Battlefield 2142
  • Zs0lt1
    nekem semmi ilyen problémám nem volt, simán ment az aktiválás, a belépéssel volt kis pöcsölés, mint ahogy a lenti kép is mutatja, de játék restart után ment rendesen, minnyá tolok pár shotot is.
  • dicehater

    Komolyan nincs senkinek semmi problémája az aktiválással? Nem a regről beszélek hanem miután felraktad a gammát aktiválni kellene DE a server nem elérhető...

    "Emberek akinek public betaja van: nektek sem megy tovább amikor már magyarul hablatyol az online aktiválásnál? Csatlakozási kísérlet elindul, de a server nem elérhető... Help!"
  • haxoror
    A Mech belsejéből csinálj képet plz!
    Lehet ugrani a Mech-el, nem bírnám idegekkel a bunny hoppoló mech látványát!
  • haxoror
  • JohnnySmith
    Helyes :)
  • uHs Gerzson

    Na én is linkelek képet :)
  • JohnnySmith
    Komolyan.... ez annyira megfogott hogy mindjárt bannert csinálok belőle :)
    Különösen a rozsdafolt.... szal.... nagyon látványos :DDDDDDD
  • Mester01
  • Zs0lt1
    jah és az első észrevétel, az alt-tab egy pillanat és megvan, szal nem kell várni félperceket.
  • Zs0lt1
    Nna tessék itt az első screenshot :D
  • Zs0lt1
    Gerzsi, próbáld meg az antivirus progidat addig lelőni, pláne ha mcafee van.
    vagy olvass fórumot amit a mailben irtak.
    Nekem simán sikerült.
  • JohnnySmith
    Köszönöm, épp reagálni akartam...
    Aki a betaval tud játszani gondoltam lő majd egy két jó képet...

    Paranoia azért tényleg köszi (ennyire azért nem vagyok egyszerű)
  • Paranoia
  • Mester01
    Hülye nézzd meg 2006/05/30 ezt már mindenki láttam szerintem Johnny arra gondolt hogy milyenek a fegyverek,jarmüvek,epületek,stb stb...
  • Paranoia
    screenshotittis vannak.Nemtudom,h milyen kell még:)
  • JohnnySmith
    Gondolom nem kell kérni külön azt akinek lejött és eltudja majd indítani hogy screenshot meg beszámolót ide is :)
  • Mester01
    Francba aki megunta pár nap után a tesztelést az átküldhetné a CD kulcsát.. :DD
  • JohnnySmith
    Nem volt semmi gond.
    Csak nem értettem akkor hogy miért.... így már rendben is vagyunk :)
  • Zs0lt1
    Tuning Béta ;-)
  • DummyBoy
    Nem akarok itt flémelni ... értsd jól a szavaimat ... csak jót akarok ...

    Amióta létezik BF azóta játszom velük, mindmegvan, de amit a 2 óta művelnek az senkinek nem jó ... és ezen a gémen ez hatványozódni fog :(

    Nem lene rosz alapötlet, de a pénzügyi stratégiára gondolva, az alapjáték le se lesz sz@rva (Ez se, de az legalább hivatalosan ...) .. Ez meg mégúgy nemjó senkinek ... Flém off ... sorry ha valaki sértőnek érzi a szavaimat ...
  • uHs Gerzson
    Ja jó hogy van bétám de nevet nem lehet kreálni mert nem megy a szerver :)
  • Mester01
    Nah sziasztok!

