Egosoft X4
  • Jóózsf István #2932
    Fenyegettelek benneteket, hogy egyszer bemásolom az egész történetét a 3.0 bétának. Mivel a kovetkező kiadás már a rilíz lesz, így ezt most meg is ejteném.
    Miért? Az utókornak. Lássa mindenki, hogy ez nem volt sétagalopp. És hasonló lélektani hatások okán.

    Remélem keddtől már nem csak az enyém lesz a fórum!!!

    "Az üzenet mező maxumum 25000 karaktert tartalmahzat."

    SPOILER! Kattints ide a szöveg elolvasásához!

    Version 3.00 Beta 10 HF 1 (392669) - 2020-03-27

    X4 Foundations Public Beta - Version: 3.00 Beta 10 HF 1 (392669) - Last updated: 2020-03-27

    Post by CBJ » Thu, 6. Dec 18, 16:49
    Before downloading this public Beta version, please make sure you read, understand and agree to the Public Beta Rules and Information. By downloading and installing the public Beta, you agree to abide by these rules and accept the disclaimers it contains.



    Make sure that your savegames are backed up!
    To start using the Beta version, right-click X4: Foundations in the Steam client
    Select Properties and go to the Betas tab
    Enter the password IBackedUpMySaves
    Select public_beta from the dropdown list.
    To return to using the non-Beta version, select NONE from the same dropdown list.

    GOG Galaxy

    Make sure that your savegames are backed up!
    Select X4: Foundations in your GOG Galaxy game collection.
    Click on "More > Settings"
    On the right hand side of the page, click on "Beta Channels: OFF" and select "ON"
    Click on the "Channel" option and select "Add Private Channels"
    Enter the password for the "Public Beta" channel: IBackedUpMySaves
    Select the "Public Beta" channel.
    To return to using the non-Beta version, click on the "Channel" dropdown and select "default"

    Remember that savegames made using the Beta version may not work in vanilla version. We try to maintain savegame compatibility, but we cannot guarantee it.

    Note: Please avoid re-posting the above information outside this forum. If you wish to tell other people about this Beta program, please post a link to this forum so that people joining the Beta are aware of the risks and the rules.

    Note: Problems encountered while using a modified game will be considered invalid. Please make sure your game is a clean, unmodified game before you start. Do not use the -prefersinglefiles command line option when testing.


    Release Notes

    Note: This beta version is available for Windows (Steam and GOG Galaxy) and Linux (Steam only).

    Note: Russian voice recordings for most lines that are new in 3.00 are not yet included.

    Note: Localisations for some non-voiced lines that are new in 3.00 are not yet included.

    Note: Behaviour of the UI scale setting has changed with this version. Please adjust the setting if the UI seems to be too small/too large on your monitor after updating. In many cases a UI scale of 1.0 should now work well even where it did not previously.

