Egosoft X4
  • Jóózsf István #2626
    Ez most megint nem fog tetszeni némelyeknek.
    Nem fogok vitába bocsátlozni miatta. Ha nem értesz vele egyet, akkor az a te bajod. Mindenki a saját felelősségére olvassa!

    SPOILER! Kattints ide a szöveg elolvasásához!

    Az egosoft is elment a nyomjuk ki a szemét a parasztoknak és akkor talán nem veszik észre, hogy baj van.
    Elsőre, egy másik video-ban én is azt mondtam, hogy "Jé új grafikája van a lövedékeknek. Nem is rossz!" Aztán jött ez.
    NEONPARÁDÉ. Ugyan ez történt a Borderlands 3-al. (Csak ott még a karaktereket is újrarajzolták és hát... Így elb.szni valamit!?!?!?!)
    Egy nagyobb csatában azt se látja az ember, hogy ki-kivel van! ...MINEK???? Jól néz ki? Ja. Az óvodában!

    Ezt nem akartam, de ha már úgy is rontásban vagyunk...; Az elmúlt héten nem kaptunk frissítést, valami okból kifolyólag. Kerek egy hetet csúszott. Ha most tényleg teljesen rosszindulatú lennék, akkor azt írnám: Azért, mert nem gyűlt össze elegendő hiba, amit az új verzióba beleírhattak volna! De úgy néz ki, két hét alatt sikerült... A változásjegyzék két kilométer hosszú. De a júzerek se maradtak adósok. Írtunk egy méghosszabb hibalistát.

    New Feature: Improved graphics engine to support new visual effects.
    New Feature: Better sound effects.
    New Feature: Virtual seminars and quicker skill progression for crew training.
    New Feature: Configurable alert system.
    New Feature: Individual and group crew transfer.
    New Feature: Policing options for player-owned space.
    New Feature: Ability to dock using a spacesuit directly.
    New Feature: Improvements to menus including Map, Encyclopedia, Logical Station Overview and Logbook.
    New Feature: Improved target display and mission guidance.
    New Feature: More control over drones and turrets.
    New Feature: Alternative steering methods including head tracking systems and X3 retro mode.
    Added tutorial gamestarts (Flight School, Combat Scenario and Advanced Gameplay).
    Added new paint themes for player ships.
    Added weapon mods that increase damage done to surface elements.
    Added skill gains for crews opening lockboxes, exploring ships discovering stations and gates, and returning from ventures.
    Added order parameter to forbid attacking ships from boosting.
    Added option to arm/disarm turrets in ship interaction menu.
    Added option to call stored ships to dock via its console.
    Added option to (de)activate multiple deployables at once.
    Added option to control the turret modes on stations.
    Added option to rename fleets (formerly known as wings).
    Added order to collect player-owned deployables.
    Added shortcut to scan ships in scan mode.
    Added drone modes to specify when defence drones launch.
    Added Attack Capital Ships and Attack Fighters weapon modes.
    Added Remove All Assignments option when multiple ships are selected on map.
    Added more variations to existing missions.
    Added support for dragging positions of all orders which show position information on map.
    Added Distress Drones sent from ships attacked in friendly territory but far away from any stations, to report attacks to the police.
    Added option to change player organisation name independently from player name.
    Added option to focus map on object currently viewed in Info or Behaviour menu.
    Added 'station' keyword to map search.
    Added confirmation when entering space suit.
    Added cursor movement, selection and delete features to text edit boxes.
    Added options to invert emulated mouse cursor axes and mouse steering controls.
    Added NPC skills and post/role to target monitor.
    Added information about pilot's current command to Behaviour menu.
    Added new Info tabs in map and updated layout.
    Added ship type to Info menu for ships.
    Added subordinate list to Info menu for ships and stations.
    Added surface element hull status to loadout Info tab.
    Added information about which factions produce ship to Info menu and Encyclopedia.
    Added known production module overview per sector to Encyclopedia.
    Added list of known illegal wares to the Encyclopedia entries of factions with police forces.
    Added new-entry marker to individual Encyclopedia and Timeline entries.
