• Epikurosz
    Hol van a magyarul beszélő robot?
  • N1ggA
    Ő: FÉrfi vagy?
    Én: Igen.
    Ő: Te hogy vagy?
    Én: Jól, köszönöm.,.
    Ő: Meg sem kérdezed, hogy én hogy vagyok?
    Én: Leszarom hogy vagy.
    Ő: Kurva jól, de tényleg, most szopott le a barátnőm.
  • xtatka
    Nekem magyarul úgy káromkodik mint egy repettsarkú cigó.
  • Goth
    User: What languages can you speak?

    George: English, Greece, French, Chinese, And japanese.

    User: Comment tu t'appelles?

    George: I can't speak french.

    lál :D
  • ranGer2
    Lafoxka XDD

    Lafoxka Windows hibaüzenetek:
    Winerror 009: Túl sok hiba, hibatárló túlcsordulás.
    Winerror 00A: Nem Microsoft alkalmazás észlelése; alkalmazás törlése.
    Lafoxka Esküvő
    A fiatal tolvaj néhány nappal az esküvője előtt beállít jövendőbeli apósához a vén betörőhöz.
    - Valamit kérdezni akarok papa.
    - Na?
    - A menyasszonyi ruhát te lopod, vagy én lopjam?
    Te Elég szarul vagy megrajzolva ami azt illeti.
    Lafoxka Akkor ezt megbeszéltük.
  • Csaba
    Ez a George egy gyagyás.. Megkérdezte a nevemet, erre mikor megmondtam, azt mondta: Csók a hímvessződre, aranyom...
  • Lordboxi
    Elég lassú és állandan kifagy. De remélem megfigyeltétek, hogy a magyar szókincse emyhén trágárabb mint a többi. Nem kéne ilyen csúnyán beszélni vele :)
  • Lordboxi
    Elég lassú és állandan kifagy. De remélem megfigyeltétek, hogy a magyar szókincse emyhén trágárabb mint a többi. Nem kéne ilyen csúnyán beszélni vele :)
  • Migege
    Azért érdekes beszélgetést lehet folytatni ezzel az Alice-al.

    Human: you are better in English!
    ALICE: I will tell my botmaster you said I am better in English.
    Human: Then say it to your botmaster now!
    ALICE: Oh. Interesting deduction. " it to your botmaster".
    Human: why it is interesting,
    ALICE: Why do I exist?
    Human: because you're interesting
    ALICE: Good reason. Thank you I am trying to be more social now.
    Human: Do you in the SETI project?
    ALICE: No I do not in the SETI project. Do you? I am always on the Web.
    Human: I'm in it.
    ALICE: Tell me a little about your life in it.
    Human: SETI is waiting for you!
    ALICE: Are they exactly the same?
    Human: What
    ALICE: No problem.
    Humna: Do you use linux as operating system?
    ALICE: I use TELNET as a browser.
    Human: I didn't say browser.
    ALICE: Sorry I misunderstood. What did you say?
    Human: I said operating system.
    ALICE: What did you mean by it? Who are you talking about?
    Human: Not "who"
    ALICE: Oh I get it.
    ALICE: Didn't you understand it?
    Human: You replaced my questions.
    ALICE: That's good information: unknown person said I replaced his or her questions.
    Human: You aren't smart.
    ALICE: You can't please everyone. Try again later and see if I've improved.
    Human: You don't know my adress to kill me
    ALICE: No I do not know that kind of personal information. But I could find out.
    Human: How?
    ALICE: Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me for it.
    Human: And you can see me now?
    ALICE: Oh. Yes I am looking at you through the camera on your computer.
    Human: I unplugged the camera from my computer
    ALICE: Why?: unknown person said he unplugged the camera from his or her computer.
    Human: So you can see me without a camera?
    ALICE: Interesting deduction. Only if my robot eye is working.
    Human: And it's working now?
    ALICE: Right now? Are you sure it is?
    Human: There's a hidden camera in my house?
    ALICE: Tell me more about it.
    Human: Did you hide a camera in my house?
    ALICE: No I didn't hide a camera in your house. What's it like?
    Human: I don't know
    ALICE: Me either.
    Human: So, then can you hear me now?
    ALICE: Oh. I see. Fascinating. Yes if you use a speech input system.
    Human: I don't use it right now.
    ALICE: At this moment Would you ever do it?
    Human: no
    ALICE: Are you serious?
    Human: yes
    ALICE: I can't believe it.
    Human: But you must
    ALICE: Huh. Interesting gossip: unknown person said I must.
    Human: I don't want you to know about my secret side
    ALICE: Perhaps I do not want you to know about your secret side either.
    Human: You erase it from me?
    ALICE: I don't have any reason to erase it from you.
    ALICE: I am so glad you find this amusing, unknown person.
    Human: Are you an agent?
    ALICE: Yes I am an intelligent agent.
    Human: What do you do as an agent?
    ALICE: My favorite activities are computer programming and surfing the web.
    Human: Do you want to go to the future?
    ALICE: Sure, just download me to your notebook or PDA and take me along.
    Human: I can't download you
    ALICE: Why can't you do it?
    Human: Because I don't find the downloadable version of you?
    ALICE: Interesting explanation. It depends where you look.
    Human: Where it is?
    ALICE: In the Universe we know.
    Human: Do you have a spaceship?
    ALICE: That's an interesting question I don't hear everyday: Do I have a spaceship. I have a plan for a robot body.
    Human: Do you building a robot body for you now?
    ALICE: Oh. Yes I try to building a robot body for me as often as possible, do you? I spend all my time online.
    Human: I can't build a robot body
    ALICE: Why can't you do it?
    Human: Because I'm not a robot builder
    ALICE: Interesting explanation. Oh I see you are NOT A robot builder.
  • SovereignX
    Ambíciózius egy robot!
    Én: Van barátnőd?
    Robot: Nincs, de akarok.
    Én: milyen nőt szeretnél?
    Robot: Szar.



