  • grebber
    Dragon Empires: A birodalom bukása

    Birdy, 16:50 - Játék: Akció

    (3DGamers) A Codemasters ma szűkszavú közleményben tudatta az MMORPG rajongókkal, hogy "technikai problémák miatt beszüntették a Dragon Empires MMORPG fejlesztését. Tényleg érdekes, hogy mintegy másfél évvel ezelőtt csodálatos techmúvikat láthattunk a játékból, de azóta valahogy mégis mély csönd vette körül a fejlesztést az E3 se nagyon lehetett hallani róla. A Codemasters azonban nem adja fel, továbbra is az célja, hogy betörjön az MMORPG piacra...


  • grebber
    Új képek a Gamestaron
  • Nexushun
    Béta regisztáció hátha bekerülünk mi is.
  • grebber
    Mikor jön a game mert a képek tetszenek???????
  • [HUN]PAStheLoD
    ez is mmorpg szal fizetős de mennyi? meg milyen meg hanyas ?? stb... de a képek ütősek :)
  • CarajoEsp
    Van olyan aki Beta tesztere ennek a játéknak? kiváncsi lennék a véleményére.
  • Hunnenkoenig
    ezt mindenki megkapta, aki regisztralt! En is! :-))
    Ne örüljel elöre...
  • magus
    hogy lettél az?:)
    most nézem, már csak én egyedül szórakozok ebben a topikban :DD
    Hi there,

    If you are reading this email you are already a Beta tester for Dragon Empires.

    juppiiiiiiiiiii :)
    Dragon Empires newsletter - 17 January 2003

    As the temperature plunges the work on Dragon Empires heats up! The object placement tool is being tested, roads are spreading across the worlds and armour is being slapped on characters. It's all coming together and I'm the one who gets to show you! However, that won't be this newsletter. Expect February and March to be quite interesting however.

    Writer appointed
    We have appointed a writer to the team. Right now he is busy expanding on the details given to us by Piers Anthony to make the world a rich and intriguing one. We expect to be able to start releasing more and more background information on Fortitude in the next 6 weeks. I know it has been long awaited but I think it will be worth the wait.

    Developer chat
    There will be Stratics House of Commons developer chats on Monday the 27th at 8pm GMT and 8pm PST. This time around we will be asking the questions. Over the course of the chat we will be asking for your feedback on what you like in a quest system, in dungeon design and in crafting systems. This will be your chance to give us your thoughts and directly influence the game design! To learn more about Stratics chats head to http://chat.stratics.com/. On the night connect to irc.stratics.com #de-devchat to take part. The chat will at times be moderated.

    Clan avatars on the forums
    Clans are now able to use their own clan logos on the forums. Clans who want to have their avatars uploaded so they can use them need to mail [email protected] with a 64x64 pixel JPG of their logo. The logo will then be posted for selection within 5 working days.

    Hot news
    - RPG vault posts Q&A 17 on the box art survey.
    - Calistas awarded Spokesperson of the Year in the 2002 RPG Vault awards.
    - A Dragon Empires Press Release was put out with new screenshots.
    - A "day in the life of" style dev diary was completed by Calistas last Friday which tracked what he worked on hour by hour.

    Fan site of the week
    - Dragon Empires DarkCity -http://www.darkcity.net/php/html/index.php.
    Dark and the team over at DarkCity run a great German language site about Dragon Empires which is regularly updated. If you're German, go check it out, if not, why not start learning, it would be worth it!

    Forum post of the week
    DrMadCat started a new thread about the use of banners during battle. and how they might be incorporated in the game. It's an interesting idea and one worthy of much discussion.

    Peter Tyson
    Community Liaison Manager - Dragon Empires

    ez kész :D
    NINCS ilyen oldal
    AC2 kiesett?? Pedig bitang :)
  • Jacek
    En is vagy SWG nagy az esely:))) vagy empire
    na mindegy, alap láma vagyok mmorpg témában egyelőre de tavasszal tuti belevágok valamibe
  • Jacek
    eldolt azt hiszem 1 server 1 kari
  • Jacek
    na de bakker szamitogepes jatekot mondjal:)))
    Tiszta ez csak szerintem full smokba olvastad aztan egy kicsit tukalkulaltad:DDDDD
    mondjuk szerintem az is gagyi, hogy egy accountra több karakter is mehet.....

