Tud valaki ilyenről? Ha igen, akkor kérnék linket programra, vagy webcímre, ahol érdemes szimatolnom.
THX, ki lesz próbálva -
Windows 3.1/3.11 will play audio CDs by one of the following procedures.
Double click on the "Accessories" group.
Double click on the "Media Player".
Click on "Devices", and choose "CD Audio" from the list that appears.
Click on the "Play" button.
If you do not have a choice for CD Audio follow the steps below, this will install the driver that is necessary to play the music CDs.
Double click the "Main" group.
Double click on "Control Panel".
Double click on "Drivers".
From the list of drivers,see if there is a "[MCI] CD Audio". If this choice is present, place a music CD in the CD-ROM and double click on the driver.
If this choice is not present, click on "ADD". Select the "[MCI] CD Audio", and click OK. Place the Windows 3.x disk 6 into the floppy drive and type "A:\" for the path. This will install the CD Audio driver into Windows.
The music CDs should now play in Windows.
If you are still having problems with the music CDs in Windows 3.1/3.11, please feel free to contact SILKRICH Technical Support Department. -
Nem tudok róla (sztem a Win95-ben jelent meg a cdplayer), és a kolega sem találta, akinek tulképp kellene. -
Nem volt neki saját lejáccója??? Sztem volt.