S45 frissitése
#4 Nah, sikeresen találtam egy leírást a műveletről:
"Siemens S45 can be upgraded to Siemens S45i in few minutes. Operation is easy. After that in phone will be avaible POP3 client (email client) and new game (racing). Read instructions before start operation:
You can damage your phone making this upgrade. All of files in memory after upgrade will be deleted, make copy on hard disk!
Before upgrade recharge battery to full.
First download all needed programs to make upgrade: Siemens S45i flash v040315 cracked and Siemens S45/ME45 Tools v1.2;
Switch off the phone, put out sim card, connect cable to phone;
Now make copy of the firmware in phone on hard disk:
- In Siemens S45/ME45 Tools v1.2 go to bookmark Configuration, set COM port, COM port speed (115200) and mobile model (S45);
- Go to bookmark Read Flash, in box address set value 000000, in box Size set 600000;
- Click Read from flash and press short Power in phone;
- Now wait to end of downloading full flash file to disk, next click Write to file to save a bin file with flash;
Now go to bookmark Write Flash;
In box address set value 000000, in Size set 600000, click Read from file and load downloaded full flash Siemens S45i flash v040315 cracked;
After load click Write to flash and press short Power in phone;
Now wait to the end of operation and disconnect phone from cable and connect it one more time, don't close a program;
Go to bookmark IMEI, in box IMEI enter your original IMEI number and click Unlock;
If button Unlock is inactive, first click Read phone and press short Power in phone;
Now you have Siemens S45i with new functions :);
If phone is dead try put out and put in battery to phone;
If phone is still dead upload full flash file (downloaded from phone) and use Unlock in Siemens S45/ME45 Tools v1.2."
Az angoltudásom nem a legjobb, de annyit kivettem, hogy azért ellehet b*szni a telcsit. Ezért kérek vkit, hogy a lényegesebb dolgokat fordítsa le!
A másik: Kell hozzá 2 progi: Az S/ME45tools 1.2 őt megtaláltam egy másik oldalon, a Siemens S45i flash v040315 cracked helyett viszont csak ez volt: flash 040305_s_i. Jó lesz ez is? Van benne magyar nyelv?
Bocs a láma kérdésekért, de ilyet még soha nem csináltam..
Köcc! -
#3 Keresgéltem de semmi érdemlegeset nem találtam. Habár a firmware szót még nem lőttem el. -
#1 A cím mindent elárul: S45 telcsire, hogy lehet "i" szoftvert rakni?