    Added information on which inventory items are obtainable via crafting to Encyclopedia.
    Added option to hide statistics section in Logical Station Overview.
    Added consumption and production numbers to storage nodes in Logical Station Overview.
    Added Alert and News categories to Logbook.
    Added option to export Logbook as tab-separated text file (use "/exportlogbook example.txt" in chat window, exports to game sub-folder of documents folder).
    Added support for showing pages in Logbook thereby removing limit of 1000 entries that can be shown.
    Added input icons in Controls menu and several other menus.
    Added 'forcehmd' command line parameter for head tracking systems.
    Added sound device selection option.
    [Beta 2] Added option to sort saved games by name or date (improvement in 3.00).
    [Beta 2] Added Request Docking Permission option to the interact menu of docking bays.
    [Beta 2] Added limited drone mode settings to NPC-controlled ships in Info menu (new feature in 3.00)
    [Beta 3] Added groups for organisation of squad subordinates.
    [Beta 3] Added new assignments for fleet subordinates.
    [Beta 3] Added Trade assignment for subordinates of fleet auxiliary ships.
    [Beta 3] Added new mission bar pointing to changed mission objective.
    [Beta 3] Added tooltips for cut-off ware names in Inventory menu.
    [Beta 3] Added means to collapse inventory list in new Crew Info menu (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 3] Added new icon for stations under construction.
    [Beta 3] Added HUD icons to show what kind of missile is loaded in missile launcher.
    [Beta 3] Added more suitable icons for service crew and marines.
    [Beta 3] Added sound effect when aim-ahead indicator changes state (new feature in 3.00).
    Changed Bomber ship type designation to Gunboat.
    Removed loadout options from ship configuration menu at resupply ships.
    Removed possibility to give new orders to ships without a pilot.
    Removed restrictions for reassigning crew (via comm) on a single ship in space.
    Removed 500m restriction for (de)activating deployables.
    Removed Squad category from Logbook (merged with Upkeep category).
    [Beta 3] Removed delay before trade offers update after changing offers for intermediate wares in LSO (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 3] Removed drone mode support for stations (unintended change in 3.00).
    Improved faction mine placement.
    Improved trader deal selection and cargo space utilisation logic.
    Improved fighter behaviour by preventing them using boost in combat if they have less than 50% shields.
    Improved smuggler behaviour by adjusting wares traded in depending on what is illegal in their area of operation.
    Improved Explore order behaviour and parameters.
    Improved AI/autopilot collision avoidance when flying through asteroid fields.
    Improved fleet coordination when moving through gates.
    Improved several cases of shakiness when flying on autopilot.
    Improved stability of drones undocking from capital ships.
    Improved encounters by increasing distance from sector centre that system considers deep-space.
    Improved character pathing on large dock areas to better take elevator distances into account.
    Improved ammunition usage of stations when player is not present.
    Improved transition from travel mode to docking by allowing ships to approach closer with travel mode active.
    Improved automatic storage allocation when multiple different storage types (container, solid, liquid) are available.
    Improved detection of gravidar contacts in remote sectors.
    Improved information about licence requirements at blueprint trader and in Encyclopedia.
    Improved visual consistency of building and recycling station modules.
    Improved presentation of already-built modules in station Build menu by grouping by type.
    Improved shopping list in ship Build menu.
    Improved sorting of objects by name in Map.
    Improved layout of Object List and Property Owned menus in Map to reduce text cut-off.
    Improved visualisation of modes with charge time such as Travel Mode or SETA.
    Improved Logbook timestamps to show how much time has passed since logbook entry.
    Improved Save and Load menus.
    Improved context menu header when using context menu while having other ships selected.
    Improved subtitles by making them wider and preventing last lines from having only one word.
    Improved support for gamepad text input overlay for Steam Big Picture mode.
    Improved visibility of game hints.
    [Beta 2] Improved behaviour of player-owned police ships to respond to distress calls where attacker is hostile to player (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 2] Improved menu navigation with controller/keyboard in Player Information menu.
    [Beta 2] Improved behaviour of fleeing ships.
    [Beta 2] Improved chances of morale gain.
