Mirc 6.0
Borg #9 és az minek? -
premieer #8 Hali!
Megnyílt a Pc World újság MIRC csatija!!!!!!!!!
Az Extra serverén!
Port szám:6667,
szoba: #pcworld.hu
Gyertek beszélgetni,remélhetőleg a Pc World újság szerkeztői is megfognak itt fordulni,egy-
kis beszélgetésre!!!!!Minden ami Pc!
Üdv: Premieer -
vastagitott bordázat! nem erted?:) -
Borg #6 a micsodát?:) -
Nem tudja valaki, hogy ezt a vastagitott bordazatot mikent lehetne visszakapcsolni a regi vastagsarga? Mert engem zavar es nem talaltam ra megoldast. -
Borg #4 A probléma ott lakozik, hogy ami változót berak a script pl %var névre, azt nem tudja utána $var néven visszahozni.
Én egy régi polaris általam átalakitgatott verzióját használom, és az istennek nem jöttem rá eleinte mért nem mennek bizonyos dolgok.
Van amit vissza tud hozni környezetiből sima változóba, de nekem pl a %logo-ra nem irt ki semmit, ha $logo-ként hivatkoztam rá..
Ezt csekkoljátok, lehet ott is ez a probléma... -
Nekem is ujra kellett load-olni a scriptemet, mert nem mukodott. Probaltad meg te is. -
Banyek. Hogy tudom együtt használni a netZ scriptemmel? -
* Improvements and new features:
As usual the new MIRC offers heaps of changes and improvements. Lots of little and larger changes to smoothen your IRC experience. Since mIRC 6.0 is no longer available in a 16 bit issue all references to the old 32 and 16 bit distributions have been removed. Lots of 16bit-specific code has been removed from mIRC's routines. Lots of 16 bit related memory issues, problems, kludges and bugs are solved. All dialogs in mIRC should now use standard dialog fonts for the version of Windows you are using. When running XP, mIRC now uses your XP theme for dialogs, buttons, etc....
Some of the many many improvements, changes and fixes in this new mIRC are;
- The max cps fserve option now allows a dcc send to use up the full max cps if no other dccs are using the bandwidth.
- You can now create a second editbox on channel windows, via the channel window system menu, the right-click menu in the editbox, or the Alt+Q shortcut.
- mIRC will no longer rejoin an open channel window if you disconnect and then connect to a different network.
- Added WMA/OGG support to sounds dialog, /splay and /sound commands, and added several new new identifiers to support it. (Note: these new identifiers replace several old ones that are still supported -for now- but no longer documented.)
- Added 'Trusted Users' list to DCC Auto-get options dialog.
- Firewall support can now be enabled separately for server and dcc connections.
- When running under XP, mIRC now uses your XP theme for dialogs, buttons, etc.
- mIRC now processes incoming server messages rather strict, ignoring corrupted or malicious lines, and treats ctcp messages that use an invalid format as plain text.
- Added "Queue own messages" option to flood dialog, applying to your PRIVMSG and NOTICE messages.
- The connect retry options (including a new retry delay option) in the File/Options/Connect/Options dialog now have their own button.
Multi-Server support has been added. With this feature mIRC allows you to connect to multiple servers at the same time.
You'll notice a new File/Options/Connect/Options/ 'Multi-Server' button that provides a couple of new options supporting this new feature.
The new multi-server feature required major internal changes to mIRC's code and forced improvement of code in many areas which has undoubtfully resulted in an even more stable and robust mIRC! Working on this important new feature we focussed on keeping mIRC as it always has been; no-nonsense, robust, -working- :) We tried to keep the changes to the scripting language etc, as clean as possible. Upgrading should be fairly painless.
Still a multitude of ID's, identifiers and commands has been changed and added to support the new parallel connections. Everything in mIRC now has an unique id number; all windows, server connections, dcc sends/get/chats, etc....