Vámpirvadász rpg
  • JonasSandor
    Remélem még idén vagy jövőre kijön az új.
  • wedge31
    Egy kis gameplay.

  • TitaniumRR #5
    Ez a vámpír-dolog népszerűsége is olyan, mint a nagyobb divatbemutatókon az adott év Versace, Gucci, stb. "ruhakölteményei".

    Aki elsőre nézi, nem árt, ha éhgyomorra teszi...
    Aztán egyre többen nézik, hatnak rájuk bizonyos eszközökkel, hogy márpedig ez itt szép és kész is 1-2 év trendje.

    Így van ez a zombikkal is.
    Ha a 2010-es technológiával valamelyik szoftverfejlesztő cég update-elné a Blade trilógiát, az nagyot szólna.

    Csak ugye a vámpírok "lesből támadnak, félelmetesek, rád ugranak és harapnak", ezt meg nem minden fejlesztő cég vállalja fel.
  • JethroHUN
    Egy 5perces gameért 20 dolcsi persze. Speciális fegyverünk a fokhagymás lángos lesz.
    streamen? : )
  • Joker Brand
    Annak aki nem perfekt angol (vannak ilyen emerek is Magyarországon)

    "Egy időben nagyon népszerűek voltak a vámpíros stuffok, de valahogy manapság inkább a zombiké lett a főszerep. Ezen a trenden szeretne változtatni a Cmedia, így aztán kiadták a Vampire Hunters nevezetű RPG-t.
    Persze ne Dragon Age szintű szerepjátékra tessenek gondolni, sokkal inkább a manapság divatos, "akad skillpont is" verziót kapjuk. Ennek ellenére lehet jó játék a Vampire Hunters, már csak helyszínek miatt is, melyek között megtalálható az elhagyatott kikötő, az elhagyatott világító torony, és az elhagyatott roncstelep. Van Helsing növendékként dolgunk mi más lenne, mint a randalírozó vámpírok megrendszabályozása. Célunk elérésben segít minket az újszerű (khm) harcrendszer, ami folyamatos harcot vetít a képernyőre, de igazából körökre osztott a téma, teccikérteni. Alant néhány kép, akit pedig érdekel, meg is rendelheti a játékot online, 16,99 dolcsiért hamar. "

    Amúgy az ára,grafikája,története alapján 5perces játék.....telepíted,kibróbálod,törlöd.
  • wedge31
    Story introduction

    The city lies down to sleep while somewhere in the middle of an old dockyard a man's life fades away. The most skilled vampire hunter is dead. The night is damp and chilly as the investigation begins.
    The main character in this tale is an adventurer who has been living in the company of the undead for years. The story starts to unfold as a mysterious murder, apparently without a motive, takes place on one of the dockyard's piers. None of the Nosferatu clans claims responsibility for the attack and what are even worse, strange things start to happen.

    Vampire Hunters is a role-playing game with adventure-like elements that will charm the player with its dark atmosphere of old docks where a mysterious clan of vampires rages free.

    Key Features
    - Catchy storyline underlined by a thrilling dark atmosphere. The overall impression is augmented by an original game soundtrack creating a slightly horror mood.
    - Advancement of the main character including level-ups, enhancements of skills and abilities.
    - The possibility to create your own spells using the rune system
    - ATBS (active time battle system, commonly used in many Asian RPG games including Final Fantasy series) adding dynamics to turn based combat as well as the possibility to use a lot of hits, blows, weapons and special combos
    - A lot of adventure-like items and non-linear dialogue branching

    How Vampire Hunters works
    - Basic view is a full 3D display with the camera placed behind the character.

    - The player controls one character whose basic activities include: exploring the game world, collecting items, interacting with other characters, combat, character development and solving logical puzzles.

    - Exploring the game world is mentioned among the basic activities not because of the game's focus on this activity but because the diversity of the surroundings livens up the other activities and provides a fitting atmosphere.

    - Collecting items and especially searching for clues delivers a popular "investigation" concept known from the very first adventure games. As popular as this concept might be, its use must be well-balanced. If the items are too easy to find, it spoils the enjoyment from searching. On the other hand if they are too well hidden, the search becomes "pixel hunting" and the player is frustrated and discouraged. This problem was central in the development of the Vampire Hunters script, resulting in an interesting and balanced adventure/RPG system.

    - Dialogues with other characters were balanced as well. The aim was to create a communication model that would not be time-consuming but rather interesting, able to move the game's storyline forward and to be mysterious at the same time. Dialogue branching is non-linear and the player can always chose from among numerous answers. According to these answers the game itself creates new branches of storyline.

    - Combat is the key part of the game. Focus was placed especially on tactics and the diversity of options. The number of unique combat actions and combos increases in accordance with the character's improvement of his skills. In this way, more options become available in the course of time. Another improvement is the use of inventory, adding to the complexity of options. The spell casting system consists of a custom-based rune system, allowing the player to create his own spells. Combat is technically based on a modernized semi-turn-based ATBS (Active Time Battle System) successfully implemented in many classic RPG games. The most frequent problem with the ATBS system on the PC is the inconvenient console-style game controls. Because of this, emphasis was placed on improving the quality of controls.

    - Improving the main character is generally a favorite RPG activity. Vampire Hunters offers the basic abilities of: Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Intelligence and Perception and a variety of special skills divided into combat skills (unarmed combat, sharp weapons, blunt weapons, ranged weapons) and magical skills (elemental magic, blood magic, moon magic). Another form of character improvement is the buying and collecting of weapons, various parts of clothing and amulets.

    - The solving of logical puzzles is more complex, consisting in the use of found items, searching for the right way to lead the investigation but also the need to think when choosing the correct answer during conversations

    A játék állitolag már elkészült streamen már rendelhetö.

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