    Version 3.00 Beta 10 HF 1 (392669) - 2020-03-27

    New Feature: Improved graphics engine to support new visual effects.
    New Feature: Better sound effects.
    New Feature: Virtual seminars and quicker skill progression for crew training.
    New Feature: Configurable alert system.
    New Feature: Individual and group crew transfer.
    New Feature: Policing options for player-owned space.
    New Feature: Ability to dock using a spacesuit directly.
    New Feature: Improvements to menus including Map, Encyclopedia, Logical Station Overview and Logbook.
    New Feature: Improved target display and mission guidance.
    New Feature: More control over drones and turrets.
    New Feature: Alternative steering methods including head tracking systems and X3 retro mode.
    [Beta 6] New Feature: Paranid Ares heavy fighter and Xenon T scout.
    [Beta 6] New Feature: New unlockable gamestart.
    [Beta 6] New Feature: Oxygen display when player is in spacesuit.
    [Beta 6] New Feature: Search facility for Logbook.
    Added tutorial gamestarts (Flight School, Combat Scenario and Advanced Gameplay).
    Added new paint themes for player ships.
    Added weapon mods that increase damage done to surface elements.
    Added skill gains for crews opening lockboxes, exploring ships discovering stations and gates, and returning from ventures.
    Added order parameter to forbid attacking ships from boosting.
    Added option to arm/disarm turrets in ship interaction menu.
    Added option to call stored ships to dock via its console.
    Added option to (de)activate multiple deployables at once.
    Added option to control the turret modes on stations.
    Added option to rename fleets (formerly known as wings).
    Added order to collect player-owned deployables.
    Added shortcut to scan ships in scan mode.
    Added drone modes to specify when defence drones launch.
    Added Attack Capital Ships and Attack Fighters weapon modes.
    Added Remove All Assignments option when multiple ships are selected on map.
    Added more variations to existing missions.
    Added support for dragging positions of all orders which show position information on map.
    Added Distress Drones sent from ships attacked in friendly territory but far away from any stations, to report attacks to the police.
    Added option to change player organisation name independently from player name.
    Added option to focus map on object currently viewed in Info or Behaviour menu.
    Added 'station' keyword to map search.
    Added confirmation when entering space suit.
    Added cursor movement, selection and delete features to text edit boxes.
    Added options to invert emulated mouse cursor axes and mouse steering controls.
    Added NPC skills and post/role to target monitor.
    Added information about pilot's current command to Behaviour menu.
    Added new Info tabs in map and updated layout.
    Added ship type to Info menu for ships.
    Added subordinate list to Info menu for ships and stations.
    Added surface element hull status to loadout Info tab.
    Added information about which factions produce ship to Info menu and Encyclopedia.
    Added known production module overview per sector to Encyclopedia.
    Added list of known illegal wares to the Encyclopedia entries of factions with police forces.
    Added new-entry marker to individual Encyclopedia and Timeline entries.
    Added information on which inventory items are obtainable via crafting to Encyclopedia.
    Added option to hide statistics section in Logical Station Overview.
    Added consumption and production numbers to storage nodes in Logical Station Overview.
    Added Alert and News categories to Logbook.
    Added option to export Logbook as tab-separated text file (use "/exportlogbook example.txt" in chat window, exports to game sub-folder of documents folder).
    Added support for showing pages in Logbook thereby removing limit of 1000 entries that can be shown.
    Added input icons in Controls menu and several other menus.
    Added 'forcehmd' command line parameter for head tracking systems.
    Added sound device selection option.
    [Beta 2] Added option to sort saved games by name or date (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 2] Added Request Docking Permission option to the interact menu of docking bays.
    [Beta 2] Added limited drone mode settings to NPC-controlled ships in Info menu (new feature in 3.00)
    [Beta 3] Added groups for organisation of squad subordinates.
    [Beta 3] Added new assignments for fleet subordinates.
    [Beta 3] Added Trade assignment for subordinates of fleet auxiliary ships.
    [Beta 3] Added new mission bar pointing to changed mission objective.
    [Beta 3] Added tooltips for cut-off ware names in Inventory menu.
    [Beta 3] Added means to collapse inventory list in new Crew Info menu (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 3] Added new icon for stations under construction.
    [Beta 3] Added HUD icons to show what kind of missile is loaded in missile launcher.
    [Beta 3] Added more suitable icons for service crew and marines.
    [Beta 3] Added sound effect when aim-ahead indicator changes state (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 4] Added option to move order positions up and down on map.
    [Beta 4] Added visible capital ship geometry on map when zoomed in sufficiently.
    [Beta 4] Added option to define multiple object classes and owners for player alerts (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 4] Added option to install weapon mods on turret groups.
    [Beta 4] Added option to filter player-owned trade offers on map.
    [Beta 4] Added option to show faction colours instead of relation colours on map.
    [Beta 4] Added option to give orders to currently-occupied player-owned ship in external view when not controlling that ship.
    [Beta 4] Added confirmation when remapping controls for which there are conflicts.
    [Beta 5] Added icon next to supply-related trade offers.
    [Beta 5] Added station icons to Object List and Property Owned menus.
    [Beta 5] Added faction colour to object icons in map menus if filter option is selected (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 5] Added separate encyclopedia category for paint mods.
    [Beta 5] Added ship statistics for turret and engine group shields, and turret damage output.
