• Mr. Perfect
    Hát ez nem egy doom3 verő az már biztos :)))))
  • Glpetyus
    Van belőle 1 db skrínsát ^.^ ^.^
  • Glpetyus

    Szvsz ennek még "kicsit" korai volt topikot nyitni ^.^
  • traXion
    nem voltm még ilyen topic? :D
  • grebber
    Ja a kép alapján még akármi is lehet belöle csak kevés az info megjelenési dátúm nuku.
  • Ivan Pjodr
    A története majdnem egy az egyben az unreal-é, de meglátjuk milyen lesz...
  • grebber
    Futurebrighter - New FPS, first screenshot
    Read the first details about Heaven X´s upcoming FPS Futurebrighter on The Adrenaline Vault. They also posted the first screenshot.
    “...Futurebrighter takes place in the distant reaches of space and tells the story of a criminal named Alex Carver. The player gets to usher Carver through various environments - including a prison ship and the surface of strange planet - while relying on his dexterity and mental acumen. It seems Futurebrighter will require gamers to put their grey matter in order to exploit enemy facilities and vehicles in the best manner possible...”

    Futurebrighter Revealed
    Reported by: David Laprad

    Heaven X is a Polish development studio with its finger on the pulse of what it takes to make a successful game. One way is to create new franchises revolving around strong central characters. Case in point: Heaven X's Futurebrighter - an upcoming first-person shooter for the PC that's targeting action fans itching to make a bloody mess out of a few scumbags using an even itchier trigger finger.

    Futurebrighter takes place in the distant reaches of space and tells the story of a criminal named Alex Carver. The player gets to usher Carver through various environments - including a prison ship and the surface of strange planet - while relying on his dexterity and mental acumen. It seems Futurebrighter will require gamers to put their grey matter in order to exploit enemy facilities and vehicles in the best manner possible.

    Carver won't have to think too hard about how to use his massive arsenal - which begins with a pistol and ends with a rocket launcher. Stops along the way include machine guns and plasma weaponry. Our man-of-the-hour can also use implants to improve his shooting accuracy or his speed when running-and-gunning. A short list of the equipment he can utilize includes sonar and radar as well as medical kits and stimulants. Carver can also use various explosives and an assortment of melee weapons when the situation calls for a "hands on" approach.

    Carver is a hero with an edge. Get him in an intense firefight and his gift for taking out the enemy goes from pretty darn good to exceptional. The developers at Heaven X must have taken notes while watching a slew of American action movies - as Carver is sarcastic and can draw from a huge arsenal of taunts and scornful remarks.

    Futurebrighter begins as a spaceship is transporting Carver to a prison facility for notorious troublemakers. An unknown enemy attacks the ship and causes it to plummet toward the surface of nearby planet. Carter awakens from hibernation and immediately puts an escape plan into action. Survival doesn't come easy - as he soon finds himself in an armed confrontation with the demagogic ruler of the planet and investigating interdimensional experiments taking place in top secret laboratories. Futurebrighter is slated to arrive on store shelves in 2005. No publisher has been announced. Here's the first screenshot:

    Official website