    [Beta 2] Improved in-game tutorials.
    [Beta 3] Improved mission reward scaling with faction relation.
    [Beta 3] Improved Protect Station order to include protection of station construction sites.
    [Beta 3] Improved visibility of current order icon in Object List and Property Owned menus.
    [Beta 3] Improved brightness of lowlighted trade offer text to make it actually readable.
    [Beta 3] Improved docking of pods used for crew transfer if multiple pods are required for the transfer (new feature in 3.0).
    Fixed NPC-owned ships attached to fleets with resupply ship not preferring their designated resupply ship.
    Fixed laser towers not being able to aim correctly against player ship.
    Fixed ships failing to disengage when attacking target whose ownership changes due to being abandoned.
    Fixed fighters continuing to fire forward-mounted guns while firing forward-mounted missiles.
    Fixed docked ships firing their forward-mounted weapons.
    Fixed rare case resulting in ships docked at wrecked platforms.
    Fixed ships docking at stations always moving towards station's icon before moving to dock with some station setups.
    Fixed ships' captains saying Awaiting Orders after attacking if their default order potentially leads to attack.
    Fixed ships with turrets not stopping firing if they change ownership and their targets are no longer hostile.
    Fixed ships no longer attacking after losing their commander while in formation.
    Fixed another case of station-based drones not being recovered.
    Fixed ships in combat not consuming ammunition when player is not present.
    Fixed ships being able to be set to protect stations or ships that are hostile to them.
    Fixed pirates inadvertently causing limited wars between NPC factions.
    Fixed sector patrols only patrolling small area within sector.
    Fixed police ships responding to their own distress calls.
    Fixed escape pods attempting to look for stations in a highway.
    Fixed escape pod behaviour to be consistent whether player is present or not.
    Fixed mining ships mining in hostile territory.
    Fixed excessive delays when ordering a ship to deploy deployables at a location.
    Fixed behaviour of transport drones collecting crates for capital ships.
    Fixed drones fleeing when attacked.
    Fixed orphaned defence drones getting orders to patrol sector.
    Fixed inactive satellites still uncovering space.
    Fixed lasertowers launched by fleeing ships not shooting at their attacker.
    Fixed dropped inventory/cargo crates that cannot be picked up by ship that dropped them due to missing collisions.
    Fixed some Argon and Antigone ships not having crews.
    Fixed Ion weapons doing damage to hull when player is not present.
    Fixed EMP missile effects on travel mode and boost.
    Fixed being able to claim ships by using EMP and repairing signal leak.
    Fixed being able to unlock trade subscriptions at enemy stations.
    Fixed subordinates of ships with docking facilities sometimes not responding to external events for excessive periods after having docked.
    Fixed subordinates potentially waiting a long time if their commander moves into highway or through gate to different sector while in formation.
    Fixed fighter escorts flying in formation not doing damage to their commander's target in combat when player is not present.
    Fixed ships remaining subordinate to sold ships.
    Fixed crew of ship that is personally piloted by player not getting skill gains.
    Fixed mission to retrieve item from target ship not having an objective to return it.
    Fixed mismatch between upkeep mission to give station managers more money and corresponding notification in message ticker.
    Fixed budgets of player-owned stations changing when funds are transferred to or from station build storage.
    Fixed player-owned shipyards and equipment docks that make no money from trades not sending surplus funds to player account.
    Fixed station budget being incorrectly set when taking money from stations using Account Management menu.
    Fixed funds on build storage and station accounts not being transferred back to player when objects are destroyed or removed.
    Fixed changing assignments in order queue menu not changing behaviour.
    Fixed station rooms changing doors when revisiting.
    Fixed player facing wall after teleporting.
    Fixed engines on Condor and Stork not being protected by shield generators (new ships only, fix for existing ships will be added in an upcoming build).
    Fixed incorrect turret position on Magnetar.
    Fixed missing faction logo and missing lights in transporter room on Nodan.
    Fixed mirrored ID text on Plutus.
    Fixed landing gear not being visible on Nodan and Quasar.
    Fixed spotlights on Quasar not turning off after landing.