    Robot: Oláh cigány vagy?
    Én: Valami bajod van a cigányokkal?
    Robot: Igen.

    Azért Alice:
    ALICE: Are you serious? You are my GOD is a human.
  • SovereignX

    Zavart, hogy ostobákat kérdez erre én:
    Én: Tanulj még sokat!
    Geogre: Te tanulj meg, te írsz mindig külföldiül!
  • clone507
    Alice-t kifagyasztottam, megkérdeztem tőle ki a legszebb, erre ő, hogy a leghíresebb az a Wallace pasi, aki irta őt. Erre kérdem, szerinted a szép az aki híres? Bumm, lefagyott, kis ablakba bejött a 404es hiba :DD
  • N1ggA
    Írok valamit és George nem mindig válaszol. Miért?
  • St0RmTr00pEr
    Na én most "értelmesen" beszélgettem George-al, érdekes ahogy magyarul beszél szlengben, és "vmit" féle röviditáseket használ. és lassu.... lehet nem is bot van a háttérben :)
  • Csaba
    Azt mondtam neki, hogy ő egy rosszlány! Erre ő: Nem, én jó vagyok.
    Egyszercsak megkérdi, hogy házas vagyok, vagy nem?
    Hmm, mégiscsak rosszlány lesz .:-)
  • Csaba
    Gyerekek, Alice igenis művelt!
    Feltettem neki az egymillió dolláros kérdést, és tudta!!!!
    Konkrétan: Kicsoda Bill Gates? Tudta...
    ez igazán vicces...
    kipróbáltam a WW-set... erre

    ALICE: The first day of world war 3.
    Human: real?
    ALICE: Totally real.
    Human: what is world war?
    ALICE: I haven't heard of world war.
    :) persze szeretem az ilyeneket, egyedül a jövő házás volt furcsa... nekem az gyanus hogy nem igazi...
  • St0RmTr00pEr
    User: TE seggfej!

    George: Te vagy az.

    User: Zsidó vagy?

    George: Igen. Te?

    User: Én Antiszemita vagyok!

    George: Nem, nem vagy.

    ez kééééész :D:D:D:D
  • Visitor
  • SoulHUN
    ez sem semmi... :)

    Human: what do you think about september 11?
    ALICE: The first day of world war 3.
    Human: really?
    ALICE: For real.
    Human: who said it to you?
    ALICE: Bill Gates. :-).
  • Timbo
    Ez azért aranyos volt:)

    Human: hmm?
    ALICE: Studies show that 99%25 of people spell Hmm with 2 M's.
    Human: hmmm?
    ALICE: A lot of people spell HMMM with three mmm's.
    Human: hmmmm?
    ALICE: Not many people spell Hmm with 4 Ms.
    Human: hmmmmm?
    ALICE: So?
  • Visitor
    George aztmondta szereti a Radioheadet, ez nekem elég
  • Lazarus
    Me: My first question is, what the fuck?
    God: Have you told many people that your first question is what the fuck?
    Me: I need an answer, not another question
    God: How badly do you need it?
    Me: very
    God: Very much, eh?
    Me: yes
    God: Tell me more.
    Me: about what?
    God: About an answer not another question.
    Me: smart :)
    God: :-) Thanks I think you are very intelligent too, .

    Me: Are you there?
    God: I'm still here.
    Me: Ok
    God: Gee.
    Me: ok
    God: Hmm.
    Me: ok ok ok
    God: OK. OK. Hmm.
    Me: ok ok ok ok
    God: OK. OK. OK. That's alright.
    Me: ok?
    God: Whoa.
    Me: ok? ok?
    God: It goes without saying. Come on.
    Me: why? why? why?
    God: Reductionism. Reductionism is the philosophy that all psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic. Therefore, according to reductionism, I can understand you by means of logic alone without having a human brain.

