Brink - FPS a Bethesda Softworks közreműködésében
  • Sound
    The server/client side FPS thing is a little tricky to explain. I'm not sure how many people used to play CS where people would advertise 1000 FPS servers as being "better". Here is the reason, in theory.

    On server side the FPS value basically is a definition of how often the server is recalculating everything. In Brink's case, it seems like it is locked at 30 FPS, so calculations are done once every 33.3 ms. Those 1000 FPS CS servers were technically calculating ever 1 ms (there are reasons why this isn't necessarily better but I won't get into that).

    When you connect to the server, you get whatever FPS your computer is able to calculate that, and it is displayed back to you. The calculations server side still happen at 30 FPS.

    When you play single-player, YOU are the server. Thus you are calculating at 30FPS, and it is also seems to be locking your display back to you at 30 FPS, regardless of you getting 100 FPS or 600 FPS.

    Where I get hazy is, do the calculations and the display need to be the same, or is that an engine issue. The simple solution of course, would be to unlock the server FPS on listen servers.

    Lényeg a lényeg, hogy amikor SP-ben nyomod, akkor te vagy a szerver ezért az 30fps-en lockolva van. Dedikált szerver esetén ez nem gond. Vagyis multiban nem lesznek fps gondjaid.