In-Fisherman: Freshwater Trophies
  • Sephi
    Eskuszom ez pontosan annak a peldaja hogy a jatek cegek mar nem tudnak mit kitalalni....

  • Devla
    Ehh, ez nem foci amit szamitogepen lehet jatszani. A horgaszasban pont az a lenyeg, hogy kint ulsz a stegen/csonakban es varod a kapast. A friss levegot es a bot fogasanak az elmenyet nem lehet virtualisan megvalositani!
  • BBird
    Eddig nem túl sok horgász-játék jött ki PC-re, és sajnos azoknak a többsége elég negatív véleménnyel írta be magát a játéktörténelembe. Vajon ez megüti a várt eredményt? Én elég pesszimistán állok a témához.
  • zaki
    de komoly :))))) asszem én is kipróbálom :)))
  • grebber
    Eh tetszik igy képek alapján.A valóságban is szeretek horgászni.A gamekkel meg imádok játszani.
    Nagyon jó amint látom valahol le is szedem.
  • grebber

  • grebber
    2004-07-20 In-Fisherman Freshwater Trophies (c) Global Star Software 26x15 MB MONEY 7.1

    In-Fisherman Freshwater Trophies blends realistic graphics with expertise from the editors of In-Fisherman magazine to give you the most authentic freshwater fishing experience ever created. A fully 3D camera takes you above or below water. Cruise the lake, cast in your line and watch as a perfectly modeled, animation-blended bass grabs your lure during any of the game's many high-stakes fishing tournaments. And, all of this is made even more real through a unique Pro Tips virtual library of the best angling info from the editors of In-Fisherman magazine.

    Land Yourself A Lunker!

    • Highly realistic graphics combined with In-Fisherman's 3D sound gives you a very lifelike virtual fishing experience.
    • In-Fisherman editors have been involved in all steps during the creation of In-Fisherman Freshwater Trophies, from choosing the lakes to ensuring correct fish behaviors and appearances. In addition, a special ProTips feature gives you the best angling information from the annuals of In-Fisherman.
    • Compete as a pro in the In-Fisherman Bass or Walleye tours or design your own tournaments for Catfish, Musky/Pike or Panfish. 10 different freshwater multi-species lakes, ranging from Minnesota's Lake of the Woods to South Carolina's Santee-Cooper Reservoir.
    • 30 different species of North American Game Fish including bass, walleye, northern pike, catfish, trout, and salmon.
    • Fish with 70 fully rendered lures and live bait on four customizable rod, reel, and lure combinations.
    • Challenge yourself with varying weather conditions based on season and time of day, including fog and rain, dawn/day/dusk effects, clear and overcast skies and varying water conditions including clear, stained, murky and muddy water.

    System Requirements:
    Pentium III 866MHz Windows PC or higher with 256MB RAM, Windows ME, 2000 or XP operating system, 64MB DirectX 9 compatible 3D video card, DirectX 9 compatible sound card, 8X or faster CD-ROM drive, 750MB of free Hard Drive Space, Cable/DSL connection for Internet play.