    [Beta 5] Added option to hide statistics in Ship Configuration menu.
    [Beta 5] Added option to map shortcuts to toggle turret arming and drone launching.
    [Beta 5] Added flee option to interact menu of player-owned ships.
    [Beta 5] Added Undo/Redo options to Ship Configuration menu.
    [Beta 5] Added discount and commission information to Trade menu.
    [Beta 5] Added interact menu option to arm/disarm turrets on multiple ships (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 5] Added list of all known blueprints (and whether they are owned) to Encyclopedia.
    [Beta 6] Added Destroy Station and Destroy Station Turret missions to War Subscriptions.
    [Beta 6] Added Interact menu option to collect individual deployables.
    [Beta 6] Added Accept Estimate options to Station Info menu and Logical Station Overview.
    [Beta 6] Added Start Guidance to Object option to interact menu of drops.
    [Beta 6] Added option to rename ships in Ship Config menu when building/upgrading.
    [Beta 6] Added option to disable highlighting of other visiting players in map and radar.
    [Beta 6] Added option to toggle selection lines in map (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 6] Added possibility to confirm second ship upgrade if first upgrade finished while Ship Config menu was open.
    [Beta 6] Added possibility to restrict individual factions from buying ships at player-owned shipyards and wharves.
    [Beta 6] Added weapon group shortcuts to Controls Option menu.
    [Beta 6] Added mouse-over text for ship order icons in Object List and Property Owned.
    [Beta 6] Added option to opt out of some confirmation messages.
    [Beta 6] Added race-based engine trail colours.
    [Beta 6] Added medium quality option for Screen Space Reflections.
    [Beta 6] Added chromatic aberration option.
    [Beta 6] Added new sector-specific music.
    [Beta 6] Added music to Player Headquarters reveal.
    [Beta 7] Added mission offers to some NPCs on stations.
    [Beta 7] Added currently-active weapon groups to Info menu including option to change them.
    [Beta 7] Added option to set up default loadout levels for station modules per station.
    [Beta 8] Added display of craftable amount of equipment mods in the mod overview
    [Beta 8] Added more information about crew availability when purchasing or upgrading ships.
    [Beta 8] Added hint information showing reason when docking request is not possible.
    [Beta 8] Added options to Flee or Attack to conversation when acknowledging ship coming under attack.
    [Beta 8] Added Attack Instead option to Flee override orders (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 9] Added French voice recordings.
    [Beta 9] Added new missions.
    [Beta 9] Added some speed control while speed matching is active.
    [Beta 9] Added option to rename player-owned stations.
    [Beta 9] Added notification if new mission is interrupting existing important mission.
    [Beta 9] Added character images to some mission briefings.
    [Beta 9] Added blink effect for order icons in Object List and Property Owned if they are override orders (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 9] Added more variation to Argon dynamic characters and reduced overall age (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 10] Added sound effect when setting missions to active.
    [Beta 10] Added icon distinguishing ware filters from text searches in map.
    Changed Bomber ship type designation to Gunboat.
    [Beta 4] Changed faction colours to make them easier to distinguish.
    [Beta 4] Changed glass properties to avoid excessive glare.
    [Beta 5] Changed effect of UI scale slider to result in better UI scale behaviour at common resolutions, especially with wide resolutions.
    [Beta 5] Changed faction colours of player and Teladi to make them easier to differentiate on map (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 9] Changed relation threshold for invasions to start.
    [Beta 9] Changed two standard player logos.
    [Beta 10] Changed timeline Encyclopedia entries to remain known across different games.
    Removed loadout options from ship configuration menu at resupply ships.
    Removed possibility to give new orders to ships without a pilot.
    Removed restrictions for reassigning crew (via comm) on a single ship in space.
    Removed 500m restriction for (de)activating deployables.
    Removed Squad category from Logbook (merged with Upkeep category).
    [Beta 3] Removed delay before trade offers update after changing offers for intermediate wares in LSO (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 3] Removed drone mode support for stations (unintended change in 3.00).
    [Beta 6] Removed countermeasure display in crosshair when player is in spacesuit.
    [Beta 6] Removed the option to deploy consumables in highways.
    [Beta 8] Removed target lines and ship info boxes on map for multi-selections to reduce visual clutter (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 8] Removed possibility to equip Xenon and Kha'ak equipment in Ship Comparison menu (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 8] Removed Flee Instead from override orders that are not Attack orders (new feature in 3.00).
    Improved faction mine placement.
    Improved trader deal selection and cargo space utilisation logic.
    Improved fighter behaviour by preventing them using boost in combat if they have less than 50% shields.
    Improved smuggler behaviour by adjusting wares traded in depending on what is illegal in their area of operation.
    Improved Explore order behaviour and parameters.
    Improved AI/autopilot collision avoidance when flying through asteroid fields.
    Improved fleet coordination when moving through gates.
    Improved several cases of shakiness when flying on autopilot.
    Improved stability of drones undocking from capital ships.
    Improved encounters by increasing distance from sector centre that system considers deep-space.
    Improved character pathing on large dock areas to better take elevator distances into account.
    Improved ammunition usage of stations when player is not present.
    Improved transition from travel mode to docking by allowing ships to approach closer with travel mode active.
    Improved automatic storage allocation when multiple different storage types (container, solid, liquid) are available.
