#1488 nem mivagyunk a code klan... csupán garrett ! -
#1487 reggelt -
hogy bukkantál ilyen lapra ?
dieselG #1485 Nem akarok senkit se megsérteni, csak gondoltam, jobb ha szólok, hogy valaki felhasználta egy montázsotokat egy "meleglap" kezdőoldalának :D
Ledöbbentem rendesen -
#1484 rohattt !!! -
#1483 info! :D -
#1482 infot ide !!! -
#1481 gyorsan tanulsz ifju pada1 -
#1480 aha! -
#1479 megfelelő topic ? -
#1478 nemis
#1477 ez csak azt bizonyítja hoyg egy szpemmer köcsög vagy :D -
#1476 ÉS 21K ! -
#1475 rohadj meg :D -
Garrett #1474 Na mentem strandra! -
#1473 menj már a faszba... mivan ezzel ? bebuzultál ? -
#1472 keresek 1 karaoké verziót -
#1471 empéháromban
Hey baby, wake up from your a-sleep.
We have arrived unto the future
And the whole world is become...
elektronik supersonik
supersonik elektronik
Hey baby, ride with me away,
We doesnt have much time,
my blue jeans is tight,
So onto my love rocket climb.
Inside tank of fuel is not fuel, but love.
Above us there is nothing above,
but the stars, above
All systems gone
prepare for down-count
5.. 4.. 3.. 1.. OFF BLAST!
Fly away my space rocket,
you no need put money in my pocket
the door is closed I just lock it
I put my birthplug in your socket
The sonic sky is bright like fire.
You and me get higher and higher.
Heart communications wire.
Only thing that can stop us is flat tire.
Hey Love crusader. I want to be your space invader.
For you I will descend the deepest moon crater.
I is more stronger than Darth Vapor.
Obey me, I's your new dictator.
For you is Venus, I am Mars.
With you, I am richer than all the Zhars.
Make a wishes on a shooting star.
Then for you I will play on my cosmic guitar.
Ladies and Gentlemen, fasten your beltseats.
We has commenced our descent.
I trust you enjoyed this flight as much as you enjoy this action.
now back on earth is time for down-splash
Into sea of eternal glory my spaceship crash
people have arrived for to cheer me from near and far
and as I float, I open door and shout
"I am world's biggest washed up superstar!"
As for sure as the sun rises in the West.
Of all the things and poets on Earth, I am the bestest.
Come, let me to dream of jewelery on your finger.
Then like a smell around you, I will forever linger.
Ok, it's time for end.
No more will I sing.
Let me take you back in time.
I want for you to experience Big Bang.
Long live Space Race. Long live Molvania.
#1468 mivan már megint veled, Son of Heavenly Luck ?! -
#1467 reggelit mindenkinek
gecc ha ma se leszek öngyilkosakkor sose :P -
ték a kép -
#1465 van van van -
#1464 milyen huga van garrettnek?
képetképet! -
#1463 re -
#1462 leestem a székről -
#1461 buktadö !!! -
#1460 na akkor menjünk berugni :P
#1459 nekem te kellesz :DDD -
#1458 nemeladó :D
meg különbenis nem tud főzni.. -
#1457 hugodé ? -
#1456 [email protected] -
#1455 címed vazzegh ? :D -
#1454 ok -
#1453 kell . :D hol küldöd? msn? -
#1452 nekem meg 21k :D
kell a Subscribe ??? -
#1451 na de mégis MIKOE ??? -
#1450 gonosz... -
#1449 bazzeg most nezem mar megvolt 10k hozzászólásom valamikor :P