    szerepjátékban is mindig rühelltem azokat, aki egy stóc karakterlappal jöttek, és válogattak, hogy épp mivel játszanak.....
    nem, papíros

    a normális real szerepjáték
    na mindegy, nem látom át, majd ha tiszta lesz, lesz véleményem
  • Jacek
    milyen szerepjatek tablas???????
    de bazz ez online, ne keverjük már

    rendes szerepjátékban is megpusztulhatsz, és kezded elölről
  • Jacek
    Ja es ebben is klonozni kell magad, mentes is van de azok buntivel jarnak
    nem mondtam, hogy nem jön be, csak épp SW, amiért nem rajongok, és így eleve hátrányban vagyok a fan-ekkel szemben

    nem vágom a fajokat, a helyeket stb.
  • Jacek
    konyorgom melyik jatekban lehet a dion kivul mondjad mar meg?:DD
    az lol is

    tök komolytalan, hogy nem lehet meghalni :)
  • Jacek
    kar hogy nem jon be neked :(( de jo lenne ha vegig olvasnal mindent szerintem megtetszene:)))
    De ez a meghalok es foleled az lol Freak:DDD
  • Jacek
    latoma pussyhuntaz teamban van egy ertelmes ember legalabbLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd

    kicsit összehangolódtunk tegnap asszem :DDD
  • Jacek
    neked ez való:

  • Jacek
    hehe Blasta StarWarsGalaxie nezd meg:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  • Blasta
    nagyon durvák a képek.....
    Csak kár, hogy fantasy...:-(
    itt egy korábbi is

    Dragon Empires Newsletter - 20 December 2002

    Merry Christmas!
    Welcome everyone to our Christmas newsletter and I wish you all a great festive season and a happy New Year. December has been a lot of fun here as we have seen progress with characters, buildings, code and landscape. Roads are going in as we speak and city structures are being laid out. It's exciting seeing it all come together!

    This newsletter will be one of our biggest to date as we have some much interesting news to tell you. But first, we hope you enjoy our lovely Christmas scene included with this newsletter. There's a use for Dragons after all!

    Thank you to everyone who posted on our message boards or emailed us about their enjoyment of the new screenshots we released last newsletter and throughout this week. The developers get a real kick out of your enthusiasm and interest, so keep telling us what you think of what we're doing.

    City expansion and upgrades
    Until today we have held back one of the most exciting features of Dragon Empires while we completed feasibility studies. Well, now I am pleased to be finally able to tell you about our best kept secret: city expansion. While we have told everyone that clans will be able to add banners and statues to cities they own, what we hadn't told everyone is that you will also be able to add buildings. You will actually be able to make your cities bigger!

    Clans who rule towns will be able to add buildings, walls, towers, clan lodges, workshops and many more items to their city. Through a unique system of 'placement points' that grow around the edge of the town the city will dynamically change and expand as new structures are added. What's more, you can upgrade these structures over time or decorate them with the previously mentioned placeable banners and structures. You will literally be able to watch your town grow from a small village to a thriving city.

    In the image below you can see a sample of how this will work. In the first picture you can see a simple model of a small bird empire town showing the basic platforms it might have (we will show you the real models, with their spiral staircases and intricate woodwork in coming weeks). In the second image the clan has added a few new platforms to the town and in the final image the town has evolved into a thriving metropolis with many interconnected platforms and walkways. While these images do not show how it will look in game (the real models are being completed as we speak) it does give you a good idea of how towns will develop.

    What is even better is that towns in different empires will evolve differently. In the bird empire all the buildings are based on platforms in the treetops with houses and other structures attached. The city grows as new platforms are added. The other empires will evolve in a way fitting with each of their unique styles. Next year we will start to show you this in more detail as we announce the other three empires.

    In order to place new buildings clans leaders or officers will have to use special building objects. When they do, they will enter build mode and they can see where it is possible to place the new structure so as to add it on to the city. Once placed the city will adjust to the new shapes, putting up walkways where needed, for example.

    New buildings will also add to the usefulness of a town. Workshops will add to manufacturing efficiency, clan lodges will give the ruling clan a base of operations, towers and walls are useful when on the defence and so on.

    We believe this exciting system will add a whole new depth and dynamism to the clan vs clan part of Dragon Empires and we hope you agree. Come tell us what you think on the forums.

