Most aztán kiderül!
  • Adi
    I do not know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.
    You were born somewhere around territory of modern West Afrika approximately on 1725.
    Your profession was dancer, singer, actor.
    Your brief psychological profile in that past life:
    Ruthless character, carefully weighing his decisions in critical situations, with excellent self-control and strong will. Such people are generally liked, but not always loved.
    Lesson, that your last past life brought to present:
    Magic is everywhere around you, in most usual, most ordinary incidents. Your lesson -- to learn magic and to help people to see it clearly. You are magician!
  • Shadow_THH
    "executor of sacrifices" :DDDD akkor innen eredhet a hen-tes név a tudatalattid jelzett amikor regelni akartál az sg-re (~az emberáldozatokon a jómunkás hóhér/mezei kivégző) :)
  • Aquir
    hát nemérted? te ezt NEM FOGHATOD FEL
  • repro
    És a több száz emberrel akivel egy napon születtem, azzal mind ugyanazok voltunk?
  • cSuwwi
    isz. 800 körül cülettél, a modern(?) ausztriában (főleg hogy akkor még nem is létezett) :P
    A képzettségeid: harcos, vadász, halász ill. hóhér(?). Durván ennyi (az első caggatott vonalig)
  • hen-tes
    I do not know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.
    You were born somewhere around territory of modern Austria approximately on 800.
    Your profession was warrior, hunter, fisherman, executor of sacrifices.
    Your brief psychological profile in that past life:
    You always liked to travel, to investigate, could have been detective or spy.
    Lesson, that your last past life brought to present:
    Your lesson -- to conquer jealousy and anger in yourself and then in those, who will select you as their guide. You should understand that these weaknesses are caused by fear and self-regret.

    akkó mi is voltam ? :o
  • ranGer2
    ÖÖÖ izé!

    I do not know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.
    You were born somewhere around territory of modern Central India approximately on 1325.
    Your profession was leader, major, captain.
    Your brief psychological profile in that past life:
    Timid, constrained, quiet person. You had creative talents, waited till that life to be liberated. Sometimes environment considered you strange.
    Lesson, that your last past life brought to present:
    Your main task -- to make the world more beautiful. Physical and spiritual deserts are just waiting for your touch. Keep smiling!
    Now you remember?
  • rezsofiz
    Szerintem ez meglehetősen lol.
  • Davidus
  • The Garrett
    es micsinaltam ~1600 tól 1986 ig?
    (btw ha 1 nappal korabban születtem volna akkoris mexikoi író leszek/voltam)
  • The Garrett
    I do not know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.
    You were born somewhere around territory of modern Mexico approximately on 1575.
    Your profession was writer, dramatist, organizer of rituals.
    Your brief psychological profile in that past life:
    You had mind of a scientist, always seeking new explanations. Environment often misunderstood him, but respected his knowledge.
    Lesson, that your last past life brought to present:
    Magic is everywhere around you, in most usual, most ordinary incidents. Your lesson -- to learn magic and to help people to see it clearly. You are magician!
  • Loál János #67
    Pedig én tök komolyan vettem, és szilárd meggyőződésem volt, hogy igaz. :CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCcccccccc

  • Davidus
    még szép:D
  • Vlala #65
    could have been = lehettél volna (ez a tizenvalahányadik igeidő kifordított verziója)
    Modellmaker: Nekem ugyanez jött ki a középső szövegben. Az elsőben viszont az, ami Pontiusnak. Ez egy újabb átverősdi lesz...
  • modellmaker
    Amúgy köszi. És a vonal alatt?
  • modellmaker
    TAlán lehettem volna nyomozó, vagy kém. Nem?
  • Szabina
    A program szerint én egy mongol vegyész (férfi) voltam előző életemben valamikor az 1300-as években. Csak azt nem értem, hogy ha valaki ugyanakkor született mint én, akkor ő is mongol vegyész (férfi) volt előző életében valamikor az 1300-as években??
  • DJ Skyline
    nyers fordításban:
    a te lélektani profilod/életrajzod az előző életedben:
    mindíg szerettél utazni,kutatni/nyomozni,....az utolsóban nem vagyok biztos...detektív,és kém addig tiszta....de a coild have been-t nem tudom összerakni!:DD
  • lina1357
    Szia itt vagyok!!!!!
    Te hol vagy
  • modellmaker
    Enyimé: Csákó voltam (mint most-huhh még szerencse) a mai Wales területén születtem 800 körül. Katona, vadász, halász esetleg hóhér. (ez a: executor of sacrifices ugye?)