    Most jöttem haza a nyaralásból... nem vesztettem semmit ahogy látom mert most töltitek a (Private Bétát) vagy a Public Bétát most melyiket is? :DD
  • JohnnySmith
    Tényleg nem akarnék beleszolni DE:
    "Igen, jól látod a lényeget, nem érdekel..." tehát mi a helyes magatartás ha nem érdekel a játék amig a "...BF2 ilyen bugos szar..." asszem lelehet szűrni a lényeget. Csupán ennyi meglátásom volt.
  • Promi #540
    A kivancsisag azert nalam is van, aztan majd szidjuk ezt is.:)
  • DummyBoy
    Na ja ... de sajna a többség ilyen :(

    Pedig ha egy picit odafigyeltek volna anno ... sé most sokkal jobban, akkor a BF közösség sokkal kevésbé fogadná utálattal ezt a gémet ... (Ettől még lehet hogy ütni fog, de nagyot nem hinném :( )
  • Promi #538
    Mar akik (verpistikek?) erre izgulnak.
  • DummyBoy
    Igen, jól látod a lényeget, nem érdekel, mert minek ez amíg a BF2 ilyen bugos szar ... tudva hogy arra épül, ez is az lesz ... pénzlehúzás ... mitől lesz sok vásárló ... a rangrenccertől ... ennyi ...
  • dicehater
    Kill - KILL - KILL

    Emberek akinek public betaja van: nektek sem megy tovább amikor már magyarul hablatyol az online aktiválásnál? Csatlakozási kísérlet elindul, de a server nem elérhető... Help!
  • Paranoia
    Miért nem a fegyverek vagy kitek vagy népek vagy ilyenek?

    hmm már 1 ideje fent vannak ezek a hivatalos oldalon itt.Ha érdekel a játék akkor biztos jártál már itt.
    Vagy most azokatis be kéne linkelni?nemvágom mi a problémád
  • DummyBoy
    Loooooool :)

    Na majd ha felhussan valahova a béta lehet hogy kipróbálom :)

    Szigorúan szingliben ...
  • Kovács legény
    magyarul nincs????
  • Zs0lt1
    Most nehogy az legyen a baj, hogy angolul van :P :D
  • Zs0lt1
    Meg itt egy leírás a titan módról:

    Titan Mode in three easy steps:

    Step 1 - Drop the Titan Shields!
    • There’s only one way to do this – control the anti-Titan missile silos scattered about the battlefield
    • Controlling each of this silos will automatically launch an anti-Titan missile at regular intervals
    • These missiles will lower the Titan shields and eventually destroy the Titan itself
    • The Titan shield is represented by the outline around the Titan icon at the top of your HUD.

    Step 2 – Get on Titan!
    • You can destroy the Titan much faster by boarding it once its shields are down and blowing up its Reactor Core.
    • Board the Titan by using either the Air Transport or Gunship
    • You can also drive the APC within range of the Titan (an icon will indicate the optimal range) and use the assault pods (seats 3-6) to board the Titan
    • Once launched, you can manuever the assault pods using the WASD keys to land on the Titan.

    Step 3 – Breach the Core!
    • You can use explosives or your handweapon to destroy the consoles
    • You must destroy the four key consoles to access the core
    • The consoles are linked – destroying console 1 grants you access to console 3 and destroying 2 grants you access to 4
    • Once all the consoles are destroyed, the core will be accessible
    • Destroy the core by shooting at it or use explosives of any kind
    • Once it’s destroyed run to get off the titan
  • Zs0lt1
    nna, a játékon belül lesznek tippek, hogy hol, azt nemtom, még töltődik a béta, de itt a tippek teljes listája:

    TEXT_gametip1 Any time during play, you can customize your kit. The changed equipment will be in your inventory on next spawn. (1)
    TEXT_gametip2 When you are playing as a squad, you will see the Field Upgrade Bar in the upper-left corner. When this is full, squad members are eligible to select a Field Upgrade. (2)
    TEXT_gametip3 Field Upgrades are temporary unlocks. Once unlocked, these can be used as long as you stay on the server. (3)
    TEXT_gametip4 The three squad leader unlocks can only by used by squad leaders. Anyone can unlock them, but only squad leaders with a squad of a certain size are allowed to use them. (4)
    TEXT_gametip5 The five player ability unlocks can be unlocked as any other weapon or item. The difference is, once unlocked they are always equipped and not a part of the customization. (5)
    TEXT_gametip6 On the Kit Customization screen - you can choose between light or heavy body armor. The heavy armor reduces the sprint capacity, so it's not all good with more protection. (6)
    TEXT_gametip7 When you are promoted during a round, you can choose the unlock at the End of Round or - if you are in a hurry to get back to the fighting - wait and do this later on in BFHQ. (7)
    TEXT_gametip8 If you do not see any chat in-game, double-check you have not toggled this off in the Options section of the menu. If you are annoyed by all the chat, check if there are some settings in Options you wish to change. (8)
    TEXT_gametip9 Anytime during a round, you can press ESCAPE to get to the menu. Once you are done, just press ESCAPE again and you will return to the fight. (9)
    TEXT_gametip10 Getting recommended for badges, ribbons and pins will help your Soldier's progress up in rank. (10)
    TEXT_gametip11 Watch out for those Sentry Guns support troops can deploy. You do not want to get too close before finding out if they were deployed by friendlies or enemy troops. (11)
    TEXT_gametip12 You do not have to choose an unlock right away. Your unlock credits will be available in the Unlocks section of BFHQ. (12)
    TEXT_gametip13 The Leaderboards in BFHQ shows the best of the best. They can be filtered to show just your buddies, players from your country, or to only show the players you have dog tags from. (13)
    TEXT_gametip14 The graph showing your stats progress in BFHQ will also predict your upcoming performance based on your recent efforts. (14)
    TEXT_gametip15 Several awards can be achieved multiple times and they help you go up in rank. (15)
    TEXT_gametip16 You can join a server your Buddy is playing on by pressing the join button, in the expanded Buddy List. (16)
    TEXT_gametip17 When you knife kill someone, you get their dog tags. Snipers all over - beware. (17)
    TEXT_gametip18 Some unlocks are not items but permanent upgrades to either kit or soldier. (18)
    TEXT_gametip19 The Scope Stabilizer unlock helps you settle your rifle drift as a sniper. Unlock it and pick off those dog tag collectors more easily. (19)
    TEXT_gametip20 The Sentry Guns will scan the area for enemies. Tactically used they can be very effective in guarding important areas or paths. (20)
    TEXT_gametip21 Commanders and squad leaders can give orders by using the context sensitive communication rose (on 'T'). Just aim at a strategic spot and send the order. (21)
    TEXT_gametip22 Look out for drones as a good way of spotting a squad leader. Be sure to spot them before they spot you. (22)
    TEXT_gametip23 Sentry Guns can be destroyed by firing at them. Or why not take them out with a well-placed EMP grenade. (23)
    TEXT_gametip24 Getting off the exploding enemy Titan in time will earn you a special pin. (24)
    TEXT_gametip25 EMP is an effective way of temporarily disabling vehicles. An EMP mine will do the job faster than the EMP grenades. Sneaky people are known for hijacking vehicles this way. (25)
    TEXT_gametip26 A sniper who aims at the head will be more successful than the one that goes for the easy body shot. (26)
    TEXT_gametip27 If you run out of ammo your sidearm can be a lifesaver. Do whatever it takes to keep your dog tags. (27)
    TEXT_gametip28 The away bonus will help you get back on track with your career after some R&R. But the fastest way to go up in rank is to earn it on the battlefield. (28)
    TEXT_gametip29 Any kills following your squad leaders attack or defend orders will generate a bonus score. (29)
    TEXT_gametip30 If you see a "2" next to a players name, this means they are veterans from Battlefield 2(TM). So, either be extra careful around those vets, or go after them extra hard to welcome them to the future. (30)
