• Jakuza1
    Psszt de nem mond baromsagot, az elso windowsok nem voltak "igazi" multitask oprendszerek es gyakorlatilag raultek a dosra, a 95/98/Me is.
    Szoval ha lehet inkabb ezt a vonalat ne eroltesd, mint amit elkezdtel.

    Kis olvasasi gyakorlat neked.

    "The earliest version of Windows to support a limited form of preemptive multitasking was Windows 2.1x, which used the Intel 80386's Virtual 8086 mode to run DOS applications in virtual 8086 machines—commonly known as "DOS boxes"—which could be preempted. In Windows 95, 98, and Me, 32-bit applications were made preemptive by running each one in a separate address space, but 16 bit applications remained cooperative for backward compatibility."