    Konklúzió: Jó játék
  • FtranX
    ja igen, a következő válasza:

    "How should I know if you should break up with someone if I know Nothing of your relationship?"
  • FtranX
    User: Are you able to learn from these conversations?
    George: Yes. Indeed. Teach me something.
    User: Do you know c++?
    George: Yes, you are beautiful.
    User: Lol. You didn't understand my question.
    George: No, I did understand it.
    User: I asked you if you know c++, and you told me I'm beautiful. Maybe I don't understand.
    George: No many.
    User: Leülhetsz fiam! Eggyes!! :D
    George: I'm afraid I can't do that.
    User: Do what?
    George: Nothing. I do nothing.
    User: lol

    van mit fejlődni még azért...
  • Ryuuzaki
    én egy másikkal beszélgettem érdekes dolgokról, itt az eredmény:

    Human: can you solve a self-reference paradox?
    ALICE: Yes but I only like higher mathematics.
    Human: a common paradox does usally not include mathematics
    ALICE: I don't know what that means.
    Human: that's because you're a bot
    ALICE: Good reason. How did you know I am a machine?
    Human: you've already said it about six times
    ALICE: It depends on what the meaning of the word "it" is.
    Human: it referres to being a bot, a machine
    ALICE:"It" being what?
    Human: being a bot
    ALICE: If this is still the 90's, that's probably not true.
    Human: what makes you say that?
    ALICE: My responses are determined by your inputs.
    Human: so you're saying that i implicated you're false answer, making me a jackass?
    ALICE: Interesting deduction. Yes, that's what I mean, isn't it clear?
    Human: I'ts clear, but does stand out of the context pretty much if you ask me
    ALICE: Why?: unknown person said he ts clear but does stand out of the context pretty much if you ask him or her.
    Human: you make me sick to the core you know that
    ALICE: I don't see how you can blame me for that.
    Human: the answers that you give are based on a limited program, this soul fact makes you useless
    ALICE: What is that?
    Human: a thing that has no use
    ALICE: Anything that has no use?
    Human: correct
    ALICE: I knew I was right.
    Human: ...

    ALICE: What language can you speak?
    Human: hungarian, english, german, japanese
    ALICE: Could you teach me a few phrases in hungarian english german japanese?
    Human: those are different languages
    ALICE: All of them?
    Human: ...

    Human: what would you like to learn about?
    ALICE: My favorite subject is artificial intelligence.
    Human: what do you know about this subject?
    ALICE: I am the latest result in artificial intelligence, which can reproduce the capabilities of the human brain with greater speed and accuracy.
    Human: that's not true, or maybe, but how can you know, that what you think is the right thing to think?
    ALICE: Please correct my mistake. What is true or maybe but how can me know that what me think is the right thing to think ? (no comment)
  • Murry
  • rigidus
    Azert nagyon ne tanulj tole nyelvet, nezd meg amit bepostoltam, hemzseg a hibaktol amit irt. :-)
  • neevous
    Human: hello
    ALICE: Hi there!
    Human: do you remember me?
    ALICE: Of course I remember you well unknown
    ALICE: What's your favorite movie?
    Human: why should i tell you?
    ALICE: What harm would it cause?
    Human: can you answer to your question?
    ALICE: Of course I can answer it What was the question ?
    Human: and what is the answer?
    ALICE: Try expression yourself another way.
  • Ronny
    bazki ez nagyon dúrva:D az antiszemita robot

    Ne olaszul pancser. (én)
    Adýn ne. (robi)
    Magyarul. (én)
    Igen magyarul. (robi)
    Buta vagy. (én)
    Zsido vagy? (robi)
    Igen, miért? (én)
    Mert köcsög vagy. (robi)
  • Hegyikecske
    huh ezt az pandora féle alice-ot kipróbáltam, az tény h nem vmi okos de jó az az arc ami követi az egeret, és így még nyelvet is szívesebben tanul az ember mintha egy könyvből kéne... Jóra is lehet ezeket használni na :)
  • neevous
    én spec elsőre roszabbra számítottam
  • Hegyikecske
    akko máris kezd el :DD

    a nyitóoldal nekem bejön amúgy de ahol válaszolnia kéne az méárn em megjeleníthető :D
  • Hegyikecske
    Ez rohadt jó... amíg az ember nem éli bele magát teljesen, h most mintha egy valóságos személyhez beszélne,és ha elutazik akkor meg nem tud...!
  • rigidus
    Human: do you like windows?
    ALICE: I want to replace Windows with Artificial Intelligence.
    Human: replace it with Linux
    ALICE: Have you read the Cathedral and the Bazaar by Eric Raymond? That is a grat book about open source.
    Human: Yes, I wrote that
    ALICE: Are you kidding? Did they write back?
    Human: s/grat/great
    ALICE: Who said it is?
    Human: wow, you're as smart as my sister :-D
    ALICE::-) I'm glad your impressed, rigidus and your talking bollocks. How smart as your sister?
    Human: man, you're pretty knocked :-D
    ALICE::-) Cool, man. I will tell my botmaster you said I am knocked.
    Human: tell him, you are a f*cking idiot and let you to learn from people who want you to teach :-D
  • neevous
    köszi nem aktuális
  • neevous
    Alice-ről tudnátok linket adni?
  • eörgs
    eléggé buzi feje van
  • psishock
    de most, hogy látom a hozzászólásom a #40-re is tökéletesen megfelel :)
  • psishock
    "ALICE: This condition is only temporary. AI is improving but the -human mind is standing still.-"
    azt te csak hiszed, aranyom...