    Improved detection of gravidar contacts in remote sectors.
    Improved information about licence requirements at blueprint trader and in Encyclopedia.
    Improved visual consistency of building and recycling station modules.
    Improved presentation of already-built modules in station Build menu by grouping by type.
    Improved shopping list in ship Build menu.
    Improved sorting of objects by name in Map.
    Improved layout of Object List and Property Owned menus in Map to reduce text cut-off.
    Improved visualisation of modes with charge time such as Travel Mode or SETA.
    Improved Logbook timestamps to show how much time has passed since logbook entry.
    Improved Save and Load menus.
    Improved context menu header when using context menu while having other ships selected.
    Improved subtitles by making them wider and preventing last lines from having only one word.
    Improved support for gamepad text input overlay for Steam Big Picture mode.
    Improved visibility of game hints.
    [Beta 2] Improved behaviour of player-owned police ships to respond to distress calls where attacker is hostile to player (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 2] Improved menu navigation with controller/keyboard in Player Information menu.
    [Beta 2] Improved behaviour of fleeing ships.
    [Beta 2] Improved chances of morale gain.
    [Beta 4] Improved in-game tutorials.
    [Beta 3] Improved mission reward scaling with faction relation.
    [Beta 3] Improved Protect Station order to include protection of station construction sites.
    [Beta 3] Improved visibility of current order icon in Object List and Property Owned menus.
    [Beta 3] Improved brightness of lowlighted trade offer text to make it actually readable.
    [Beta 3] Improved docking of pods used for crew transfer if multiple pods are required for the transfer (new feature in 3.0).
    [Beta 4] Improved station construction display to only show lines to two closest compatible connections.
    [Beta 4] Improved chance of mission rewards including mod parts or seminars at high faction relation levels.
    [Beta 4] Improved layout of full crew list in Crew Info menu with sorting and context menu.
    [Beta 4] Improved glow effect for ship and station lights.
    [Beta 5] Improved some gate positions and orientations.
    [Beta 5] Improved combat movement of capital ships with forward-mounted weapons.
    [Beta 5] Improved behaviour of formations flying in travel mode.
    [Beta 5] Improved weapon distribution among NPC ships.
    [Beta 5] Improved balancing of defence modules by increasing hull value.
    [Beta 5] Improved balancing of weapons and ships.
    [Beta 5] Improved pricing and distribution of new weapons among factions (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 5] Improved handling of docking defence drones set to escort when armed state is toggled (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 5] Improved visibility of player-occupied object icon on map when using faction colours (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 5] Improved logbook to show entries for player-owned ships being attacked or destroyed in red.
    [Beta 5] Improved log message for received surplus, stating location instead of trader name.
    [Beta 5] Improved target monitor display for construction sites and resource probes.
    [Beta 5] Improved weapon aiming stability when time is accelerated and/or frame-rate is low.
    [Beta 5] Improved performance in a number of situations.
    [Beta 5] Improved Tobii support.
    [Beta 6] Improved aiming accuracy of weapons and turrets.
    [Beta 6] Improved low attention combat calculations.
    [Beta 6] Improved cargo drone handling of crates that get destroyed.
    [Beta 6] Improved Flight School tutorial especially when playing with gamepad (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 6] Improved trigger conditions for station budget transfer upkeep missions.
    [Beta 6] Improved suspense music behaviour to reduce interruptions to normal music.
    [Beta 6] Improved sector-specific music behaviour to play more often.
    [Beta 6] Improved visualisation of mission guidance on platforms (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 6 HF1] Improved fighters attacking S or M ships in low attention.
    [Beta 7] Improved handling of capital ships with no cargo drones trying to Get Supplies.
    [Beta 7] Improved pirate balancing by reducing number of Scale Plate pirates.
    [Beta 7] Improved crystal collection balancing by limiting number of valuable crystals on asteroids.
    [Beta 7] Improved stations firing on targets in low attention.
    [Beta 7] Improved map visualisation indicating whether filter layers are active or not.
    [Beta 7] Improved order UI to better show and manage override orders (e.g. a response to a pirate attack or telling a ship to flee)
    [Beta 7] Improved visibility of Oxygen indicator in the HUD (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 7] Improved custom savegame naming behaviour.
    [Beta 8] Improved display of active and total drone amounts in Object Info menu.
    [Beta 8] Improved categorisation of missions and mission offers in map.
    [Beta 8] Improved decision-making on responding to distress calls.
    [Beta 9] Improved Attack capital ships turret mode to also fire on stations.
    [Beta 9] Improved active weapon group display in Object Loadout and Ship Interactions menus (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 9] Improved distribution of drones for loadout presets.
    [Beta 9] Improved missile variety in use by NPC ships.
    [Beta 9] Improved engine characteristics of capital ships.
    [Beta 10] Improved behaviour of undocking ships waiting for the player to get off to proceed if told to do so.
    [Beta 10] Improved escort behaviour for fleet subordinates with assignment Interception (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 10] Improved layout of various menus in ultra-wide resolutions.
    [Beta 10] Improved performance in Accepted Missions menu with many missions.
    [Beta 10 HF 1] Improved fleet subordinates with Attack assignment to disengage or switch targets along with their immediate commander (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 10 HF 1] Improved skill gain for ships trading with their own stations.
    [Beta 10 HF 1] Improved player appearance (in-game!).