    TEXT_gametip31 Which weapon is the Voss L-AR? Read more about it in BFHQ Unlocks or on the Kit Customization screen. (31)
    TEXT_gametip32 You can have up to four (4) Soldiers with their own persistence per EA Account. If you would like to start a new career, you will have to delete an existing Soldier first. (32)
    TEXT_gametip33 Field Upgrades are only rewarded to soldiers in squads. This is one of the many reasons squad play might be the way to go, if you want the best experience. (33)
    TEXT_gametip34 With the networked HUD, soldiers in the same squad can share HUD information on enemy locations. (34)
    TEXT_gametip35 Use the Squad Leader Bacon together with scrambled eggs for a nutritious breakfast for all of your freshly spawned squad. (35)
    TEXT_gametip36 The Squad Leader Spawn Beacon allows squad members to spawn in on tactical locations. However, they will be dropped in pods, so it is not the most stealthy spawn. (36)
    TEXT_gametip37 If you have trouble differentiating between friendlies and enemies - try setting the color-blind friendly option on and see if that helps. (37)
    TEXT_gametip38 Squad leaders will climb the ranks faster if they have a habit of issuing tactically correct orders. The same is true for commanders. (38)
    TEXT_gametip39 Squad members will gain from carrying out their squad leader's orders. Each kill while following orders will count in the pursuit of the next rank. (39)
    TEXT_gametip40 The commander score is determined by the individual team members' scores. And if the commander leads the troops to a victorious round, there will be an additional bonus. (40)
    TEXT_gametip41 Do not forget to customize your kits. Your last configuration will be saved. (41)
    TEXT_gametip42 APCs on Titan maps have seats equipped with launch pods, which provide an excellent way of getting aboard the Titan. (42)
    TEXT_gametip43 If you experience motion sickness during play, set Camera Shake OFF in the Options. (43)
    TEXT_gametip44 Each kit has two separate unlock branches, which both lead to a new weapon. Go wide if you want a little bit of everything, and go deep if you more quickly want to unlock a new main weapon. (44)
    TEXT_gametip45 Your skill in combat and the support of your fellow troops will - together with the awards you receive - add to your experience and help you climb the ranks. (45)
    TEXT_gametip46 Don't forget you can pick up fallen soldiers' kit equipment. They might have more unlocks than you, and this is an excellent way to try them out. (46)
    TEXT_gametip47 Field Upgrades is an excellent way of trying out unlocks before you unlock them permanently. (47)
    TEXT_gametip48 Squad members will gain from carrying out their squad leader's orders. Each kill while following orders to attack or defend get the squad one step closer to a Field Upgrade. (48)
    TEXT_gametip49 Healing, reviving and rearming your fellow squad members - and repairing their vehicles - will give you points and also help your squad getting a Field Upgrade. (49)
    TEXT_gametip50 When you play a Co-op game, any number of friends can join the game up to the 16 player limit. When someone joins, a bot will be kicked out of the game. (50)
    TEXT_gametip51 When you play a LAN game or a Singleplayer game - as long as you are connected to the Internet you will be able to use the items and weapons you have previously unlocked. (51)
    TEXT_gametip52 Active Defense can be used on most vehicles to protect you from incoming missiles and rockets. You'll have to use it carefully as it only lasts for a few seconds and takes a while to recharge. (52)
    TEXT_gametip53 Boost is available on the fast attack vehicles - use it to get out of those nasty situations in which only speed can save you. (53)
    TEXT_gametip54 Vehicles have different armor values in different locations. For example, many vehicles have less armor in the rear than in the front. Try to keep this in mind when you go up against other vehicles. (54)
    TEXT_gametip55 You cannot armor everything - some vehicles have inherent weak spots which have less armor and are more vulnerable to fire from more types of weapons. (55)
    TEXT_gametip56 APCs on Titan maps have assault pods which can be used to launch into combat. When launched, you can control their flight using the standard movement keys. (56)
    TEXT_gametip57 Weapon accuracy varies depending on your stance, movement and whether you are zoomed. Practice with each weapon so that you understand its strengths and weaknesses. (57)