    Fixed shield and hull values in Selected Objects section of map being calculated incorrectly.
    Fixed Location and Object not being displayed in the Order Queue menu for one partner of a ware exchange.
    Fixed Manage Funds option not opening correct information tab.
    Fixed weapons in weapon panel being displayed as active in both weapon sets, while weapon is only active in either primary or secondary set.
    Fixed build progress display for station modules that are being rebuilt.
    Fixed missing objective progress visualisation in mission briefing context menu.
    Fixed conversation with manager working for player not displaying correct options.
    Fixed missing shield info for S and M ships in Encyclopedia.
    Fixed Encyclopedia entries for star systems not showing description texts.
    Fixed wrong inventory wares being marked as read.
    Fixed appearance of pending upgrade warning.
    Fixed turret mode dropdown options not being in intended order.
    Fixed order of ships in the undock menu.
    Fixed jumping column selection in order queue.
    Fixed player name reverting to default if aborting renaming process.
    Fixed cases of NPC occupation name not matching crew gender (e.g. Crewman vs Crewwoman).
    Fixed formatting error in construction-related Logbook messages.
    Fixed Numpad key bindings not working for first-person movement on platforms.
    Fixed mouse cursor remaining visible after saving game in first-person mode.
    Fixed rare cases of target elements not being displayed while they should and vice-versa.
    Fixed various issues with mission guidance targets.
    Fixed non-working subtitles during intro scenes when starting a new game through Start menu.
    Fixed physics not working correctly in certain rooms until player enters.
    Fixed very rare situation where ships could rapidly flicker between two positions.
    Fixed Boost Toggle game option not working at all.
    Fixed Pause key not working during text input.
    Fixed issues when looking straight up or down in first person.
    Fixed external target view sometimes incorrectly returning to cockpit.
    Fixed broken voice playback when closing Timeline menu.
    [Beta 2] Fixed claiming sector ownership not working. (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 2] Fixed ships in fleets whose fleet commander is fleet auxiliary ship or carrier not resupplying at their fleet commander.
    [Beta 2] Fixed S and M ships with no subordinates not using highways when travelling to distant sectors along ring highway (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 2] Fixed non-capital ships sometimes getting stuck after using gates (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 2] Fixed ships docking at ships that change ownership to hostile not always aborting dock attempt.
    [Beta 2] Fixed newly-built ships not detecting other objects (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 2] Fixed objects not being detected while inside a highway (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 2] Fixed missing new default paint themes for existing games (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 2] Fixed application of virtual seminars not consuming items (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 2] Fixed Accept Estimate button in station construction menu sometimes transferring large amounts of money to player account (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 2] Fixed ability to sell mandatory software upgrades.
    [Beta 2] Fixed characters greeting the player repeatedly during a conversation.
    [Beta 2] Fixed incorrect options on interact menu for player-owned ships without a pilot.
    [Beta 2] Fixed station construction budget estimate not taking existing resources in build storage into account (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 2] Fixed station Info menu if the station has no operational modules yet (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 2] Fixed missing shield and turret options for M ships in ship comparison menu (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 2] Fixed missing deploy option in the loadout Info menu (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 2] Fixed construction drones missing in loadout Info menu (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 2] Fixed venture menu not showing venture ships (problem introduced in 3.00)
    [Beta 2] Fixed new-entry marker on certain items in Encyclopedia not being removed when entry is read.
    [Beta 2] Fixed most cases of achievements being granted during tutorial (problem introduced in 3.00)
    [Beta 2] Fixed incorrect variation name for Teladi Cormorant (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 2] Fixed pink heads on certain Split characters (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 2] Fixed eyeballs floating above some NPCs' heads (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 2] Fixed strange shadows on some NPC's faces (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 3] Fixed spontaneously jumping to a different sector while flying around.
    [Beta 3] Fixed some cases of ships or docking guidance going through geometry.
    [Beta 3] Fixed undocking ships finding themselves far from the thing they were undocking from.
    [Beta 3] Fixed Xenon wharves not being able to rebuild their build modules.