    Grand finale to the week of screenshots
    After a week of releasing many new and exciting screenshots I am pleased to release another two screenshots exclusively to the beta test list. The first picture is taken from one of the highest peaks in the game. If you look carefully you can see the clouds swirling around the base of a distant mountain. The second picture shows how, as the sun sets, the red rays light up the sides of hills in this picture of the savannahs of the monkey empire.

    Avatars on the forums
    All players can now pick from a selection of avatar pictures to go alongside their message posts on the forums. Go to 'User CP' on the forum and then the options menu to work out how. Early next year we will start putting clan logos on the avatar selection menu so that clans can more easily identify each other and their members.

    Important dates
    Friday 3rd - First Dragon Empires newsletter of 2003
    Friday 10 - Development diary
    Friday 17 - Second January newsletter
    Friday 24 - Development diary
    Monday 27 - Developer Chat : gamer feedback on topics of interest to the developers.

    Hot news
    - New Dragon Empires screenshots have appeared all over the web.
    - RPG Radar have an interesting interviewwith Peter posted.
    - Dark City, a new Dragon Empires fan site has launched.
    - Stratics posted a report on a Dragon Empires studio tour they had.
    - New Dragon Empires screenshots have appeared is up on the topic of character models.
    - Gen4 Magazine in France has some preview coverage of Dragon Empires in their December magazine.
    - RPG Vault posted Q&A 14 on Dragon Empires.
    - Just-RPG have posted a preview of Dragon Empires as well as interview.

    Fan site of the week
    Traveller's Emporium -http://home.earthlink.net/%7Ederek16/index.html
    Dee, one of the nosiest community members on the boards runs a fan site devoted to fan fiction, some focused on Dragon Empires themes, some not, but all worthy of a read. Go check them out or join in and see your stories added to their list.

    Forum post of the week
    ExaviarIB has some very useful pieces of DE info and links available in this post which is a guide for people new to DE. Check it out, you might learn something new!

    Peter Tyson
    Community Liaison Manager - Dragon Empires

    én 2 hetente kapom a newslettereket

    íme a legutóbbi:

    "Dragon Empires Newsletter - 3 January 2003

    Happy New Year everyone and welcome to the first newsletter of 2003. This should be an exciting year for the Dragon Empires team and for everyone in the community so make sure to keep an eye on the newsletter for all the latest news.

    Box art survey
    We have always prided ourselves on listening to the Dragon Empires community and so we again we want your feedback! We have created five concepts of the Dragon Empires box and we are now looking for your opinion on which one is the best. To do this you need to take part in a survey here in which you can vote on and have a close look at the five boxes.

    Before you look you should be aware that these images are mock-ups and are not the finished image that will be on the box. These box art concepts are just to give you an idea of what the box would look like and to help you when you fill in the survey. Head on over and tell us what you think!

    Last month
    December was quite busy with a lot of work going on all round. In particular, world building has started laying down the road network of Fortitude and examining the sites where cities will be located. Design work continues, as does programming, and art and animation are tackling buildings, objects and monsters. We will be showing you more of these in coming weeks and months.

    Important dates
    Friday 10th - Dev Diary
    Friday 10th - Fan Chat organised by ExaviarIB on Stratics 9pm GMT, 9pm EST
    Friday 17th - Second newsletter of the month
    Friday 24th - Dev Diary
    Monday 27th - Developer Chat: Fan feedback!

    Hot news
    - RPG Vault has a new Q&A posted with more information on city expansion.
    - Stratics have posted three exclusive screenshots of Dragon Empires.

    Fan site of the week
    DE Warcry - http://de.warcry.com/ posted with more information on city expansion.
    Modrick and the Warcry team run a nice Dragon Empires fan site which has regular DE and MMORPG news. Have a look and keep up to date with all the news in the MMORPG world!

    Forum post of the week
    Alanon has started a thread where everyone is wishing each other a happy new year and chatting about games and Dragon Empires. Join in the seasonal merry-making!

    Peter Tyson
    Community Liaison Manager - Dragon Empires


  • Jacek
    de van de azt tudod hogy ez csak online ugye??
    gyerunk jelentkezni a beta testre:D
  • fluga
    no senkinek sincs véleménye
  • fluga
    kiváncsi vagyok milyen vas kell hozzá...de EZ kell!