Egosoft X4
  • Jóózsf István #2841
    3.0 BÉTA 7 (HÉT, azaz az hetes verzió! Ennyi a történelem folyamán soha nem volt!!! Nekem kellemetlen!)

    563.6MB (Az megint nem kevés!)
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    SPOILER! Kattints ide a szöveg elolvasásához!

    [Beta 7] Added mission offers to some NPCs on stations.
    [Beta 7] Added currently-active weapon groups to Info menu including option to change them.
    [Beta 7] Added option to set up default loadout levels for station modules per station.
    Changed Bomber ship type designation to Gunboat.
    [Beta 7] Changed default response for player-owned ships to finding lockboxes to Collect.
    [Beta 7] Improved handling of capital ships with no cargo drones trying to Get Supplies.
    [Beta 7] Improved pirate balancing by reducing number of Scale Plate pirates.
    [Beta 7] Improved crystal collection balancing by limiting number of valuable crystals on asteroids.
    [Beta 7] Improved stations firing on targets in low attention.
    [Beta 7] Improved map visualisation indicating whether filter layers are active or not.
    [Beta 7] Improved order UI to better show and manage override orders (e.g. a response to a pirate attack or telling a ship to flee)
    [Beta 7] Improved visibility of Oxygen indicator in the HUD (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 7] Improved custom savegame naming behaviour.
    [Beta 7] Fixed Match Speed remaining enabled when activating travel mode.
    [Beta 7] Fixed weapons not properly activating or deactivating when assigned to both primary and secondary groups.
    [Beta 7] Fixed ships failing to collect drones in crates.
    [Beta 7] Fixed fired NPCs not disembarking their previous ship if able.
    [Beta 7] Fixed player-owned ships executing Explore order ignoring player-set policy in response to finding lockboxes.
    [Beta 7] Fixed fleet commanders recalling subordinates that are not escorting them before moving a long distance (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 7] Fixed members of docked subordinate groups assigned to Attack ignoring Docked setting (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 7] Fixed subordinates taken over by player returning to wrong subordinate group when released (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 7] Fixed inability to change assignments of ships subordinate to ships that already had ten groups assigned (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 7] Fixed ships ordered to stop by police stopping even if they had previously received a preceding order that took them to a different sector.
    [Beta 7] Fixed pirates trying to steal from other pirates belonging to the same faction.
    [Beta 7] Fixed guidance to ships inside local highways while the player is on capital ship.
    [Beta 7] Fixed some mass traffic not appearing around stations of certain factions.
    [Beta 7] Fixed missing criminal traffic in Destroy Criminal Traffic missions.
    [Beta 7] Fixed shortage of Xenon T after the first wave is destroyed (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 7] Fixed flight school getting stuck if player installs upgrade (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 7] Fixed missing Interact menu option to collect individual drops (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 7] Fixed missing new assignment options in Behaviour menu (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 7] Fixed station plan menu sometimes not showing resources for surface elements.
    [Beta 7] Fixed inconsistent Interact menu when selecting objects which you cannot give orders to on map.
    [Beta 7] Fixed interacting with ship consoles on player-owned ships displaying wrong mode of Interact menu (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 7] Fixed positioning of blinking question mark icons on map.
    [Beta 7] Fixed incorrect text sizes on map when using aspect ratios other than 16:9.
    [Beta 7] Fixed map selecting similar objects on double click (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 7] Fixed map selecting similar objects in whole universe instead of just visible ones (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 7] Fixed missile turrets listed in Turret category of the encyclopedia.
    [Beta 7] Fixed broken Ship Interactions menu in rare circumstances.
    [Beta 7] Fixed docking UI staying on screen if docking is no longer possible due to relation loss.
    [Beta 7] Fixed Info menu in map for ships under construction.
    [Beta 7] Fixed another case of map getting stuck to mouse cursor (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 7] Fixed menu crash in the Ship Behaviour menu under certain circumstances.
    [Beta 7] Fixed missing target arrow if object is directly behind player.
    [Beta 7] Fixed ship hull prices which had inadvertently been changed (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 7] Fixed more mission guidance issues on station (problem introduced in 3.00)
    [Beta 7] Fixed HQ research module name for new unlockable gamestart (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 7] Fixed equipment mods gaining extra properties when saving and reloading.
    [Beta 7] Fixed shield position on Ares (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 7] Fixed shield position on Behemoth.
    [Beta 7] Fixed missing windshield collision on Buzzard.
    [Beta 7] Fixed alignment of docks on Atlas in ship upgrade menu.
    [Beta 7] Fixed missing texture on Argon Trading Station wreck.
    [Beta 7] Fixed AI ships often being too loud.
    [Beta 7] Fixed some sounds not being audible.