Zaklatnak e-mailben.
  • Hedic
    ok meglesz de amikor telcsin megkérdeztem tole azt mondta hogy nem, szerinted ha szemtől szembe megkérdezném akkor több esélyem lenne???
  • Hedic
    kösz a segitséget !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Annakin
    1. nem vagy idióa. 2. miért nem közlöd vele,h szerelmes vagy belé szemtől szembe. nincs abban semmi rossz. csak felvilágosítod a jelen helyzetről. 3. senki nem gátol meg ebben(max.saját magadat folytod le). szal, állj elé bátran n asszondom. nincsen veszteni valód.ja, s ne feled, lassú víz partot mos. (pfú de közhelyes vót na mind1)
  • Hedic
    szevasztok!!! lehet hogy egy kicsit hulye kérdést teszek fel mert semmi informatikai kérdéshez sem kötödik inkább szerelmi kérdés mivel ennek a forumnak az a neve hogy SEgitség igy bizok benne hogy valaki segit...
    szoval az van hogy szerelmes vagyok egy lyányba már 4 éve,ráadásul egy osztályba járunk!! sokszor kérdeztem töle már hogy akar e velem jarni de sose szemályesen hanem vagy telefonon vagy pedig mással....mindegy nemet mondott de valahogy ugy érzem mintha engem szeretne,néha meg ugy érzem hogy nem......a suliba is egész tanévbe 5 percet beszélűnk egymással az már gimiszrekord!!! ez a nagy helyzet...remélem senkinek sem vagyok a terhére és ha valakinek kedva szottyan egy ilyen idiótán segiteni akkor lécci privát üzenetbe várom az üzeneteket!!! még egyszer bocs hogy ilyen problémákkal zavarlak titeket!!!!!!!
  • janos666 #23
    Equity Spoltight - Tue, 13 Apr 2004 08:08:09 -0500

    Symbol: AMTK - Austin Medical Technologies
    Sector: HealthCare/Medical Technologies

    AMTK - On the Cutting Edge of Medical Technologies

    AMTK is experiencing strong and sturdy growth due to the continued
    demand for its products and services utilized by surgeons throughout the
    world. The business is an annuity model with recurring revenue each
    month. Customers sign multi-year contracts, and AMTK maintains a track
    record of 95% contract renewal.

    AMTK delivers "DIRECT" from the manufacturer to the surgeon,
    the only technology-based "Single Source Supply Solution"
    serving the Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) market. Under the brand name
    eyeDirecti, AMTK is initially focused on surgeon-owned and operated ASCs
    which consist of 2,500 practices with 15,000 surgeons performing 4.4
    million surgical procedures annually at a supply cost of 400 million
    dollars per year.

    1) AMTK has exclusive contracts with leading HealthCare companies such
    as Baxter, Medtronic, Allergan, and OcuSoft.

    2) AMTK is a manufacturer and distributor of several hundred medical and
    surgical products -- enough to fill 80 percent of a typical ASC's supply

    3) AMTK provides products and services exclusively to the 2500
    Ophthalmology-owned and operated Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) market,
    which is the fastest growing segment of HealthCare with over 10 million
    surgical procedures performed annually. AMTK is focused on providing
    disposable surgical supplies and superior service to this outpatient
    HealthCare provider.

    4) AMTK's founders have more than 100 years' experience in the
    ophthalmic surgical products and technology industries.

    AMTK provides hundreds of products and technology-based services needed
    by ASC's. AMTK offers disposable surgical instruments, custom sterile
    procedure packs, intravenous solutions, patient care supplies, and
    technology to enhance efficiencies and eliminate cost to the customer.
    AMTK's in-depth knowledge concerning special interactions among ASC's
    and manufacturers has driven it to create the surgical eye care supply
    chain and e-commerce solution that dramatically simplifies the
    distinctive methods and processes used byits customers to manage their

    AMTK has exclusive contracts with leading HealthCare companies such as
    Baxter, Medtronic, Allergan, and OcuSoft for manufacturing and
    distribution of the products it markets. This is key: AMTK provides not
    just products but also a unique set of innovative, integrated
    cost-management services. These are extremely important in HealthCare
    today; they allow ASC's to save money and focus on patient care rather
    than supplies and logistics.

    Customer Requirements
    Every year 10 million surgical procedures are performed within the
    ophthalmic ASC market. Every day there are more than a million people
    making outpatient visits to medical centers across the country. The
    nation spends about a trillion dollars a year -- a sixth of its total
    economy -- on HealthCare. That amount continues to grow as the
    population ages and new medical capabilities develop. Globally,
    HealthCare is a large, vital, growing industry.

    How Austin Medical Technology Responds
    More than any other company in HealthCare, AMTK can help ophthalmic
    ASC's manage their costs and their resources. AMTK can address the
    20-plus percent of an ASC budget that goes for supplies and the
    additional 20 percent or more that very often is devoted to managing
    those supplies.

    AMTK is a manufacturer and distributor of several hundred medical and
    surgical products -- enough to fill 80 percent of a typical ASC's supply
    needs. More important, AMTK integrates its total product-offering with
    unique services that have been proven to help control HealthCare costs.
    AMTK helps its customers purchase and use fewer supplies. AMTK helps
    them order and manage inventories more efficiently.

    Custom Procedure Trays (CPT's) aka "packs" incorporate 70-80%
    of disposable surgical supplies utilized on a procedure specific basis.
    CPT's is a 2 billion dollar industry HealthCare wide and $400 million
    within the ophthalmic ASC market. 95% of ophthalmologists utilize packs
    for Cataract, Retinal and Plastic procedures. LASIK packs are now being
    created for this new procedure.

