• cateran
    De jo lenne tudni mirol beszelnek...Az elso ami eszembe jutott az Amazon App Store....(Amazon Fire cuccosokon alapertelmezett...) A masodik a Samsung Galaxy Apps..A harmadik az Opera Mobile Store...Aztan raguglizva kiderult, hogy van meg zillio egyeb appstore Androidra....pl
    9 Alternative Android App Stores
    Amazon Appstore.
    1Mobile Market.
    Samsung Galaxy Apps.
    Opera Mobile Store.

    Edit: beleneztem a keresetbe..."(collectively, “Google”) under federal and state antitrust and consumer protection statutes, to
    enjoin Google from unlawfully restraining trade and maintaining monopolies in the markets for
    Android software application (“app”) distribution and for payment processing of digital content
    purchased within Android apps in the United States, and to obtain redress for consumers."
    Hat..nem lettem okosabb...

    "Android is the only viable operating system available to license by mobile device
    manufacturers that market and sell their devices to U.S. consumers."
    Sot..egyre kevesbe vagyok az....Hallottak mar az Applerol?

    "In the absence of Google’s anticompetitive conduct, there would be two main
    channels for U.S. consumers to obtain apps on an open Android operating system: (i) direct
    downloading and installation of apps or app stores; and (ii) apps or app stores pre-installed on
    devices by device manufacturers and/or mobile network operators. "
    Utoljára szerkesztette: cateran, 2021.07.09. 22:54:48