    Atöbbit nem értem. Lefordítaná valaki?

    Your brief psychological profile in that past life:
    You always liked to travel, to investigate, could have been detective or spy.
    Lesson, that your last past life brought to present:
    Your lesson -- to conquer jealousy and anger in yourself and then in those, who will select you as their guide. You should understand that these weaknesses are caused by fear and self-regret.
  • Kalóz Pepi
    Ez aza topik!!!!!
  • DJ Skyline
    szivesen máskor is!:)
  • Kalóz Pepi


    *anyai büszkeségtől dagadó mellkas*
  • DJ Skyline
    nem én állatidomár!:D
  • DJ Skyline
    organizer of rituals...hááááát....organizer az rendező,szervező...ritual az meg szertartás...
  • Pontius #53
    nahát, te is bűvész voltál? :P
  • DJ Skyline
    fortune teller: fortune az szerencs...én jósnak tippelem...
  • Pontius #51
    I do not know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.
    You were born somewhere around territory of modern Filippines approximately on 1100.
    Your profession was dancer, singer, actor.
    Your brief psychological profile in that past life:
    Ruthless character, carefully weighing his decisions in critical situations, with excellent self-control and strong will. Such people are generally liked, but not always loved.
    Lesson, that your last past life brought to present:
    Magic is everywhere around you, in most usual, most ordinary incidents. Your lesson -- to learn magic and to help people to see it clearly. You are magician!

  • Kalóz Pepi
    2.és 3.fijaim:
    do not know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.
    You were born somewhere around territory of modern North India approximately on 900.
    Your profession was writer, dramatist, organizer of rituals.
    Your brief psychological profile in that past life:
    You had mind of a scientist, always seeking new explanations. Environment often misunderstood him, but respected his knowledge.
    Lesson, that your last past life brought to present:
    Your lesson -- to study, to practice and to use wisdom, enclosed in psychological sciences, and in ancient manuscripts. With strong faith and hard work you will reach your real destiny in present life.
  • Kalóz Pepi
    do not know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.
    You were born somewhere around territory of modern Izrael approximately on 1350.
    Your profession was artist, magician, fortune teller.
    Your brief psychological profile in that past life:
    Natural talent of psychologist, you knew how to use the opportunities. Cold-blooded and calm in any situation.
    Lesson, that your last past life brought to present:
    Your problem -- to learn to love and to trust Universe. You are bound to think, study, reflect, develop inner wisdom.
  • Pontius #48
    Bruce Lee?? :)
  • Sadun Tryst
    nekem ezt írta a progi:

    The Beauty Queen -- You may have spent your past life as a beauty queen. You liked to keep yourself in great shape and always found time to look good.

    még szerencse, h fiú vagyok :P
  • ranGer2
    Péter voltam :)
  • DJ Skyline
    azt nem látom csak azt hogy miket csináltál meg ilyenek...de különben csak a foglalkozásotok ugyanaz(párod meg a tied persze)
  • Kalóz Pepi
  • Kalóz Pepi

    Az nincs leírva hogy hóttam meg?
  • DJ Skyline
    áldozat végrehajtó!:DD...olyan nincs...LOÁL...hóhér esetleg!...
  • Kalóz Pepi
    A cihológiai profilja ...olyan mint most.
    Na eltűzök, mert libabőrözök.

  • DJ Skyline
    (hunter)vadász,(fisherman)halász,(warrior)katona,(executor of sacrifices)végrehajtó az executor...sacrifice meg feláldoz,áldozás asszem...:)
  • Kalóz Pepi
    Ugyanaz a lessonunk?