    Stock Market Watcher is an independent research firm. This report is
    based on Stock Market Watcher's independent analysis but also relies on
    information supplied by sources believed to be reliable. This report may
    not be the opinion of CYPM management. Stock Market Watcher has also
    been retained to research and issue reports on CYPM. Stock Market
    Watcher may from time to time purchase or sell CYPM common shares in the
    open market without notice. The information contained in this report
    shall not constitute, an offer to sell or solicitation of any offer to
    purchase any security. It is intended for information only. Some
    statements may contain so-called "forward-looking statements".
    Many factors could cause actual results to differ. Investors should
    consult with their Investment Advisor concerning CYPM. Copyright 2004 ©
    Stock Market Watcher Ltd. SMS, Apartado 173-3006 Zona Franca MeoBarreal
    Heredia, Costa Rica. All Rights Reserved. This newsletter was
    distributed by MMS,Inc. MMS was paid four thousand dollars to distribute
    this report. MMS is not affiiated with Stock Market Watcher and is not
    responsible for newsletter content.

    No more ads, [email protected]


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  • janos666 #22
    Megint van egy szép levelem.
  • The Garrett
  • janos666 #20
    Ez nem az az e-mail, amit a nevemre kattintva olvashatsz az a reklámos/regelős...
  • janos666 #19
  • peet69
    több mint tízmillió forintja bánja
    pff nembaj az ha az ember jó szívü sőt elöny de az már baj ha valaki hülye
  • cSuwwi
    ehh. durva...
  • Pyx #16
    vaz, töröld a mélt, és felejcsd el, ha mindenféle oldalon megadod a cimed, sok hasonlot fox kapni
  • Cat #15
    te tényleg ilyen hülye vagy vagy segít valaki a háttérből?
  • janos666 #14
    Nekem a [email protected] címről küldik.
    Szopassuk már meg egy kicsit, hogy lehet 1 címre 10000 e-mailt elküldeni gyorsan?
  • janos666 #13
    De ez a cikk 2002-es!
    Gondolom nem kezdik előlről évente. Valaki hülyeségből küldi ezeket? Vagy tényleg komolyan ugyanarról az emberről van szó, mert akkor játszok már vele egy kicsit.
  • Cat #12
    1. a topicod cimválasztása katasztrófális
    2. ez egy átbaszás, bővebben ITT OLVASHATSZ róla
  • janos666 #11
    Heh, és mit tehetnék én érte?
    Vagy ez valami nyereményjáték?
    Mit kéne már segítenem?
  • cSuwwi
    egy komplett családi regény :) valami zimbabwe-i fekete farmer fia mesél arról, hogy apucit megölték, majd Hollandiába menekült, és a segítségedet kéri...
  • janos666 #9
    És ez miben nyilvánul meg?
    Le kell cserélnem az e-mail címem ha nem akarom mindíg ezt látni az új üzeneteknél?
  • janos666 #8
    Szerinted mit várok tőletek? Vagyis valakitől aki vágná az angolt és beleolvasva azonnal kiszúrná a lényeget.
  • Sephi
    Vigyaz ezekkel... veszelyesek!
  • Darkboy
    fordítsd le magyarra és írd le!
  • janos666 #5
    Arra magamtól is rályöttem, hogy valami ilyesmi, de konkrétan mit akar?
  • janos666 #4
    Nem tudtam hova írjam be. Tötrölheti valaki nyugodtan amint választ kapok.
  • Pyx #3
    szpem, de nem kellett volna ezért topikot nyitni
  • janos666 #2
    Ezt a levelet kaptam valakitől. Nem elősször. Mit akar tőlem?
  • janos666 #1
    Dear friend,

    I wish to begin by way of introduction. I am Kenneth Masuku, the first
    only surviving son of late Marc Masuku one of the foremost and rich
    farmers in Zimbabwe

    recently murdered in the land dispute in my country. Before the death of
    my father, he had given me the certificate of deposite he used to
    the sum of US$30.5 million

    (Thirty Million Five Hundred United State Dollars) in one of the private
    security companies in Europe, as family valuables, when he realized the
    looming dangers in Zimbabwe.

    This amount was meant for the purchase of new machineries and chemicals
    for the farms and also for the establishment of new farms in
    land dispute started

    when President Robert Mugabe introduced a new land reform, which was
    targeted at the rich white farmers and a few black farmers (my father

    This resulted in the gruesome killing of rich farmers (mainly whites)
    the unlawful possession of their properties by Mugabe's war veterans,
    the disguise of fighting for

    the interest of the country. It is against this background that I fled
    country with my family, to the Netherlands where we are currently

    I have decided to seek foreign assistance, as the Netherlands law
    asylum seekers from operating bank accounts or involve in financial
    of any kind, hence

    this letter to you. All I need is your trustworthiness to be able to
    the above said amount and help me with investment opportunities. My
    survival depends on this money as we have virtually lost all our assets.

    There are two options, firstly, you can choose to accept 15% of the
    amount for your assistance or go into partnership for the proper
    of the money in your country.

    We shall discuss in detail the modalities involved if you can reach me
    this telephone numbers:0031647988965 or via my confidential email

    I await your reply through the above media, while I implore you to
    the absolute secrecy required to ensure a safe and hitch free

    I shall furnish you with more details on request.

    Yours truly,

    Kenneth Masuku


    My confidential email account: [email protected]