• kvp
    Az 1988-as Air France baleset ota hivjak igy a teljesen szamitogepvezerelt es ember altal felul nem irhato rendszereket:


    "Air France Flight 296 was a chartered flight of a new Airbus A320-111 operated by Air France. On June 26, 1988, it crashed while making a low pass over Mulhouse–Habsheim Airport (ICAO airport code LFGB) as part of the Habsheim Air Show. Most of the crash sequence, which occurred in front of several thousand spectators, was caught on video. The cause of the crash has been the source of major controversy. This particular flight was not only the A320's first passenger flight (most of those on-board were journalists and raffle winners), but it was also the first public demonstration of any civilian fly-by-wire aircraft.

    Official reports concluded that the pilots flew too low, too slow, failed to see the forest and accidentally flew into it. The captain, Michel Asseline, disputed the report and claimed an error in the fly-by-wire computer prevented him from applying thrust and pulling up. In the aftermath of the crash, there were allegations that investigators had tampered with evidence, specifically the aircraft's flight recorders ("black boxes"). This was the first crash of an A320 aircraft.

    The TV documentary series Mayday also reports claims in Season 9 Episode 3 that the flight recorder might have been tampered with and indicated that four seconds had been cut from the tape; this was shown by playing back a control tower tape and comparing it to the remaining tape. The pilot argues that he attempted to apply thrust earlier than indicated in the flight recorder data. When he increased throttle to level off at 100 ft, the engines did not respond. The pilot claims that this indicated a problem with the aeroplane's fly-by-wire system rather than pilot error. After a few seconds he got worried and thought there may have been something like a short circuit in the completely computerised throttle control, and responded by pulling the throttle all the way back then forward again. By that time the aircraft had touched the trees. The show also looks at the theory that it was the computer at fault, not the pilots- because the flight's altitude had fallen below 100 ft, the plane's computers automatically believed the flight was landing and therefore it would not allow any drastic manoeuvres from either pilots. When they suddenly asked it for more power and lift, it simply ignored them."
  • Macropus Rufus
    "die by wire"
    Ez qurva jo. :)
    Nem tudom, hogy eliras e vagy tenyleg ezt szeretted volna irni, de ez nagyon jo lett, tekintettel arra, hogy a mostani gepek fly by wire technologiat hasznaljak, es ugye a boing meg sajnos egy die by wire-t mutatott be.
  • kvp
    A nyilatkozo pilota osszekever harom dolgot. Az egyik a pilotak gyakorlati tudasanak hianya, ami azt jelenti, hgy nem tudnak kezzel repulogepet vezetni. A masik a pilotak technikai tudasanak hianya, azaz egyiknek sincs mernoki kepzettsege. Ez regebben is igy volt, de ezert vittek magukkal fedelzeti mernokot. (Meg korabban volt dedikalt navigator es kulon radios is, altalaban 5 fo volt csak a pilotafulkeben.) Mostanra ennek az 5 embernek a feladatait kellene elvegezniuk az automatizacio segitsegevel. Veszhelyzetben viszont amikor mindent kezzel kellene csinalni se a tudasuk, se a kapacitasuk nincs meg hozza.

    A harmadik pedig az automatizalt gepek problemaja. Ez mernoki kerdes es megoldhato, csak eppen sokkal tobbet kellene hozza fejleszteni mint a 60-as evek ota gyartott geptipusok toldozgatasa. Egy teljesen uj koncepciot hasznalo gep kifejlesztese pedig draga es jelenleg meg a gyartasa is jelentosen dragabb lenne mint a hagyomanyos buta, de die by wire rendszerekkel szerelt gepeke. Ugyanis most a tartalekrendszer az tobbnyire a pilota, mig automata gepek eseten automatizalt tartalekrendszerek kellenek, tovabba ennek a tartalekakeppen a Foldon barhol barmikor elerheto tavoli kapcsolat, ami eleg gyors es stabil ahhoz, hogy egy kozpontban ulo operator be tudjon avatkozni ha kell. Igazabol itt nincs megoldatlan mernoki problema, csak egyszeruen jelenleg tul draga lenne.

    Rovidtavon en szemely szerint kotelezove tennem a vitorlazo es kismotoros repulesi tanfolyamot a pilotaknak, mielott utasszallito gep kozelebe engednem oket. Ezen kivul kotelezove tennem a fedelzeti mernoki vizsgat is. Ezt a szintet jelenleg csak a nasa koveteli meg az osszes pilotajatol, meg a katonai gepeken is ritka az univerzalis tudasu szemelyzet. (ahol kell a tudas, ott inkabb megvan az 5 fos hagyomanyos szemelyzet) Alternativakent lehet erdemes lenne ujra 3-5 fos szemelyzettel uzemeltetni a gepeket, hogy a pilotak mellett biztosan legyen legalabb egy fedelzeti mernok. Minel tobb az automatizalt, de az automatizacioban nem redundans rendszer, annal inkabb szukseg lenne 2 mernokre, tehat egy legalabb 4 fos szemelyzetre. A redundancia hianya ujbol csak a sporolas, mara eljutottunk ota, hogy az A380-asokon mar a hidraulika sem redundans teljes mertekben es a legutolso tartalek rendszer csak teljesen manualisan, 10%-os kepessegekkel mukodik, tehat meg ha van is pilota, tudja is mit kell csinalni, ert is a rendszer vezerlesehez, akkor is csak 10%-os hatasfokkal tudja iranyitani a gepet, ami sok esetben effektive egyenlo az iranyitas hianyaval.