Parkan 2
#10 Trailer -
#9 Pár kép és némi leirás innen az SG-ről :D -
#8 fájna ha előbb pár képpel és leírással örvendeztetnél mge minket? :)) -
droidka #7 -Idézek pár (pozitív) véleményt:
’’Posted by sabin1981 2 months ago
Bloody Fantastic!!!!
I so dearly love this game! Ok, so it's clunky and the engine looks like it was optimized for an Xbox. But it's still a fantastic game! So much potential, so much scope! I love the fact that you can blast enemies to rubble and then board their ship and loot it FPS-style ;D
The planet-side missions are such a breath of fresh air - and I've only ever seen one game to try it, which was the ill-fated BattleCruiser games.
This is a winner in my eyes, an absolute winner!!’’
’’ Ivan Bannikov (Monday, 28 May 2007)
So I know I've gushed about Parkan II before, but after playing it for about 10 more hours, I think it's my new favorite game of all time...
This is no mean feat. For years my favorite game of all was Starflight, a game that's 21 years old, yet still was unmatched in its feeling of exploration, discovery, and awe. The thing I loved about Starflight -- and now Parkan II -- is freedom. You can go to multiple star systems, land on hundreds of planets, encounter lots of aliens, and so on. Many games have come close to the level of scope and freedom found in Starflight, but IMO they haven't come close until now.
Here's an example of how awesome ONE MISSION this game is (and the game has dozens if not hundreds) -- I was to infiltrate this pirate base and load a virus into its computer. So as I approach the planet, I get approached by two cruisers. I launch drone fighters and take out one of the cruisers, the board the other one. Once connected, the game switches to FPS mode, and I transfer over to the other ship. I then fight off the ship's defenses and steal its cargo before it sets the self-destruct, giving me two minutes to run back to my ship and undock, which I do in the nick of time. Once the orbital defenses are cleared, I head down to the planet and land. I then leave my own ship and get attacked by the bases' warbot defenses. I then unload my own warbots and fight alongside six of my own bots to take down the base's heave defenses, which takes out three of my own bots. Once the bases' outer defenses are down, I enter the spaceport itself to fight off the bases' inner defenses on my own. Once that's done, I steal all their cargo and load up the virus to the base's computer, upon which I'm paid by my contractor. I then leave the base and head back to my ship for repairs.
This takes place in one planet, in one system. There are 500 systems in the game, of which I've only seen 4 in the 20 hours or so I've played. I gotta tell ya, this game is just incredible.
I can't gush enough about this game. I really can't...well, maybe I can, but I think that's enough for now. :)’’
droidka #6 Még most is pörög bennem az adrenalin!:) Kész!
droidka #5 De előtte tán' még ki kellene hevernem az iménti sokkot!!! -
droidka #4 Mindjárt! -
droidka #3 VÉGRE sikerült elfoglalnom az ellenség űrhajóját, a fedélzeten mindenféle gonosz robotok támadnak rám, adok nekik rakétát, shotgunt, diediedie! Pusztuljanak mind! Egy sem menekülhet, nem kár értük! Hirtelen bekezd a red alert! Az ereimben az adrenalin a tetőfokára hág, szinte szétrobbanok! De ősi ösztöneimnek engedelmeskedve, kockáztatva az életemet a DICSŐSGÉRÉT és a HASZONÉRT még lopok annyit a rakományból, amennyit csak tudok! Ennyi nekem is jár, ennyi év után!!! Fogok még többet is e JÁTÉKBAN, ne aggódjatok értem!Menekülnék kifelé! de merre van a kifelé? nem tudom! Mindjárt felrobban a hajó! De nem túléltem sikerült megvan a kijárat!Huhhh ...
#2 Link, kép, leírás vagy vmi ..? -
droidka #1 ''Tűzoltó leszel s katona!
Vadakat terelő juhász!''
Még nem sikerült alaposabban kiveséznem ezt az eddig forradalminak kinéző játékot, de amit eddig láttam-hallottam az kész!