    [Beta 3] Fixed frozen build modules that are otherwise fully operational (symptom fixed but cause not yet identified).
    [Beta 3] Fixed intermediate products not being sold in automatic mode when stock levels exceed stations own need (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 3] Fixed sector ownership not transferring correctly when gifting certain stations to a faction (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 3] Fixed player-owned build storage no longer functioning because of missing manager.
    [Beta 3] Fixed player-owned stations never preemptively firing on nearby hostile objects despite turrets being set to an attack option (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 3] Fixed ships with turrets continuing to fire on targets that they are trying to disable although targets are below hull threshold.
    [Beta 3] Fixed police ships attacking attackers of object under investigation if investigated object proves to be hostile (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 3] Fixed ships recalling subordinates while in combat.
    [Beta 3] Fixed boarding ships sometimes not launching boarding pods when they should.
    [Beta 3] Fixed XS laser towers getting stuck on deployment.
    [Beta 3] Fixed data vaults not visibly retaining their state when returned to later.
    [Beta 3] Fixed crew exchange between two ships that are both already docked at the same ship or station (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 3] Fixed unlocking signal leaks sometimes not having an effect.
    [Beta 3] Fixed some passengers standing around in the elevator after entering a ship (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 3] Fixed doors sometimes staying open when they should close.
    [Beta 3] Fixed teleporter cabin door not opening reliably.
    [Beta 3] Fixed sometimes not being able to target an NPC by pointing at the body.
    [Beta 3] Fixed inability to re-scan previously-scanned ships that have returned to a covered state.
    [Beta 3] Fixed excessive sector zoom on map.
    [Beta 3] Fixed station icons or mission guidance sometimes ending up outside the sector hex on map.
    [Beta 3] Fixed radius display of some orders and mission objectives on map being scaled incorrectly.
    [Beta 3] Fixed newly-added resource regions not being reflected by hex colour on map.
    [Beta 3] Fixed bomb launcher icon remaining greyed out even when activated (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 3] Fixed missing Redesign option for multiple ships in interact menu (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 3] Fixed not being able to reassign crew in Crew Info menu using tier-specific sliders (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 3] Fixed missing Promote best crewmember to Pilot/Captain option in Crew Info menu (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 3] Fixed Promote best crewmember to Pilot button crewmember in a state where they can't be reassigned.
    [Beta 3] Fixed account management in Info menu for stations with no operational modules (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 3] Fixed equipment in Ship Comparison menu being in random order (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 3] Fixed Ship Configuration menu sometimes showing upgrades in wrong slots.
    [Beta 3] Fixed menu crash when looking at Kha'ak ships in Ship Comparison menu (new feature in 3.00).
    [Beta 3] Fixed missing Interact menu when new mode text is very short (e.g. in non-alphabetic languages).
    [Beta 3] Fixed Manage Plot menu not working after opening map with superhighway as current target.
    [Beta 3] Fixed Ship Configuration menu not working any more after opening another menu via shortcut while its save loadout dialog was open.
    [Beta 3] Fixed new-entry markers on certain items reappearing on loading a savegame (problem introduced in 3.00).
    [Beta 3] Fixed trade context menu missing elements in certain situations.
    [Beta 3] Fixed missing menu elements in Ship Configuration menu in certain resolutions.
    [Beta 3] Fixed war rooms or guild offices sometimes using incorrect corridor for race.
    [Beta 3] Fixed asymmetric turret layout on Odysseus.
    [Beta 3] Fixed flickering monitors in Nemesis cockpit.
    [Beta 3] Fixed visible spacesuit wreckage.
    [Beta 3] Fixed intermittent short sounds in space.
    [Beta 3] Fixed sounds of M Bolt Repeaters lasting too long.
    [Beta 3] Worked around build processes taking longer than they should (full solution will be implemented in a future update).
    Fixed short freeze when opening the station build menu in some cases.
    Fixed very rare freeze condition.
    Fixed causes of several performance issues in specific circumstances.
    [Beta 3] Fixed regular pauses under certain Linux configurations.
    [Beta 3] Fixed several causes of minor memory leaks.
    [Beta 3] Fixed several causes of crashes.