google érdekességek
  • DJviolin
    Kérem valaki nagy vonalakban mondja el, hogy mi van itt leírva:

    Thank you for your note. We understand your concern about outdated
    information appearing in our search results. Please be assured that we'll
    delete our cached copy of this page as soon as possible.

    Google's search results display cached copies of websites so users can
    view a site even if its server is down. A cached copy is a snapshot of the
    webpage from the last time we visited it. Deleting the cached copy removes
    this archived information from the web.

    After we delete the cached copy of a page, the page's title and URL will
    continue to display for the same search queries until our robots revisit
    the site. Users will still be able to visit the live page. Because this
    information has been removed from the live page, this page will not return
    as a result for searches on related keywords after our next crawl. We
    appreciate your patience during this process.

    The Google Team