• Jakuza1
    Psszt, vcsak halkan megsugom neked is, hogy DOSban is lehet guival futtatni ket kulonbozo taskot. Na igen ez van ha filozofiaval keverik a szamitogep analfabetak, a technikai kerdeseket, mint te is. :) Tudod nem veletlenul volt leirva, hogy "preemptive multitasking".
    Szoljal ha ehhez is kell egy kis segitseg, kibogozhatom neked, mi is az. Mint ahogy maga a korai windowsok is GUUI-k voltak, javaslom faradj a DOS ertelmezesehez, amiben ez is le van irva.

    "During its life, several competing products were released for the x86 platform,[8] and MS-DOS went through eight versions, until development ceased in 2000. Initially MS-DOS was targeted at Intel 8086 processors running on computer hardware using floppy disks to store and access not only the operating system, but application software and user data as well. Progressive version releases delivered support for other mass storage media in ever greater sizes and formats, along with added feature support for newer processors and rapidly evolving computer architectures. Ultimately it was the key product in Microsoft's growth from a programming languages company to a diverse software development firm, providing the company with essential revenue and marketing resources. It was also the underlying basic operating system on which early versions of Windows ran as a GUI."

    Aztan probald ertelmezni, az altalam leirtakat is.