The Crusaders
  • grebber
    Új képek a Hadrwireden!!

    Kingdom Under Fire 2 krémek

    Dixie Flatline, 15:27 - Játék: Akció

    Áááááh, milyen kellemes, hangulattal teli pillanatképekre lelt Grath egyik szemfüles hörgőborza. Örömében a hátára vetette magát és hangos horkantásokkal adta gazdájának tudtára, hogy ezúttal valami igazán egyedit talált az avarban. Grath persze kissé csalódott volt, hiszen két évnyi munkája veszett kárba, mivel eredetileg szarvasgomba vadászatra képezte ki kedvencét.
    A Kingdom Under Fire 2 hőseit prezentáló képeken változatos fegyverek suhannak tova. Mázsás harci kalapács, melynek süvítő hangja elnyomja a találatkor reccsenő bordák rendezetlen zaját. Aztán itt van a rövid láncra függesztett buzogány. A szenvedő felek szerint találat esetén a tüskék átvájják magukat az ujjnyi vastag páncélon, majd az ezt követő, határozott rántás után szakad a páncél, átrendeződnek a bordák és rosszabb esetben felszínre jutnak a belsőségek.

    info: Hardwired
  • hun-ter
    Phantagram Interactive sent us some new screnshots and artworks from Kingdom Under Fire : The Crusaders, the upcoming action RTS title scheduled for release in Spring 2003 for Xbox and PC (planned). Since I didn't see any details about this game yet, here is a snip from the fact sheet they sent us:
    Kingdom Under Fire : The Crusaders is thrilling action-oriented strategy game that virtually places you in the epic battlefield of a fantasy world achieved by the epochal graphic power of Xbox. Remember the gigantic scale war-scene at the beginning of the movie, "The Lord of the Rings" and "Gladiators"? Ever wished you could be part of this battle for the destiny of the world? Ever wished you could take the control of the army and decide the outcome of this battle? The Crusaders delivers this dream of all RTS, action and fantasy fans, powered by the revolutionary technology of Xbox. Be a mighty hero himself mercilessly slashing enemies into pieces in the true to nature battle or a discipline leader of highly trained troops combating in the bloody front filled with massive crowds and piles of bodies.
    Watch hundreds of real-life looking warriors struggle for survival and victory under the total control of your strategic mastermind. The Crusaders is the dream come true of all RTS, action and fantasy fans.

    And the war continues...

    The Second War of Heroes had addressed all countries and races of Bersia into battlefields of no returns and been fatally ended with the death of Amaruak. It gave a temporary peace to the continent, however the root of disaster, the Ancient Heart, was yet lying in a coil waiting for its new destiny as sealed. 50 years later, finally this glassy peace has been broken. A human town in Hironeiden nearby the sacred place bordered on Hexter of Orcs and Dark elves has been annihilated by the reformed Dark Legion. The joint armies of Hironeiden and Eclessia immediately sallied to Hexter to protect the sacred place and that became the only outpost of a new war.

    Game Features:
    As many as 200 unique fantasy characters up to 3000 polygons for each and 10000 polygons for heroes
    Clever-tactics upon density of troops, resistance of soil, wind, sunlight and all environmental factors
    Upgradeable and customizable troops and generals with numerous characteristic armors and weapons to furnish with
    Simultaneous performances of all 200 characters in one game screen powered by the monster graphic power of Xbox
    Physical Battle Formations that interact in real-time with game surroundings and combat situations
    Ever-Realistic graphic that even details dusts blowing and mind-blowing special effects
  • hun-ter
    képek itt (ingame elképesztő)
  • hun-ter
    igaz nem ingame, de engem a kép hangulata nagyon megfogott!