    TEXT_gametip58 Not all weapons are created equally - they are designed to be good at different ranges and conditions. Practice with each weapon to learn more about its strengths and weaknesses. (58)
    TEXT_gametip59 Infantry can equip themselves with light armor which allows them to sprint further and recuperate from a sprint faster. However, light armor provides less protection from damage. (59)
    TEXT_gametip60 Did you just see a shadow float by? Look again, it might be a recon soldier using Active Camo to try and stealth past you. The shadow is still visible even when Active Camo is in effect. (60)
    TEXT_gametip61 The Networked Battlefield is your squad's best friend. Look at an enemy unit and you will pass information such as the type of enemy to the rest of your squad. (61)
    TEXT_gametip62 When in a squad, watch for the Networked Battlefield icons in your 3D HUD. These icons indicate that someone on your team is viewing or engaging an enemy and you can move into a supporting position. (62)
    TEXT_gametip63 Different infantry types can provide different functions for the Networked Battlefield. Each infantry type has its own speciality. Practice with your squad members to get the best use out of the system. (63)
    TEXT_gametip64 Networked Battlefield icons appear anywhere a squad member has made contact with the enemy. Just because you see the NetBat icon doesn't mean that the enemy is in your visual range. (64)
    TEXT_gametip65 When using the Scope Stabilizer unlock, be sure to hold the SPRINT key down in order to use it effectively. (65)
    TEXT_gametip66 You can set the range at which a rifle rocket explodes. When in zoom mode roll the mouse wheel to set the detonation range. When fired, the rocket will auto-explode at the preset range. (66)
    TEXT_gametip67 The smoke grenade is a highly effective tool for the assault soldier. It provides excellent cover during an attack in tight quarters and is especially useful during a Titan boarding. (67)
    TEXT_gametip68 The PDS-1 unlock allows the engineer infantry to fix the position of enemy vehicles. Place it to cover known routes and it will update you and your squad via the NetBat. (68)
    TEXT_gametip69 The AE Defuse unlock allows engineer infantry to remove explosive devices. Keep an eye out for the enemy who set the explosive as they may be using it to bait you. (69)
    TEXT_gametip70 The II-29 Motion Mine unlock is the latest generation of anti-vehicle explosives. They will actively track on moving enemy vehicles and follow until they make contact and explode. (70)
    TEXT_gametip71 The DysTek Pulse Meter is a short-ranged reconnaissance tool which will identify any enemy units in range. The information will be passed on to each squad member via the NetBat. (71)
    TEXT_gametip72 EMP can be used to stop a vehicle in its tracks as well as hinder their ability to track and engage opponents. While the effect is temporary it is still very effective in making vehicles vulnerable. (72)
    TEXT_gametip73 Can't move your vehicle? Is your HUD showing discharge and visual glitches? You've just been EMPed. Your options are to wait until the effect passes or get out of the vehicle. (73)
    TEXT_gametip74 EMP can affect infantry by causing their advanced helmet optics to experience temporary visual glitches. (74)
    TEXT_gametip75 The IPS Shield unlock is the perfect tool for providing cover when necessary. It blocks small arms fire but vehicle munitions will penetrate it easily. (75)
    TEXT_gametip76 The IPS Shield unlock can block most bullets. However, if you aim at the control box you can disable it. It takes a skilled rifleman to shoot the small target. (76)
    TEXT_gametip77 The SLSB unlock is only available to the squad leader. It allows the squad leader to place a spawn point on the map. The beacon can be seen and destroyed by opponents. (77)
    TEXT_gametip78 The DysTek Pulse Meter can fix the position of enemy squad leader beacons. Use it when you suspect a beacon has been placed nearby. (78)
    TEXT_gametip79 The RD-4 Otus is a squad leader unlock. It functions as a recon drone identifying enemy units within range. The information is passed on to the squad via the Networked Battlefield system. (79)
    TEXT_gametip80 The SD-8 Accipiter is a squad leader unlock. It will target and engage enemy infantry which appear within its target acquisition field. Extremely useful for watching the squad's back. (80)
    TEXT_gametip81 Even with no or few unlocks you can activate or deactivate your heavy armor, on the Customization screen. (81)
