquer.
    Night slowly approaches and the player now has two options. He knows that by day the castle can see him far in advance, allowing them to mount an assault before he can bring his siege equipment into position. He can now either use a route through a valley, which is the shortest way, or around it and risk arriving at the castle in broad daylight."
    "The player decides to take the valley. It is still night and, as his army moves through the valley, they are suddenly caught in an ambush. The Knight recognizes them too late, and there is no time to group the units into a better defensive formation. Although the attacker has only a few units, his men are rested and prepared for the ambush. The players’ units, on the other hand, marched all day with ever-decreasing morale, which fell even lower with the coming of night. The attacker wins the battle while the player loses all his siege equipment and a lot of men without even managing to get close to the castle."
    "In this case, the best strategy would have been to wait until night to take the longer route and then set up camp in the woods at dawn, before continuing the march the next night. Of course, only if the enemy hasn’t sent reinforcements overnight ..."

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