    TEXT_gametip82 The two icons left of the soldier in the Customization screen are the two kit upgrades that you can unlock. (82)
    TEXT_gametip83 Make sure you check these game tips during load since they do change. (83)
    TEXT_gametip84 A head shot will always drop your opponent quicker. (84)
    TEXT_gametip85 If you hit an opponent there will be a small white indicator around your cross hair to help you. If you never see this, you might want to adjust your aiming. (85)
    TEXT_gametip86 When you are getting hit by incoming fire there will be an indicator that lights up in the direction of the threat. So, spin around and get even. (86)
    TEXT_gametip87 Spawning in from a squad leader beacon will put you inside a drop pod. Be sure to have a quick look around on your way down so you know of possible threats. They will no doubt see you coming. (87)
    TEXT_gametip88 Despite what people might tell you in the chat or over VoIP; pressing Alt and F4 at the same time is not a way to get an unlock in this game. (88)
    TEXT_gametip89 In the Awards section of BFHQ, you can see what criteria there are for each awards and your progress towards them. (89)
    TEXT_gametip90 Don't forget to add your friends to your Buddy List. This way, you can always see if they are online and which server they are playing on. (90)
    TEXT_gametip91 Short-winded? Fatigued easily? Need cardio? Get more points and unlock the two sprint ability unlocks. One gives you longer sprint distance and the other one faster recovery. (91)
    TEXT_gametip92 The APCs used on conquest maps boost the power of your support ability. For example, friendly vehicles will be repaired more efficiently than if the engineer is in a tank. (92)
    TEXT_gametip93 In the Titans game mode, you can check the time left until a missile silo launches, by pressing the 'T' key. (93)
    TEXT_gametip94 As the Titan Commander you can put your mouse cursor over your Titan, in your Command interface, to check its movement path. (94)
    TEXT_gametip95 As the Titan Commander you can place your mouse pointer over a missile silo, in your Command interface, to see the flightpath for that missile. (95)
    TEXT_gametip96 The Titan under your command can affect quite a large area around it. Try and find the best position on the battlefield to help support your ground forces. (96)
    TEXT_gametip97 As the commander, your job is to settle for nothing less than total victory. Therefore your score is based solely on the performance of your team. You will also receive a substantial bonus for winning. (97)
    TEXT_gametip98 In the Titans game mode, APCs and Air Transports are also spawnpoints. (98)
    TEXT_gametip99 As a squad Leader, or commander, you can place orders on many Networked Battlefield icons; by putting your crosshair over the icon, hitting the 'T' key and choosing Issue Order. (99)
    TEXT_gametip100 In the Titans game mode, you can check the number of friendly players on your Titan, the enemy Titan and on the ground, by pressing the 'T' key. (100)
    TEXT_gametip101 Only a set number of players can have the three Top Officer ranks at the same time. And there can only be one Supreme Commander. (101)
    TEXT_gametip102 The drones help you as a squad leader but if they are activated in the wrong place they can give away your position. (102)
    TEXT_gametip103 Hitting the vehicle's soft spots will help you bring them down faster. (103)
    TEXT_gametip104 The DysTek Hi-scope X4 unlock enhances your sniper rifle with some extra zoom possibility. (104)
    TEXT_gametip105 The 3D map can be switched on and off using the corresponding key. When it is enabled, you will see all the information made available by the Networked Battlefield (NetBat) system. (105)
  • Zs0lt1
    miért, a use of exploits téma jobban kellett volna? :DD
  • DummyBoy
    De pont egy ilyen öreg rutin, mint Te pont a lámáknakvaló részt dobod be infóként? :P
  • Zs0lt1
    nem ez volt az első dolog, csak megjött a mail, hogy lehet tesztelni és van egy fórum, ahova írogatnak arcok és ott találtam ezt, aztán gondoltam érdekelhet sok embert :D
  • DummyBoy
    Azért az szomorú, hogy jön egy új BF game és az első dolog ami kiderül, az a Rangok listája ...

    Szégyen ...

    Miért nem a fegyverek vagy kitek vagy népek vagy ilyenek?

    Rangok ... a következő már MMOFPS lesz oszt fizethettek havonta + az unlockokat is meg kell venni :(

    Bár ismerve az EA hozzáállást, bugos szar lesz 8 Booster Pakkal + egy rakás Titan-bunny-hopperrel ...
  • Zs0lt1
    Quake Wars-ban úgysem lesz benne ilyen fasság ;-)
  • Fenrir
    Nem értem miért kell ezt annyira erőltetni :\